Copyright Transfer Agreement


Statement of Plagiarism

Title of Work: ______


Author(s): ______


Copyright to the above work (including, without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms and media, now or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the “Petru Maior” University Publishing House (hereinafter PMUPH), effective as of the date of this agreement, on the understanding that the work has been accepted for publication in the Scientific Bulletin of the “Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu Mureş.

However, each of the authors and the employers for whom the work was performed reserve all other rights, specifically including the following:

1)All proprietary rights other than copyright and the publication rights transferred to PMU;

2)The right to publish in a journal or collection or to be used in future works of the author's own (such as articles or books) all or part of this work, provided that acknowledgement is given to PMUPH and a full citation to its publication in the particular publication is included;

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The author(s) also declare by signing this agreement that express their agreement to publish the paperin the Scientific Bulletin of the “Petru Maior” University of Tirgu Mures, the paper is original, and that it has not been published elsewhere.

I certify that I am aware of those listed below and I assume in this context, the originality of the work. In preparing the paper, plagiarism is considered one of the following:

Exact reproduction of the words of another author, another book in English or in translation from another language, if you omit the quotes and detailed reference;

Reproduction in other words, own words for the same idea or summarize ideas from other work if the source is not indicated between the references;

Presentation of experimental data or applications obtained by other authors without proper mention of these sources;

Total or partial ownership of a work in which the above rules are respected, but has another author.

It is recommended:

Placement of quotation marks to indicate direct quotations in an appropriate reference list, at the end of the paper;

Indication in the text of the reformulation of ideas, opinions or theories and also in the references list to original source from which it was taking;

Specify the source from which experimental data were taken, technical descriptions, figures, images, statistics, tables and so on;

Specification references can be omitted if using well-known information or theories whose paternity is widely accepted.

Place / Date:______

Principal author First co-authorSecondco-authorThird co-author




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