Establishing a Building Level Team: Group Discussion by Building
1. Who needs to be on your Building Team? Be specific.
Arcade – Character Ed. Committee (one member from each grade level), people who have been trained in CKH, people who are truly interested, representative from cafeteria, representative from BOCES classes, administrator/back-up, special ed. Representative, CST/RTI representative, parent, TAs (pd), custodial staff.
Delevan – Jeannene (back-up if available), TA/aide, psychologist, CST, Mary Becker-home-school liaison, special area, representative from each grade, parent/PTA, community member/leader (mayor of Delevan), BOCES rep, cafeteria, custodian, anyone that is interested.
HS - Administrator, community member, 9-12 student members, teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, aides, TA’s, bus staff
MS – Have: 1-2 each grade level, 2 special ed, 1 exploratory, school counselor, aide
Need: another exploratory in addition to Deb L, more males, parent(s), bus driver, café monitor, support staff
2. What would it take for people to commit to being on a team in your building?
Arcade – Regular faculty meeting focus (embedded), support embedded in the day, part of daily routine (before cafeteria time), systematic – across the board = School Pride – Administrators to teachers to students, CKH training for all
Delevan – willing to commit to attend meetings at different times, able to discuss in a positive/collaborative manner, follow through and support, “Someone to back the group up” from top down (superintendent to principals to group to teacher, etc), consistency in expectations and consequences
HS – commitment from smaller groups, buy-in with grade levels, substitutes (rotations of duties so meetings can occur during day), support from admin with those who drag down the building, reward those who are consistent, morale boosters, baby steps, transition times, administrators and teachers agree to expectations and consistently reinforce!, transitions – bus, café, hallway, bathrooms, after-school waiting areas.
MS – already in place – need ongoing support from admin and teachers
3. To support the team: What can colleagues and staff do? What can administration do? What systems of support need to be in place?
Arcade – model with one another, PBIS kickoff social, build building relationship (grade level socials (simple), book share/coffee), leadership setting tone, red/green light day scheduled, connect lunch/planning time – extended planning time, each grade level adopts business – poster/connection, monthly school spirit
Delevan – people need to portray positive attitudes, teachers/staff encourage each other, share ideas, admin-cafeteria consequences are not the same for all students, model the expectations for behaviors (skits), possible student monitors, be creative to keep students occupied and safe – movies, bathrooms-skits, hallway – quiet/orderly, positive motivation –tickets for being good (catch them being good), share data regularly, must have communication regularly, be consistent, class profile day – very helpful.
HS – respect/support hall monitors from all sides, shift the paradigm from empowering all staff, rather than reducing adults by coming in and rescuing them (aides/t.a vs teachers/adm), Model appropriate respectful behavior and thus students will follow, more support for behavior, prioritize behavioral supports- ICE monitor (training; background in SWD), power in numbers, min./max. security areas, keep all team members/staff encouraged, share creative methods/techniques among ourselves.
MS – time, positive and informational feedback, patience, trust, reminders, collegiality, reorganize faculty meeting time, use team/department meetings to embed/reinforce, anonymity when collecting process data, kept in the loop, 2-way communication across building – keep exploratories in the loop, a continuum of negative consequences – something between detention and ISS.