Bench Strength Exercise
Bench Strength Exercise
- Schedule a partner meeting or retreat
- Ask the partners to write down the names of individuals in the firm who they feel could be partners in the next 5-7 years
- Using a data projector, display the names for the group to discuss
- Go through each name and ask the partners to ballpark how many years it should take this individual to become a partner
- Reorder the names from closest to partner to furthest away
- Add columns labeled “strengths” and “weaknesses” to the right of each name
- Openly discuss each individual on the list and identify strengths and weaknesses
- Identify who is best suited in the partner group to help coach each individual towards ownership
- Establish a system of accountability to monitor and measure progress
Future Leader / Years to Partner / Coach / Personal/Leadership Strengths / Personal/Leadership Challenges
David T. / 1-2 / Randy / Experienced. Communicates well. Strong sense of client development. Strategic. Has magnetic personality. Unique skill set. / New to firm. Restless and impatient. Job hopper. Struggling to find a place in the firm. Potential for his defined market. Perhaps he is casting too wide a net.
Jenny K. / 2-3 / Larry / Loyalty. Grew up on a farm. Hard worker. Home grown. Great business developer. Excellent interpersonal skills. Assertive. Persistent. Really cares about the firm. One of the best recruiters in the firm. Has a desire to become a partner in the firm. / Talks too loud. A bit caustic. Procrastinates. Needs to do a better job of delegation. Doesn’t see value in what she does. Apologetic about billing.
Jared K. / 3 / Susan E. / Attitude and energy level. Strong enthusiasm. Real team player. Experienced. Home grown. Would fit in well with the group. Has experienced BD success. Has desire to pursue BD. He wants to be a partner. Working for a hall of fame partner. Confidence. / Lack of attention to detail. Gaps in technical background. Not annuity based work. Needs more experience in meetings.
Scott A. / 3 / (Byron / Hard working. Diligent. Detail orientated. Attitude and energy level. Very creative. Home grown. Strong technical competence. Has experienced BD success. / Health. Has said he wants to pursue a law career. We don’t know what he wants to do. Has a poor sense of urgency on engagements. Part-time person. He may not know what he wants to do.
Jill P. / 5 / Linda G. / Smart. Technical skills. Good people skills. Staff respect her. Works well with all levels of people. Solid person. Clients like her. / Youth. Lacks self confidence. Lack of experience. Hasn’t started a billing sheet. Has not brought in business.
Steven W. / 5+ / Tim / Hungry. Enthusiastic. Affable personality. Hard worker. Clients like him. Willing to take on responsibilities. Will take risks. Team player. Developed some new work. / Technical skills. May not be overly sharp. Needs clear focus. Has difficulty assessing a situation and making good judgments. Can miss the big picture. Struggles to think on his feet. He is currently compensated above his skill set.
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