Doc No. 2

Outline of CARD 2nd Group Countries NRDS Development Workshop


5 – 9 July 2010, at AfricaRice, Cotonou, Benin,


Africa Rice Centre and Ministry of Agriculture, Benin


CARD Second Group Countries, namely, Benin, Burkina Faso, CAR, Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Liberia, Rwanda, Togo, Zambia



  • To conduct peer review of the zero draft NRDS for standardization / improvement
  • With a view to sustainable funding for NRDS, to identify the actions in order to reconcile NRDS and other development / financial framework, such as PRS, sector-based strategies and particularly CAADP.
  • To take stock of the rice-related interventions in each country


1. ORIENTATION: PLENARY (with simultaneous interpretation)

After the welcome remarks and introductions, five presentations are made – namely 1. (3) Lessons Learned from G1, 1. (4) CAADP Country compact, 1. (5) ECOWAP, and 1. (6) Value Chain and 1. (7) Statistics. Having these impotents points in mind, NRDSs of the 11 G2 countries are presented for peer review.

(1) Welcome remarks: Representative of Ministry of Agriculture, Benin

(2) Introductions and Overview of CARD: Dr Marco Wopereis, AfricaRice

(3) Opening Remarks by a current co-chair of Steering Committee:Mr Cheikh Sourang, IFAD

(4) Status of CARD Group 1: implementation and lessons learned: Mr Hiroshi Hiraoka, CARD Secretariat

The implementation status and lessons learned from the CARD/NRDS process of the first group countries are shared with the view to improving and accelerating the CARD/NRDS process for the second group countries.

(5) CAADP Country compacts and financing plans: Dr Mbaye Yade, ReSAKSS expert based at IITA

Presentation on the CAADP country compact is made (i.e. an overview on CADDP, the progress and status of the CAADP country compact each country).

(6) ECOWAP and the Regional Compact of ECOWAS: ECOWAS representative

Presentation of ECOWAP and the Regional Compact of ECOWAS are made. Among the RECs, ECOWAS is the only one to have elaborated a regional agricultural policy and signed a regional CAADP compact. The development of rice value chain has been identified as a top priority among ECOWAS regional federating and mobilizing programs.

(7) Strengthening the availability of rice statistics for SSA: Dr Aliou Diagne

Presentation on the project “Strengthening the availability and access to rice statistics for Sub-Saharan Africa: A contribution to the Emergency Rice Initiative” funded by Japan: Overview of the data collected and institutional mechanism set-up is made.

2. PRESENTATIONS OF DRAFT NRDS: each country delegates of the 11 Second Group Countries

- namely; Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire,Central African Republic, DR Congo, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Liberia, Rwanda, Togo, Zambia (15 minutes each)


Based on the presentations of NRDS on DAY 1, peer review of NRDS will be conducted in the morning, DAY 2 by three groups. The participants will be divided into three groups, namely, Francophone Group 1, Francophone Group 2 and Anglophone Group. In the afternoon, each national NRDS Task Force team individually works on how to improve its NRDS.

Proposed breakout groups are as follows;

Francophone Group 1:Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic (3)

Francophone Group 2: Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Togo (3)

Anglophone Group:Ethiopia, The Gambia, Liberia, Rwanda, Zambia (5)

(1) Recap of desired format and content of NRDS Planning and scheduling for breakout group sessions:

is delivered for: by;

Francophone Group 1 & 2: Dr Amadou Beye

Anglophone Group: Dr Mustapha Ceesay

(2) Peer Review of Zero draft of NRDS

is conducted for: facilitated by;

Francophone Group 1: Facilitator: Dr Aliou Diagne

Francophone Group 2: Facilitator: Dr Ibrahima Bamba

Anglophone Group: Facilitator: Dr Joe Rickman

(3) National teams work on how to improve the NRDS

Each national NRDS Task Force team individually works on how to improve its NRDS.


Briefings on (i) PRSPs, sector-based strategies and CAADP and how they relate to the NRDS and on (ii) Identification of champions: Lessons learned from the first group of countries are made separately for Francophone Groups and for Anglophone Group. It is followed by the discussions on the practical issues. NRDS TFs exercise developing the Project Profiles.

(1) Briefing on PRSPs, sector-based strategies and CAADP and how they relate to the NRDS: Mr Souleymane Diouf

The briefing is made both in French for Francophone Groups and in English for Anglophone Groups, aimed at stimulating the understanding of participants on the significance of the reconciliation of NRDS to PRSPs, sector-based strategies and CAADP and its means – how to, in terms of both theoretical and practical points of views.

(2) Discussion on the practical issues associated with getting access to the relevant strategy documents and how to understand them and relate their priorities to NRDS priorities

The discussions are facilitated for: by;

Francophone Group 1&2: Dr Amadou Beye (French)

Anglophone Group: Dr Mustapha Ceesay (English)

The information and advice on the practical process of getting access to the documents and information that they need to be able to understand and analyze the strategies that are relevant to the NRDS are provided from lessons learnt in the previous consultancies.

It is followed by the discussions on how to extract, interpret and analyse the information in those documents and relate it to the NRDS because they will not refer directly to rice. For example the NRDS might determine a need to improve feeder roads so that the increased rice production can reach the markets. If feeder road improvement is not included in the strategy documents that is a problem that must be addressed in revisions of the strategies. And, even if improvement of feeder roads do feature in the strategy documents it will be necessary to find out if they are meant for, or can be directed to, the rice producing areas indicated in the NRDS.

Matters to be discussed would include: Protocols for approaching the authorities responsible for strategic documents, letters of introduction, allowing sufficient time, what to say to reassure the authorities about the way the information will be used, etc.

(3) Identification of champions: Lessons learned from the first group of countries: Mr Souleymane Diouf

Briefing on the identification of champions who promote the formulation, implementation, M&E of NRDS is made based on the lessons learned from the first group of countries. The briefing focuses on the roles of champions and what they need to be informed and motivated about to advance the cause of rice.


(1) National teams work on Developing Project Profiles:

Firstly, the presentation on the developing project profiles – how to extract necessary data from the project documents and fill in the given form – is made for: by;

Francophone Group 1&2: Dr Amadou Beye (French)

Anglophone Group: Dr Mustapha Ceesay (English)

Secondly, the NRDS TFs individually work on the exercise.


(1) Identification of Gap between Needs and Resources and Developing Matrices

Briefing is made for: by;

Francophone Group 1&2: Dr Amadou Beye (French)

Anglophone Group: Dr Mustapha Ceesay (English)

Which is followed by the NRDS TF individual works on Developing Matrices

(2) National teams work on Developing Matrices

(3) Report progress in plenary to enable joint learning

Within the Groups, ten minute presentations by national teams on main conclusions of the peer reviews highlighting areas of the NRDS that need to be addressed. The session is facilitated for: by;

Francophone Group 1: Mr Souleymane Diouf (French)

Francophone Group 2: Dr Amadou Beye (French)

Anglophone Group: Dr Mustapha Ceesay (English)

N.B. This session may be shortened if more time for National teams to work on Developing Matrices are required.


(1) Presentation on NRDS revisions: G2 countiries

11 fifteen-minute presentations by each G2 countries are made on the NRDS revisions, their future planning of the process and way forward.

(2) Planning the way forward including the organisation of national NRDS workshops: Dr Amadou Beye

Presentation and recap on planning the way forward including the organisation of national NRDS workshops is made.

Planning the organization of national workshops on NRDS in order to enhance country ownership and internalization. These workshops should bring together all relevant rice stakeholders to discuss and comment the preliminary NRDS (ministries of finance, producers, processors, traders, input suppliers, NGO, CSO, etc). National workshops on NRDS will also permit to link the national team leading the formulation of NRDS with the Country CAADP compact team.

(3) AOB and conclusion: Dr Marco Wopereis

8. Visit of AfricaRice facilities: Ms Cyrille Adda

