Strategic Planning Form – Goals, Action Plans, Assessment – Business Affairs FY2012-2013
Program/Unit/Area: / Business Affairs AREA Prioritized Goals / Preparer: Edwin Deas / Supervisor: PresidentFY 2012/2013 Program Goal Unit Goal Area Goal X (Check Appropriate Box) / College wide Goal
1. / RG 4 - Complete new emergency preparedness plan for the college, via contract, incorporated in the plan will be training RG components and exercises.
2. / SR 4 - Further reduce energy consumption and secure rebates from SCE / 1,4,5
3. / ED 1 - Lead development of four satellite campuses / 1, 3 & 4
4. / WE 1 - District financial reporting accuracy to provide an Unqualified Audit Report / 1
5. / RG 3 - Complete testing of the save haven locking system
6. / SR 1 - Implement a building Life Cycle v Reserve Cash flow management program / 1,4,5
7. / WE 2 - Develop records imaging system for the District / 6
8. / ED 2 - Lead transformation of international education to internationalization of the college / 1, 3 & 4
9. / SR 2 - Improve Bond reporting for project Sequencing, Cash Flow, and Design Guidelines / 1,4,5
10. / WE 3 - Develop Management Accounting System and Easier Access to Financial Accounting System / 6
11. / ED 4 - Develop management accounting system and procedures / 6
12. / RG 2 - Work with the planning of the Indio and West Valley Campus
13. / SR 3 - Connect College 5yr plan, Space Inventory, BIM building documents and other data to State’s Onuma System in Fusion / 1
14. / ED 3 - Assist in staff recruitment and retention strategy / 2
15. / RG 1 - Fill vacant Security Officer positions, to bring staffing to prior level
Goal # / Obj # / Objectives / Responsible Unit/Area
1. / 1.1. / RG - Contact with person to wright the new emergency preparedness manual for the college / Security
1.2. / RG - Evaluate preparation of the manual and complete review of the completed product, review training and exercises / Security
2. / 2.1. / SR - Identify operational savings and mechanical retrofits to reduce consumption; saving energy costs / Dir, Facilities
3. / 3.1. / ED - Develop EVC-Indio / VP / Cabinet / Facilities / Consultants / Municipalities
3.2. / ED - Develop EVC-Mecca/Thermal / VP / Cabinet / Facilities / Consultants / Municipalities
3.3. / ED - Develop WVC – Desert Hot Springs / VP / Cabinet / Facilities / Consultants / Municipalities
3.4. / ED - Develop WVC – Palm Springs / VP / Cabinet / Facilities / Consultants / Municipalities
4. / 4.1. / WE - Accuracy of the Chancellor Office reports / Fiscal Services
4.2. / WE - Complete 11-12 Independent Audit / Fiscal Services
4.3. / WE - Receive and Unqualified Opinion / Auditors
5. / 5.1. / RG - Evaluate prototype locking system / Security
6. / 6.1. / SR - Test and install lifecycle management program / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
7. / 7.1. / WE - Through procurement process install a new records imaging system for the District / Fiscal Services/IS/EIS
8. / 8.1. / ED - As an alternative to the previous goal to develop and roll out Internationalization Plan for review and adoption, pursue achievement of the same by less formal means / VP / Director of IE / Cabinet / Advisory Committee / Campus
9. / 9.1. / SR - Have more effective, usable Bond Program management tools / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
10. / 10.1. / WE - Budget management system capable of interfacing with Galaxy. / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.2. / WE - Enhance Galaxy into COD procedures with RCOE / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.3. / WE - Improve inquiry and other procedures in Galaxy / Fiscal Services
11. / 11.1. / ED - Develop Management Accounting System in conjunction with Galaxy and retain alternative plan / VP / Director of Fiscal Services / Users
12. / 12.1. / RG - Work closely with consultants for both new campuses / Security
12.2. / RG - Evaluate security measures for both new campuses, personnel, alarm and video / Security
13. / 13.1. / SR - Assemble various building data into a one stop aggregated program / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
14. / 14.1. / ED - Collaborate on plan and implementation for effective recruitment and retention of staff / President / VP / Executive Director of HR / Cabinet
15. / 15.1. / RG - Work towards filling the two (2) vacant Security Officer Positions / Security
15.2. / RG- Increase the size of the Call In Officer pool to allow for more flexibility of scheduling / Security
Obj # / Action Plan # / Action Plan (What specific steps will you take to implement your goals and objectives) / Responsible Unit/Area
1.1. / 1.1.1. / RG - Have a completed emergency preparedness manual in place by fall 2012 / Security/ Consultants
1.2. / 1.2.1. / RG - Complete training in CERT for some leadership members and complete exercises / Security
2.1. / 2.1.1. / SR - Recommend temperature settings to maximize savings. Adjust operating program to further trim energy use / Dir, Facilities
3.1. / 3.1.1. / ED - Lead design and construction / VP / Facilities / Users / Consultants
3.1.2. / ED - Resource campus operations / VP / Cabinet / Users
3.2. / 3.2.1. / ED - Lead design and construction / VP / Facilities / Users / Consultants
3.2.2. / ED - Resource campus operations / VP / Cabinet / Users
3.3. / 3.3.1. / ED - Lead design and construction / VP / Facilities / Users / Consultants
3.3.2. / ED - Resource campus operations / VP / Cabinet / Users
3.4. / 3.4.1. / ED - Lead design and construction / VP / Facilities / Users / Consultants
3.4.2. / ED - Resource campus operations / VP / Cabinet / Users
4.1. / 4.1.1. / WE - Work with all related departments on accuracy of the reports sent to Chancellor’s Office to serve as a fiscal accountability statement / Fiscal Services
4.1.2. / WE - Work on monthly reconciliations of Galaxy accounts for audit purposes / Fiscal Services/New Auditors
4.2. / 4.2.1. / WE - Complete the 11/12 Independent Audit and prepare the financial statements of the District. / Fiscal Services/New Auditors
4.2.2. / WE - Utilize consultants to improve audit worksheets and prepare audit report / Fiscal Services
4.3. / 4.3.1. / Work with new auditors to get issue an Unqualified Opinion on annual audit / Fiscal Services/New Auditors
5.1. / 5.1.1. / RG - Evaluate the completed locking system for installation on campus / Security/Consultants
6.1. / 6.1.1. / SR - Test MARS and School Dude programs / Dir, Facilities
6.1.2. / SR - Coordinate actual revenues with Foundation. Install in program / Dir, Facilities
6.1.3. / SR - Provide year by year funding needs for scheduled maintenance using Capital Campaign and other funding / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
7.1. / 7.1.1. / WE - Work with target groups of users / Fiscal Services/EIS/Student Services/IS
7.1.2. / WE - Do needs analysis of user group requirements and how the system installed is working / Fiscal Services/Student Services/IS
7.1.3. / WE - Work with EIS in selection of companies replying to RFP for imaging system / Fiscal Services/IS
7.1.4. / WE - Through procurement process select product for use / Fiscal Services/IS
7.1.5. / WE - Complete implementation plan for installation / Fiscal Services/IS
7.1.6. / WE - Train target groups of individuals for imaging system in TLC / Fiscal Services
8.1. / 8.1.1. / ED - Work with Director to establish goals oriented development plan and communication strategy / VP / Director of IE / Advisory Committee
9.1. / 9.1.1. / SR - Provide and use Project Sequencing / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
9.1.2. / SR - Provide program cash flow projections and Bond staffing needs / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
10.1. / 10.1.1. / WE - Director of Fiscal Services and with Dean of Information Systems explore the feasibility of acquiring or developing an in-house budget management system capable of interfacing with Galaxy. / Fiscal Services/ Dean of Information Systems
10.1.2. / WE - Work with RCOE on possible interfacing solutions / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.2. / 10.2.1. / WE - Continue to work to implement enhancements in Galaxy into COD procedures with RCOE. / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.2.2. / WE - Serve on RCOE Galaxy Prioritization committee / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.3. / 10.3.1. / WE - Explore improvements inquiry and other procedures in Galaxy through my participation in Galaxy user group. / Fiscal Services/RCOE
10.3.2. / WE - Explore improvements inquiry and other procedures in Galaxy through my participation in Galaxy user group. / Fiscal Services/RCOE
11.1. / 11.1.1. / ED - Continue to determine needs with user groups / VP / Director of Fiscal Services / Users
11.1.2. / ED - Explore options for development / VP / Cabinet
12.1. / 12.1.1. / RG - Meet with consultants for the Indio and West Valley projects / Security/Consultants
12.2. / 12.2.1. / RG - Make recommendations for physical security, alarm security and camera security / Security/Consultants
13.1. / 13.1.1. / SR - Aggregate various Building Information System data with State Fusion in Onuma Program. Provide to campus / Dir, Facilities/Consultant
14.1. / 14.1.1. / ED - Assist in development of plan and resource implementation. Develop bargaining strategies to contribute to goal. / Pres / VP / Executive Director of HR / Cabinet
15.1. / 15.1.1. / RG - Work with the HR department to fill vacant Security Officer positions / Security/ HR
15.2. / 15.2.1. / RG - Work with the HR department to hire more call-in Security Officers / Security /HR
Why should this goal be done? Provide an up to date emergency preparedness manual
RG / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? This manual will be for the complete campus
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Have a complete and usable emergency manual
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes, meets the requirements of accreditation
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Yes, a complete and usable emergency preparedness manual for the college
2. / Why should this goal be done? To address further budget reductions by lowering utilities consumption and costs.
SR / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Freeing up funds for other needs
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Yes. If room temps and other room usage items are agreed upon this would require campus wide acceptance of the principals as a means to reducing costs. Examples in the area of room temps and lighting durations and levels
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? no
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Safety would be a key priority
3. / Why should this goal be done? Bond commitment
ED / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Diversity and growth of College
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Requires support from all areas of College
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Legal — bond program; Accreditation — diversity and pedagogical obligations
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Not directly
4. / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? Ensure appropriate use of public funds
WE / Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes, tracking allocations of funds to departments
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how Yes, Business Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs are impacted by proper reporting
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Sound fiscal practice
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how? No
5. / Why should this goal be done? To provide safe haven room in case of a lock down
RG / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Will provide a safe haven locking system campus wide
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Enhance overall campus safety
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes, will bring us into compliance with new state law
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Yes, provide safe haven locking system for the campus
6. / Why should this goal be done? To provide a year by year funding plan for use of Capital Campaign funds for Scheduled Maintenance.
SR / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? To help maintain new and renovated buildings in best condition
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?None known
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? None known
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Potentially. Maintenance of buildings can prevent safety problems.
7. / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? To ensure confidential records are maintained as required
WE / Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes, all areas
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Yes, all areas
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Continuous quality improvement is central to accreditation
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how? No
8. / Why should this goal be done? Fulfill programmatic and fiscal potential
ED / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? College – fiscal, reputation; Schools and departments —fiscal and programmatic; Community —exposure and awareness
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Requires support and participation
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Accreditation —meets diversity and pedagogical requirements
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Not directly
9. / Why should this goal be done? To provide more accurate program management tools, ensuring adequate scheduling and fund allocations.
SR / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes, by completion on time and on budget of sequenced projects
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? None known
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Fiscally sound management practices
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? None known
10. / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? COD has weak administrative systems and practices
WE / Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Program and service budget management, accountability and decision-making
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Training
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Continuous quality improvement is central to accreditation
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how? No
11. / Why should this goal be done? Continuous improvement, management function, dire need
ED / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Budget management and fiscal accountability
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? No
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Legal —audit internal control standards; Accreditation —demonstration of fiscal management
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Not directly
12. / Why should this goal be done? Do security planning for new campuses
RG / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? Yes, project security needs for new campuses, physical , electronic and video
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Yes, Working closely with the consulting teams
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes, provides better security services for future campuses
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Yes, improves services provided by the security department
13. / Why should this goal be done? To provide broad spectrum of facilities information to campus constituents and Chancellor’s Office
SR / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes, if will provide a consolidated location for a variety of building information
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? No
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? No
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? None known
14. / Why should this goal be done? Continuous improvement leading to student success
ED / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? All areas
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Not particularly
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Accreditation — continuous quality improvement
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Not significantly
15. / Why should this goal be done? Bring Security staffing up to full staffing
RG / Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Provide more security staff for campus protection
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?Working with HR department
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes, campus safety and emergency preparedness
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? Yes, bring the security department up to full staffing
Resources Requested for Action Plans
(allocate $$ amount for each column, if applicable)
Plan # / Staff/Faculty / Operations / Equipment / Facilities / TOTAL
1.1.1. / RG / Cost of completion of a new emergency preparedness manual
2.1.1. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
3.1.1. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.1.2. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.2.1. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.2.2. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.3.1. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.3.2. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.4.1. / ED / $ Bond Funded
3.4.2. / ED / $ Bond Funded
4.1.1. / WE / No additional resources required in timeframe
4.1.2. / WE / $ditto
4.2.1. / WE / $ditto
4.2.2. / WE / $ditto
4.3.1. / WE / $ditto
5.1.1. / RG / Cost of installation of new locking system
6.1.1. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
6.1.2. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
6.1.3. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
7.1.1. / WE / No additional resources required in timeframe
7.1.2. / WE / $ditto
7.1.3. / WE / $ditto
7.1.4. / WE / $ditto
7.1.5. / WE / $ditto
7.1.6. / WE / $ditto
8.1.1. / ED / $ Self-Funded Business Plan
9.1.1. / SR - Director, SR - Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
9.1.2. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
10.1.1. / WE - All areas / Out of Bond / Out of Bond / $400,000
10.1.2. / WE / Out of General Fund / Out of General Fund / $ 50,000 estimated
10.2.1. / WE / $ No additional resources required in timeframe
10.2.2. / WE / $ditto
10.3.1. / WE / $ditto
10.3.2. / WE / $ditto
11.1.1. / ED / $TBA
11.2.1. / ED / $TBA
12.1.1. / RG / At building of facility
12.2.1. / RG / At building of facility
13.1.1. / SR - Director, Facilities / $ All Bond or RDA
14.1.1. / ED / $ TBA
15.1.1. / RG – TBD
15.2.1. / RG – TBD
Assessment(how will you measure the “success” of your goal)and Indicators(the specific information that will be collected)
Goal # / Who is Responsible? / Assessment Interval (When will you measure?) / Method of Assessment (How will you measure?) / Target Result (What will change and by how much?) / Indicator (What are you measuring?)
1. / RG - Security Director / Continuous / Complete contracting process with author of new manual plan training and exercises for emergency plans / New up to date emergency preparedness manual / Completed project
2. / SR - Dir. Facilities Services / Summer 2012 / Reduced consumption and cost demonstrated by billing / Lower Utilities Consumption / Utilities consumption and cost
3. / ED - VP/College / Continuous / Various milestones toward ultimate campus opening / Physical capacity increase / Physical space capacity and diversity