Implementation Minutes
Student Team Notes and Report Follow up for July 1 - 2, 2009
Open Consulting and Classroom Pilot Preparation Discussion
Registering Students
Facilitator / Sandra BeaulacNote Taker / Renee Roach
Attendees / Linda Phillips, Renee Roach, Katia Mayfield, Betty Flack, Shelley Lytle, Kelli Peterson, Kelli Simon, Dawne Massey, Aubree Helvey, Brenda Dally, Zoe DuRant, Sherry Hendrix, Julie Duncan
General Consulting Questions
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights:GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / DeadlineCRP Test plan – a test of how we are going to use the Banner system.
Questions on the floor –
How do we use the SHRTPOP function?
- We cannot run a transcript by population correctly.
- Sandra says we should look at the SHRTPOP parameters.
- Purge parameter -
- Selection Term
- Student ID
- Level(s)
- Advisor ID
- Degree Code
- Degree Status
- Degree graduation date
- Prior to number 26, we do not want to include in the transcript population selection, if enabling population selection within SHRTPOP..
- 27-30 will allow us to use a population selection that we have created in BANNER to run SHRTPOP.
- We create a banner popsel popsel; and then we need to go over the procedures on how to do a population selection. We can need to put something in the issued to name to designate who is running the group of transcripts..
- Actually run the transcript and say “Y” to the transcript population file. There will not be an individual ID & Sequence since we are running the job for multiple students..
- We do not have to use a designated printer if we are using the sleep/wake process.
- Katia has a question on the SSB system – she has populated the SFAROVR table for 200910. Katia set these up, but when she goes into the SSB and the override function the only two that appear are override all & override special approval. Another question would be that is there a way to have more than just the 200910 term on the SSB enrollment options?
- Sandra is looking at 200920 term on SOATERM. WE have it to allow approval and overrides. Sandra is going into SSB to see what issues Katia is referring to.
- The term in SOATERM which allows registration is set to 200920, the SFAROVR must be created by term.
- Katia will create the codes in SFAROVR and Test.
- Katia successfully tested the override process in SSBSandra says
- Katia has additional questions regarding registration on SSB. Under Faculty services in add/drop classes. In order forto Katia to register a student, she understands that a check box must be beside each of the courses in order for her to enroll a student. Sandra says that SSASECT must be set up correctly in order to enroll the student. The following are forms that should be reviewed when encountering registration errors in INB or SSB:
- In SSASECT – Sandra says if we are looking at the section enrollment information. Sandra wants to open the schedule menu (SSASECT). Now she wants us to go to SSADETL. We want to check and see if there are any curriculum rules associated with the course. Next, she wants us to go to SSARRES – schedule restrictions. We are finding that there are campus and college restrictions on the SSARRES form. It is set to only those students living in Altus as a location code may enroll in this class. It also indicates that the college must be AS – Arts & Sciences in order to enroll in the course. We are not looking at the SGASTDN form to see if there is anything unusual coming up here. We are looking to see if the student has a campus or college associated with them. It will be viewable as part of the curriculum as the campus and college sections. Because these are the registration restrictions set on the course, this particular student that Katia is using does not fit into the category (CRN is 20001 and student ID is 000030XXXX130)
- SSASECT is being reviewed to determine if section enrollment is set, yes it is.
- SGAADVR form would be where we check to see that Katia is set up as the student’s advisor. Sandra now wants us to go to SCHEDULEA – control form. Now we are looking at SFASRPO – student registration permit override form. For 200920, there are no particular permits that would require an override for this student. Katia says she has tried this with more than one student and has received the same error.
- SOAROLE – role assignment form where we would set up a particular role for an advisor.
- Sandra is looking to see what types of status codes are assigned. She indicates we should look is looking in the Banner SSB user guide in the registration term fields. We would want to look at the 8x version in the user guide. Sandra will look at this error by using the find process.r.
- We are now going to look at the reason that all courses are not listed as a check box for allowing registration on SSB. We would look under class schedule in the user’s guide. Sandra is going to SSASECT to see if there are any issues associated. The call numbers are 20001 & 20002 for term 200920.
- SOATERM, SFAESTS & SFARSTS to see if we have web registration set up.
- We do not currently have this set up for the part of term denoted on the class section, so Sandra is indicating the RW – web registered to go through the end of time for the part of term 16.
- There is an initial set up that must be completed in the registrar’soffice and then (SOATERM, SFAESTS & SFARSTS, SOATERM, max hours, SFARGFE.
- Please refer to the procedures chapter of the Banner student Users Guide Registration Chapter for the set required for the beginning of each registration term.
- Katia is also asking: using the waitlist option, if we have multiple sessions of a class and a student decides to waitlist. Is there a way to block them to register for other sections if they are on a waitlist for another sectionsection? The waitlist restriction rules are the same as the term restriction rules. Set the Duplicate Checking to fatal if students are not allowed to register for multiple sections of a class..
- Time ticketing may be done by two different methods.
The second type is in SFARGTC – third party registration time controls. This is what we think CU should be using. Priority 1 for the 200910 term with begin date & time and end date & time and the first group we want to register is the Class (we can work on what the code is supposed to be). Priority 1 would be seniors, We; We could code multiple priorities using this form.
A possible issue is that would be that we may have to use the student level for graduate students as opposed to the class indicator. People who are GR & who have a classification of SR can register on this particular timeframe. Sandra is going to screen capture this and send it to us.
The next thing we want to check for would be that we have the control form STVSDAX GTVSDAX (crosswalk validation form). She wants to go to group to WEBREG and see what the controls are for deciding time ticketing. We say are we restricting by time ticketing. No, we were not when we were doing our testing. This says (WEBMANCONT) Web use management controls – do we want to use this SFARGTC. This is where we would check system required.
Betty Flack is asking a question about putting on old Cameron work to the current record. There is no general student record for this term that Betty is trying. We are going to SGASTDN to see for 00005XXXXX8655 for Linda FonVille. Do not put a term in the key block. We can do the student summary dropdown which will provide a comprehensive list of what is included on SGASTN. The very first record was 198220. There is nothing prior to this term. We are looking at 197510. These are old transcripts for student’s history. These are pulled from the hard copy transcripts. Betty runs into this error very often. Sandra has a couple of questions. Sandra is asking about the matriculation date and how we have determined what this date will be. It should be the first term that the student actually attended the institution. Currently, in the test database, we only included the first term that we were live on the legacy system. Dawne is saying that for the next conversion, we will be rolling the terms for 197510; however the matriculation term is 198220 because we are currently pulling that from the admissions application form. Sandra says this will be ok. Betty would like to know how soon she can start working on this. When will the database be available: Betty is making the changes in TEST in BANNER? She’s only playing in test, but making the official changes in PPRD. Cameron will tell Betty when the database is ready for her continued testing.
Kelli Peterson has some questions:
In transfer articulation, there were some error messages: How do you get out of an error message when it locks up your computer. The ID number is 00009XXXX6287 and we are in the SHATAEQ form for Lindsay G. Rhodes. The error was …. Sometimes it means that someone else is in the exact same form at the same time. If they are attempting to be in the same record at the same time. We can go to file exit. There is not a methodology for our current “FIXLOCK” procedure. The DBA could find out who has the form locked. We would not want to call unless it is an emergency type situation. If it is a critical time when we have student’s lineds up, we would want to contact the network administrator. We would want to make clear to all advisors who are enrolling that they MUST shut down (log off) of a particular student when finished or requesting additional assistance from the registrar’s office so we may access the student’s records.
How do you delete an attendance period if you accidentally get more than one of the same period on the students transfer history? We would go to SHATRNS & SHQTRIT and look at the attendance period number. When we blow something away, we have to start at the bottom. (At the lowest sequence of the number). To delete, choose record remove and save. We would simply choose the record remove function for all of these types of requests.
SHATATR – Kelli wants to know the high and low. If a class is a variable level class then use the low and high credit hours.. We arelooking at 003152 – University of CentralOklahoma. We only have to enter the number of hours in high. If the class was from 1-3 hours, that is when we would use the high and low hours. If it is 2 hours at UCO and 3 hours at CU, we only want to allow the 2 hours of credit. We want to manually enter the 2 hours in the equivalent course section in the credits used column. This will auto populate from the catalog, so we will need to remember to change the credits used. We only fill in the low to high when there are a variable number of courses. We will want to make sure and save these changes.
There are some issues on STVSBGI on VernonCollege coming over as a high school. Sandra thinks that the STVSBGI code is incorrect or the other high school is incorrect in the system. Cameron will review the data and correct where needed.
Enrollment verifications – SFAMESG – enrollment verificationmessages. They may go out during the drop/add period. We can say, this is of a particular date, but our drop/add period extends beyond that date. We can create a message that would indicate that we have not reached our drop/add dates. We could to it for a particular student ID number, or for a particular request type code. SFAEPRT – enrollment verification request rules. The student can request enrollment verification from SSB as well. ON SFAEPRT, we flip all flags just so we can see what the form does. There are self-service print options. We can also send out a letter to the student notifying them that the verification was mailed out. This is the control form. We are going to SFARQST – and actual enrollment verification request. In SOADEST – sleep wake would send the various enrollments, etc to printers. Enrollment verification is not using sleep/wake right now. If we want it to be printed to a local printer, this is where we would enter this information. We are requesting an enrollment verification request for Linda for 200920. There are various types and c copies that can beselected. There are various places that we can use on SOACOMP – we can send to a person that is listed on this form and we can set up there if needed. The recipient name and address information would populate. We would need to make sure this student was EL – eligible to register. We are asking for a bank request. The number of the request will auto fill. We can look at the enrollment verification status on SFARQSS. We ran a request for Darrin Gunter back in April. We can also input the send date. We have to go to the job submission form (GJAPCTL) and look for the enrollment verification requests. This will be a SF form, put SF% in the process and %Enrollment” for the title. The process is SFRENRL. Do next block, to database to review first if necessary, put in the student ID in the parameter values, type was BANK, address type, and wearelooking for what fields are required to enter. Look to see if they have a permanent address. 04 – Select the credit that we want to print? Do we use Earned or Attempted? Time status calc credit type for E (earned) or A for (attempted). We could run for all of the veterans. We would strike “A” for midterm to include all of the registration. We could set section title and all of that as Yes just to see what it will look like. We can include a cutoff term. Save parameter set as, hit save at the top. Then go to output GJIREVO for 82164. We look at this just like we would a transcript. Full-time, part time is self reported, so we do not want this coming fromSGASTDN. Use the time status calculation to designate full /part time status. ?
We could find this in SFRENRL on the user’s guide. It will show what the request actually looks
SFAEPRT – we can choose what flags need to be flipped. If we decide to use this, we will need to set up in PPRD. The full or part time option is self reported. It is not the calculated figure. Time status will actually do this for us. We have to create a new sequence number for every request whether it be for an enrollment or transcript request. Time status rules are set up for determining the full time/part time status. We need to make sure they are set up correctly. Time status is on SFAREGS – on the registration form. SFATMST is the validation table where the rules are set up. This is correct currently in TEST.
The registration table to be updated each semester on banner users manual on 12-7 does not include that the SFAROVR form needs to be created each term. We need to make sure that this is included at the beginning of each term.
We are now moving on to the CRP test plan.
We want financial aid to look at the output of the Student CRP in preparation for their CRP. The Financial Aid team will use the students who have registered for the CRP term. Cameron will supply the CU Financial Aid office with a listing of students who were registered in the CRP.
We are looking at having faculty/staff/student workers. We need to designate a particular person as the contact for each of the areas for catalog/schedule, admissions, registration, student accounts, and technical support. We need to make certain that the correct security is in place for the participants to access forms in INB and SSB. We need to make sure there are note takers for each area, not the actual participants. We need to use the SGHE designated note taking worksheets.
In SSB, the pin numbers and sign-ons should be set up correctly ahead of time. 201010 will be the term that we use for the CRP.
We are coming back from lunch.
Discussing items which impact the CRP, open items that still require additional review:
- Tape load – SOTCNVT – tape code conversion. We are reviewing tape load at this stage. Frank will be in the session tomorrow to discuss status of tape load.
- SAACHKB – admissions checklist rules has not been created in PPRD. Admissions request codes. This will be one of the forms that must be set up for the CRP.
- Establish communication plan. A plan needs to be established for letter generation.