SHRM Olympia Annual Business Meeting Minutes

Date:_March 9, 2011 Time: __5:30 p.m.__Location: Red Lion

In Attendance: Jane Benson, Leslie Wohld, Renee Zirkle, Lonnie Spikes, Lauren Lopp, Abbi Rudolph, Nikki Prohaska, Tamela Gilmore, Jamie Mullinex,Jeff Lynch, Gail Ryan

Absent: Tina Vanderwal

Meeting called to order by 2011 President Lonnie Spikes

Adoption of minutes from previous meeting:Yes No

Major Points of Discussion

Director Reports

  • Treasurer’s Report:
  • Ending balance as of 2/28/11in checking was $22,124.82and in savings was $3,662.61 for a total ending balance of $25,787.43. Expenses for the month were $1,024.99. Note- we are not covering our costs for meetings. Might look at increasing cost of meetings next year.
  • Motion to approve the financials was moved and seconded.
  • President’s report:
  • SHAPE progress- Lonnie has filled out some areas. We need to work on membership and initiatives.

Workforce Readiness- Jeff

College Relations- Nichole and Abbi

Governmental Affairs and Advocacy- David Lusk presentation on Feb. 16th

Membership- Lauren

Gail has not heard back on the 2010 SHAPE yet. If she doesn’t hear back within the next three weeks, she will follow-up.

  • New webpage and maintenance- New format now, we can’t change some headlines or pictures put on by SHRM. Please update your area of the website by next week. Let Lonnie know if you encounter any problems. Lonnie put the NHRMA conference and logo on home page and information on the SHRM Annual Conference.
  • Lonnie has submitted the annual non-profit registration to the Secretary of State.
  • President-Elect- Abbi has been trying to get in contact with Melissa Flores of SHRM. Hard to contact anyone at SHRM- lots of emails to them with no responses. Abbi has a contact that she met at NHRMA from Lane County HR Association- they charge $15 for meetings, they have a conference coming up and wanted to know if we could post the information on our website. Also talked aboutthe use of Linked In.
  • Membership Director’s report- We had 159 members in December. Year end goal is to increase 3% to 164. January we were down 4 members, but Lauren knows of 3 more since then. Lauren requested SHRM email blast for member incentives. There is a conference call coming up on the 23rd of this month. Lauren also talked about our networking meeting on June 14th- we can get a room for the non-profit rate of $50-75 at Little Creek Casino, and they have a variety of food choices. This has been tentatively reserved. Speaker will be Wayne from Worksource.
  • Program Director’s report-

April- Social Media in hiring practices. Jamie emailed Patrick with Business

Connections who is available for that date. Cost would be $400, process of negotiating

down to $300. Jamie is still working on this, so the timing of HRCI credits is the only

issue. Evaluation forms from David Lusk’s presentation will be brought to the next

meeting. We will be doing survey monkey from now on for evaluations.

May- Kris Tefft- trying to get Strategic credits for his presentation.

June- Networking event in Mason County with Wayne Jones from Worksource. He will present on resources that Worksource provides, not just his role with Veterans. Time 5:30-7:30 p.m.

July- still working on

August- no meeting

September- conference

October- working on this

November- Labor environment

  • Annual Conference discussion- Employee Relations topics
  • Ken Wilson- investigations
  • Generational differences
  • Safety and Security- violence in the workplace
  • Managing change- layoffs, morale
  • Difficult conversations
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Wellness
  • Motivate staff
  • Recognition/appreciation of staff
  • Retention
  • Workplace bullying

If have any more topics or ideas for presenters, let Jamie or Jane know. Jane will email

list out so we can add to it.

Also discussed date and location of conference. Tuesday thru Thursdays are the best days

of the week and either at Lacey Community Center or Little Creek Casino.

  • Legislative Director’s report- Tina not present. Lonnie posted state legislative updates on our website.
  • Workforce Readiness Director’s Report- Jeff talked with Wayne Jones about giving mock interviews and then giving them feedback on how they did on the interviews. These will start next month in April and Jeff is looking for volunteers. We will set this up similar to CYS by sending out a spreadsheet with dates and asking for volunteers. We will expand this to our members, not just the board. There will be 10 people max per day. Jeff will send out an email to the board that has dates.
  • College Relations- HR course at St. Martins- does anyone want to present on an HR topic? Jamie is interested. If interested, let Nichole know.
  • Diversity- Nothing new, never did hear back about a re-scheduled conference call.
  • NHRMA Conference reminder that each board member gets $300 to attend conference October 5-7th.

Time Adjourned:7:00 p.m.


Leslie Wohld3/27/11
