(held under Kennel Club Rules & Regulations H & H(1) ) at
West Wilts Equestrian Centre, Holt, Melksham,
Wiltshire BA14 6QT
Sunday, 15th March, 2009
OPENING – 07.30. BRIEFING – 07.45. JUDGING – 08.00
ENTRIES CLOSE: 30th January 2009 (Postmark)
Qualifying date for entries: 18th February 2009
CHAIRMANJulia Sutton-Vane 2 Spiers Pierce, Steeple Ashton, Wilts
VICE CHAIR Barbara Cranfield, 229 ChantryGardens Southwick, Wilts
SECRETARY Nicky Harrell 39c Great Hinton Trowbridge, Wilts
TEL: 01380 870202 (No show related calls please)
TREASURER Wendy Swadlo, 6 Victoria Park Great Cheverell, Devizes,
MEMBERS Barbara Banks, 170 Woodrow Rd, Melksham, Wilts
SueSmith, 39a Westwells, Neston,Wilts
Michelle Coles, 98 Dunch Lane, Melksham, Wilts
Non-Entry Enquiries - email (preferable)
Tel: 01380 840274 (between 9pm and 10.30pm only)
Judges: Heather Noddle, Marie Douglas, Tim Jones, Rachel Williams, Janet Wood
Reserve Judges will be appointed if necessary
Directions to Show
From the M4, Junction 17 take the A350 to Melksham, then the B3107 (signed to Bradford on Avon) and the West Wilts Equestrian Centre is on the left after approx 2 miles.
DOGS MAY ENTER A MAXIMUM OF 3 CLASSES (Championship counts as one class)
Class / Size / Type / Grades / Judge (subject to change)1 / Small / Championship / Championship see above / 7 / Heather Noddle
2 / Medium / Championship / Championship see above / 7 / Heather Noddle
3 / Small / Graded / Agility / 1 / 2 / Janet Wood
4 / Small / Combined / Jumping / 1 / 2 / Rachel Williams
5 / Small / Graded / Agility / 3 / 4 / Janet Wood
6 / Small / Combined / Jumping / 3 / 4 / Rachel Williams
7 / Small / Graded / Agility / 5 / 6 / 7 / Marie Douglas
8 / Small / Combined / Jumping / 5 / 6 / 7 / Rachel Williams
9 / Small / Combined / Agility / 1 / 2 / 3 / Tim Jones
10 / Small / Combined / Agility / 4 / 5 / 6 / Tim Jones
11 / Medium / Graded / Agility / 1 / 2 / 3 / Janet Wood
12 / Medium / Combined / Jumping / 1 / 2 / 3 / Rachel Williams
13 / Medium / Graded / Agility / 4 / 5 / Tim Jones
14 / Medium / Combined / Jumping / 4 / 5 / Rachel Williams
15 / Medium / Graded / Agility / 6 / 7 / Marie Douglas
16 / Medium / Combined / Jumping / 6 / 7 / Rachel Williams
17 / Medium / Combined / Agility / 1 / 2 / 3 / Marie Douglas
18 / Medium / Combined / Agility / 4 / 5 / 6 / Marie Douglas
Proposed order of judging: This will be sent out with running orders.
Awards- Placed rosettes to 10% of entries, and clear round rosettes to unplaced clear rounds, excepting Classes 1 & 2.
- In combined classes one set of prizes will be awarded and in graded classes a set of prizes will be awarded for each grade
- Trophies to at least 1st in each set of prizes (depending on entries) excepting Classes 1 & 2.
- Classes 1 & 2 – Trophies to 1st Place in Qualifying Rounds. Rosettes 1st – 3rd in qualifying rounds
- Championship Final Round – See over for Championship rules.
Only first prizes and points gained in standard classes at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows may be used for progression through the classes. (A dog is only eligible for one grade). In defining the eligibility of the owner or handler for Grade 1, the three jumping wins and points progression referred to in the definition apply only to one dog and not an accumulation of dogs.
Grade 1
For owners, handlers or dogs which have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows. In defining the eligibility of the owner or handler for Grade 1, the three jumping wins and points progression referred to in the definition apply only to one dog and not an accumulation of dogs.
Grade 2
Open to dogs which are not eligible for Grades 1,3,4,5,6,7, and have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 2 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows, or elected to progress on points from Grade 1. N.B. Owners, handlers or dogs previously qualified out of Grade 2 (Starters) are not eligible for this class.
Grade 3
Open to dogs which are not eligible for Grade 1 or 2 or have elected to progress on points from Grade 2 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and dogs which are not eligible for Grade 4, 5, 6 or 7
Grade 4
Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade3 or elected to progress on points from Grade 3 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 5, 6 or 7
Grade 5
Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade4 or elected to progress on points from Grade 4 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 4, 6 or 7
Grade 6
Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade5 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 4, 5 or 7
Grade 7
Open to dogs which have gained a minimum of 4 first places at Grade 6 at Kennel Club Licensed Agility Shows, twofirst places must be gained in Agility (not Jumping) Classes.
Open to dogs having qualified to compete at grade 7 to consist of 2 qualifying rounds of standard Kennel Club Classes; 1 Agility Class and 1 Jumping Class and a final round of Agility to be held at the same Show.
Points will be awarded for placings in the Agility round and Jumping round. 1st place = 1 point, 2nd place = 2 points etc to the final placed dog, eliminated dogs excepted.
A Championship Trophy and a Kennel Club Agility Certificate will be awarded to the Small dog winning a Championship Agility Class and the Medium dog winning a Championship Agility Class provided such a dog has no faults in the final round of the class. If the winning dog does have faults in the final round of the Championship Agility Class the award will be withheld.
A Reserve Championship Trophy and a Reserve Agility Certificate will be awarded to the Small dog placed second in the Championship Agility Class and the Medium dog placed second in the Championship Agility Class provided it has gained a clear round in the final round of the class. If the second placed dog has faults in the final round the award will be withheld.
Running Orders: A draw for the running order of the Agility and Jumping Rounds will be made prior to the show, which must be strictly adhered to. The relevant competitors will be notified before the day of the show.
The top 50% of the entry, up to a maximum of 20 dogs from the combined results of the 2 qualifying rounds will contest a final round of Agility to determine the overall winner. The top 50% up to a maximum of 20 places will be determined by combining the accumulated placings gained by the dogs in the qualifying rounds.Where there are an uneven number of entries in classes numbers will be rounded up. A dog having been eliminated in either qualifying round will not be eligible for the final, even if placed in the top placings.
In the event of any tie the time / faults will be taken into account for both qualifying rounds to determine placings. The calculation to decide the equal place is:-
1) The dog with the least course faults in both the agility and jumping rounds. In the event that these dogs are still equal.;-
2) The dog with the fastest combined times qualifies.
Final Agility Round – Dogs to run in reverse order to their combined placings at the end of the first two rounds
A dog must have the same handler for each round of the Championship Agility Class
The first placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a CHAMPIONSHIP AGILITY CERTIFICATE, Trophy and Rosette.
The second placed dog in the final round, having achieved a clear round, will be awarded a RESERVE CHAMPIONSHIP AGILITY CERTIFICATE, Trophy and Rosette.
The entry fee for all sections of this class will be £10.00 per dog (Helping CAC members £8.00) and includes the Marked Running Order published by The Show Society
The Marked Running Order will be available to other parties on the day for a fee of £1.00.
Important Notices
Please remember that this is a working equestrian centre. Children and dogs must be under control at all times, and the stabling area is prohibited.
Please keep to the designated exercise area. Under no circumstances should dogs be exercised on the main cross country course, adjoining the exercise area.
Cages must NOT be brought into the indoor arena.
Proof of a dog’s height may be requested. In this instance the dog’s Agility Record Book must be shown to the Judge and the Show Management. Dogs must be measured prior to competing.
Please clear up after your dog.
Refreshments will be available all day.
CHIPPENHAM AGILITY CLUB would like to thank all judges, ring parties, and helpers.
Dogs in Hot Cars Notice
Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club offers the following guidance to help guide you through the do’s and don’ts travelling to and whilst at KC licensed events.
- When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route, and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams.
- If your vehicle is not air-conditioned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all.
- The vehicle should be as fully ventilated as possible, and plenty of stops should be taken, with lots of water available to drink.
- Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight. There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog.
- When at the show, never leave your dog in the vehicle.
- Keep the dog in the shade – take your own shade for example a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated.
- Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exertion or from standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of time.
Remember, if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel much hotter and dehydrated, and this could lead to dire results. Please look after your dog’s welfare.
Warning: if your dog is found to be at risk, forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.
Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not put a dog’s health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
Right to Refuse Entries. Exhibitors/Competitors are reminded that show societies have the right under Kennel Club Regulation to refuse any entry.
1)Dogs entered at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations for Classification and Registration B. The registration number/Authority to Compete number will be required for each entry.
2)Entry Fees. Standard Classes £2.60 (Helping Chippenham Agility Club members £1.60)
Championship Classes £10.00,(Helping Chippenham Agility Club Members £8.00)
3)The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries.
4)Puppies under 18 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show are not eligible to compete for Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows.
5)Not For Competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged four calendar months and over. Dogs must be Kennel Club registered with their details recorded on the entry form.
6)The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden.
7)No bitch in season is allowed to compete.
8)No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time within the boundaries of the Show.
9)Dogs must not wear any type of slip, half-slip collar or lead when under test. A flat, close fitting, leather or webbing collar is permitted, providing the only attachment is a plain identification panel as an integral part of the collar ie. not attached by a ring.
10)Should a judge be unable to fulfil the appointment to judge the Committee reserves the right to appoint another judge.
11)No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or judges.
12)Kennel Club Standard marking will apply.
13)The height of the jump obstacles will be 350mm (1ft 1.75ins) in Small classes and 450mm (1ft 5.7ins) in Medium classes.
14)The Height limit for dogs.
- Medium Dogs - For dogs measuring over 350mm (1ft 1.75ins) and measuring 430mm (1ft 5ins) or under at the withers
- Small Dogs - For dogs measuring 350mm (1ft 1.75ins) or under at the withers.
15)Judges at an Agility Show may not enter for competition a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership; or handle a dog at the Show at which they are judging.
16)Withdrawal of dogs from Competition. A dog shall be withdrawn from competition and removed from an Agility Show if it is:-
a)A bitch which is in season.
b)Suffering from any infectious diseases or contagious disease.
c)Interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent.
d)Of such temperament or is so much out of hand as to be a danger to the safety of any person or other animal.
e)Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing.
17)In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and the 18th February 2009 shall be counted when entering for any class. For these purposes a competition shall be defined as all classes covered within the same schedule.In the event that a dog becomes eligible for the next grade at a particular show, after the entry for that show has been sent, it is the competitor’s responsibility to notify the show secretary at least 14 days before the date of the show. The dog will then be moved into the appropriate class(es) for the next grade.
18)Closing date for entries is the 30th January 2009.
19)It is the competitors' responsibility to be available for their class and running order.
20)Handlers working more than one dog in a class must ensure that the dogs compete in the sequence in which they are drawn. Failure to do so may result in elimination.
21)Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in consultation with the Judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them must be reported to the Kennel Club.
22)A dog must at the time of entry for the Competition, be registered as required by the Kennel Club Rules & Regulations in the Competitors' name (or registration or transfer applied for). In the case of a partnership the full name of every partner must be given. In the case of dogs recorded as owned by a limited company, the directors and the secretary of the limited company will jointly be considered for the purpose of the Regulations. A dog acquired subsequent to entry having been made at a Competition may compete as the new owners' property provided that an application for the transfer has been forwarded to the Kennel Club before the Competition, and the new owner has undertaken to abide by the Regulations and conditions of the original entry form. NFC dogs must also be registered by the Kennel Club.
23)Animals in Event
a)No animal other than one officially entered shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except any dogs registered to assist the disabled, or dogs required for educational or instructional purposes or by permission of the General Committee.
b)However, at the discretion of the show society, a dog brought to the show by a spectator may be admitted into the precincts of the dog show, with the proviso that those in charge of the dog sign a declaration confirming the dog is free from disease and that the dog will be kept under proper control at all times.
24)All dogs registered and resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without a Kennel Club Registration number or an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the exhibitor/competitor.
25)Competition of Dogs Suffering from Contagious or Infectious Disease – No dogs suffering from infectious or contagious disease or having been exposed to such disease during the period of 21 days prior to the Competition may compete. Competitors infringing the Regulation will be liable to be fined and/or dealt with under Kennel Club Rule A42.
26)Food shall not be carried in the hand or given to a dog in the ring.
27)Separate entry forms must be completed by each Competitor and must be signed by the Competitor or his authorised agent in accordance with the provisions specified thereon. Entry forms must be accompanied with the appropriate fees.
28)Competitors are reminded of the suffering that can be caused when dogs are left in cars on sunny days. Remedial action will be taken in the event of dogs being found in a distressed condition. A Site Manager will be appointed to police the parking area.
29)Please clear up after your dog or the Show Manager will ask you to leave the showground.
30)In the event of abandonment of the Show through circumstances beyond the control of the Committee, expenses may be defrayed from the entry fees to cover the cost of the preparations for the show.
31)All dogs will be entered at this show at their owner’s risk. Chippenham Agility Club and West Wilts Equestrian Centre cannot be held responsible for loss, damage or injury howsoever caused to dogs, persons or property.