Eagle UpdateMarch 5, 2018
Step Up for Students checks are in. Please sign this week!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, March 12. Teacher Professional Day
Early Dismissal 1:30 on WednesdayMarch 14. All students who are not in Champions or School Readiness should be picked up in the car line between 1:30-1:50.
Easter Holiday3/29 – 4/6. Classes resume April 9.
Iowa Assessments March 5-9, Grades 2-8 – Arrive at School on Time By 7:50!
Students in grades 2-8 are taking the Iowa Assessments from March 5-9. Encourage your child(ren) to: Excel and do their best. Help your child(ren) do well on the test by coming to school: well-rested,on time by 7:50, and having had a nourishing breakfast. Students arriving after 8 am risk missing early morning tests; be on time! A free breakfast is available for all students arriving by 7:30 a.m.
Dental Van Preventative Dental Services at No Cost to Parent
Take advantage of this free community service! The Dental van is scheduled for March 20-21 from 8:30 am-1:00 pm. Parent consent forms for the dental program are enclosed today. Your child cannot participate without a signed consent form. Return the forms—one per child—no later than March 19. See enclosed form for more details.
TWO URGENT TASKS TO COMPLETE THIS WEEK–Call office if you need help.
- Online Reenrollment for returning students through the Parent Portal. If you are not returning, log in and click on “Will Not Enroll.” Call the office if you need assistance with the process.
- Complete an Admissions Inquiry for any new child you want to enroll next year (typically PK3)
- Online Reenrollment for 2018-19
Online Reenrollment for all families—returning and not returning—is done through the Parent Portal.
* Log onto school website
* On left side of screen click on Parents Web icon.
* Log into your account OR… Click on Create New Parents Web Account
* After logging in, click on FAMILY INFORMATION.
* Select Enrollment/Reenrollment under Family Information
* Click on “Start Enrollment Packet.”OR… Click on “Will Not Enroll” if you are not returning.
* Complete an Enrollment Packet for each child who is returning next year.
Please note: returning parents DO NOT complete an Online Application. Returning families DO complete Online Reenrollment through the Parent Portal.
- Are You Enrolling a New Child in 2018-2019?
If you are enrolling a child who does not attend Guardian Catholic this year but who will attend in 2018-2019, go to click onADMISSIONS complete an Admissions Inquiry.
Two Grade 8 Parent Meetings March 6, 4pm and March 13, 6:30 pm
Both meetings have important information, so please plan to attend.
- Tuesday, March 6, 4pm in Learning Commons to discuss details of graduation (fee, gowns, etc.)
- Tuesday, March 13, 6:30 pm in Learning Commons to discuss end of year activities.
Catholic Charities Services on GCS Campus. Watch for an email explaining the program!
Family Registration Fee for 2018-2019
Payment in full for those paying from March 1 to April 30 is $250. (A minimum down payment of $50 is due in February to establish your intent to return. The $200 balance is due no later than April 30.)
Payment of the Family Registration Fee secures your spot for next year and must be paid in full no later than April 30.
Booster Club Krispy Kreme Donut Sale March 5-15
A sale packet for each family is enclosed today. The sale includes BOGO Fundraising Cards for $20 each and Fundraising Certificates for $8 each redeemable for one dozen Glazed. Please return your order form and payment in the large brown envelope provided. Your order will be filled, placed in the same envelope, and returned to you with your original order form. Be sure to write PARENT NAME and CHILD’S NAME & GRADE on envelope and on order form. Proceeds will be used for outdoor equipment.Orders will be filled on March 16.
First Guardian Catholic School Yearbook and Yearbook Ads for Sale!
The first Guardian Catholic School Yearbook is now on sale. We encourage every family to purchase a yearbook to capture the memories of our historic opening year! Each child’s school picture is featured. Children of each family that purchases a book will participate in a Yearbook Signing Party when the books arrive in late spring. Yearbook ads are also on sale and are a great way to promote a business or other organization—or to congratulate a 2018 Guardian Catholic Graduate! See enclosed flyer for details.
Volunteers Needed for Fundraiser, Dental Van, and Health Screenings
- Six parent volunteers are needed on March 16 at 4:30 pm to prepare sale envelopes for Krispy Kreme orders. Call the office to volunteer.
- Volunteers who have an active Background Screening and who have taken Protecting God’s Children are needed to assist with taking children from classrooms to the Dental/Health vans for the following:
Dental van services on March 20-21 from 8:30am-1:00 pm.
Required Health Screeningson April 12th from 9:00am-1:00pm
Parents of Current PK3 students – Enroll in VPKNow and Renew Success By 6
It’s time to register for VPK for next school year! Go to Click on the VPK icon to get started! After you’ve completed the process, bring your VPK certificate to the school office. VPK is free to all students. It pays your school fees for PK4 from 8:00-11:30 a.m.
If you have Success By 6, contact the Early Learning Coalition to renew for next year.
Parents of current PK4 students and Families who currently have the AAA Scholarship – Put your name on the New Family Interest List for Step Up for Students They will notify you when applications for new families open in mid-March.
Enclosed Today
- Yearbook Order Form (one per family)
- Dental Van Permission Forms (one per child)
- Krispy Kreme Sale envelope and order form (one per child)
Eagle Update is on our website under Latest News:
Current K-8 Students Renew Step Up for Students for 2018-2019. Parents of eighth graders should renew for high school.
New families will apply soon, narrowing your possibilities of a quick renewal. Renewal families who have a child currently in PK4, be sure to add that child to your renewal as an add-on sibling for kindergarten. Watch your email for your award letter; print it and bring it to the office.
- 3/5-9 IOWA testing
- 3/12 Diocesan Professional Day. No School
- 3/12 Guardian Golf Classic
- 3/14 End of Quarter 3
- 3/22 Spring group pictures
- 3/29 – 4/6 Easter Holiday. Classes resume April 9.
- Call the office by 8 a.m. when your child is sick.
- Payments for 2017-2018 registration, extended day and tuition are due in the office for Statements you received.
- Complete Online Reenrollment in the Parent Portal
- PK3 parents enroll your child in VPK and bring certificate to school office
- Review the Eagle Update each week; sign and return the envelope on Tuesday.
- Families who received an Award Letter from Step Up for Students for 2018-2019, bring in your award letter.
- Send in Box Tops for Education
Enclosed Today
- Yearbook Order Form (one per family)
- Dental Van Permission Forms (one per child)
- Krispy Kreme Sale envelope and order form (one per child)
Eagle Update is on our website under Latest News:
Eagles soar to success!
Our mission is to help each student attain their potential through high quality Catholic education in a Christ-centered environment that inspires each of us to think, learn, achieve,pray and serve our communities.