Grove Academy
STATUTORY & KEY POLICIES\UniformPolicy- Autumn2017(Final)
The Governorsof Our Academy believe thata schooluniformis an importantcontributor totheoverall successofthe Academyand, therefore,expectthatthe school uniformwillbeworn by all children.This policy documentoutlines:
-The reasons for having a schooluniform -What theschool uniform consistsof
-Markingthe uniform accessible
-How the school willdeal with non-adherence -
1.Why having a school uniform isimportanttoGrove Academy
The governing bodyofGrove Academy believes that schooluniform is important in building the pupils’ senseof identity and belongingto thecommunityoftheir academy.Itinstils a senseof pride intheschool and supports positive behaviour.Itisoneof the symbolsof theethosof eachschool and protectschildren from social pressureswhatevertheirrace,religion,gender or background.Thereareotheradvantages to havinga school uniformwhichareimportant tothe governingbody, suchas security.A uniformenablespupilsto be identified easily andmeansthat anyintruderscan be identified swiftly.
2.Whatdoes the school uniform consist of?
P.E.Kit / GroveJuniorSchool
Greytrousers, shortsin summer
White polo shirt preferablywith Academy logo Navy blue school jumperwith Academy logo Grey /blacksocks
Greyskirt/ pinafore,skirtsin summer. Trousers in winter
White polo shirt preferablywith Academy logo Navy blue school jumperor cardiganwith Academy logo
White socks, black / greytights in winterIn summer ashort sleeved, blue andwhite check dressmaybeworn.
Black shoes with asecure fastening Warmandwaterproofcoatwith hood
Sun hat during summertime
Black shorts
Navy tracksuit (jogging bottoms andhoody)with Academy logo (currently Year 3 only)
White t-shirt
Black pumps
Trainers to be wornwith jogging suit
P.E.cordlesspump bag
STATUTORY & KEY POLICIES\UniformPolicy- Autumn2017(Final)
UniformcanbepurchasedfromtheNationalSchoolwear Centre, Stafford Street,Hanley,Stoke-on-Trent.ST1 1LS
Uniform guidance
- Allitemsof Academyuniformmustbe clearly labelled with the child’s name.
- Additionalguidance willbegivenwith regards tochanges toseasonal uniform.
It is important thatchildren have sensible shoesforschool.Trainers areonlypartofthe outdoorP.E.uniformandshould not be worn atothertimesduringtheschool day.They shouldonly bewornon the dayswhen pupilsweartheir navyjoggingsuits toschool.
Standard‘non-toy’watches may bewornin Key Stage2,although theAcademycannottake responsibility forthem andtheymustbe removedforP.E. lessons.
Jewellerymustnotbe worn in school.Standard‘non-toy’ watchesmay be worninKey Stage2, althoughthe Academy cannot take responsibility forthem andtheymust be removed forP.E. lessons.
In the interestof healthsafety,these items are NOTpermitted in school:
-Sunglasses (unless prescription)
-Pumpsshouldnotbewornwith jogging suits–pupilswill change into these ifneeded inschool
-Open-toed sandals, shoeswith raisedheels,clogs ormulesshouldalso notbeworn.These are notsuitable forschool especiallyat playtimes
-Jewellery - STRICTLY NOchains, rings orearrings to be wornin school(If your childarrivesinschoolwearing earrings, you will be asked to remove thembeforethechildenters school.Alternatively,youwillbe contactedto attend school to remove your child’s earrings).
-Nail polish and temporarytattoos MUST NOT BE WORN(except under extenuating circumstances)
- Corded pump/P.E. bags
Long hairmustbe tied back.No dyed,shaved lines orpatternedhairstyles are allowedin school.Hairaccessories shouldbe plain andin schoolcolours.Hair should beno shorterthana Grade 3 cut. Hair accessories should be small, plain and in Academy colours (no large JoJo bows).
Children’s footwear must be black, with a secure fastening. Shoes with a ‘high heel’ are not permitted and trainers are not to be worn except for P.E. days.
Accessibility to Academy uniform
The governing body recognises the need to ensure that the uniform is affordable and will work with the academy to ensure we use any donated uniform to hold ‘good as new sales’ which are regular and well publicised.
Theschoolwill also ensure thatparentsorcarers wherenecessary, knowabout anylocal authority schemes that can provide school clothinggrantsorother help towardsthecostof school clothing.The governing body recognises their obligationsto accommodate reasonable religious requirementswithintheofficialAcademy uniformand to ensure it is not discriminatory onthe grounds ofgender, race, religionor belief.
Please be awarethatwhatis andis not acceptablewillbe decidedby the schoolin line withthis policy and the Academy decision isfinal.
Please notethat bysending yourchildto Our Academy,you are agreeingto ensure thatyouabide bythis policy.
If you haveany queriesor questions regardingany aspectof uniform,jewelleryorhair style, please speak to a memberofAcademy staff.
STATUTORY & KEY POLICIES\UniformPolicy- Autumn2017(Final)