State and Legislative Group
[Note: Unless otherwise specified, all cites refer to LAC.33.VII as proposed in SW037. Recommended changes to text of SW037 are indicated in bold].
1. IT statement for major modifications
On page 48, insert the following to 517.A:
“3. All major modification requests shall address the additional supplemental information required pursuant to LAC:33:VII.523 in relation to the proposed permit modification activity.”
2. Major modification public notice
On page 48, amend 517.B.1 as follows:
“Major modifications require public notice. If not otherwise specified, the administrative authority shall determine whether or not a minor modification warrants public notice. Modifications to a permit whichthat require public notice include, but are not limited to, the following:”
3. Final maximum elevation
On page 57, amend 521.E.3 as follows:
3.The following information on plans and specifications is required for Type I, II, and III landfills:
a.approximate dimensions of daily fill and cover; and
b.the type of cover material and its source for daily, interim, and final cover. Calculations shall be submitted demonstrating that an adequate volume of material is available for daily, interim, and final cover.; and
c. maximum final elevation.
On page 62, amend 521.I.3.b as follows:
- indicate final elevations and a drawing showing final contours of the facility; and
4. Technical problem.
On page 124, 719.B.1 references cite “LAC 33:VII.717.B.2” Should change on page 115 change paragraph “1.c” to “2” or change reference cite to “717.B.1.c” and change the rest of the paragraph numbers on page 115.
5. Construction/demolition-debris disposal facilities that receive only on-site-generated construction/demolition-debris do not require certified operators.
On page 128, amend 721.B.4 as follows:
“4.Type IIIFfacilities receiving construction and demolition debris and woodwasteresidential and commercial solid waste shall have the numbers and levels of certified operators employed at the facility as required by the department in accordance withLouisiana Administrative Code, TitleLAC 46:, Part XXIII, which is hereby incorporated by reference. No person shall operate a construction and demolition debris and woodwaste facility unless the operator has been certified by the Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators. Each facility shall have either a level "A" or level "B" operator who is present at the facility and in direct charge of the day-to-day operation of the facility during hours of operation. Operator certificates shall be prominently displayed at the facility. The Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators and the Office of Environmental Services, Permits Division shall be notified within 30 days of any changes in the employment status of certified operators. a. The requirements of LAC 33:VII.721.B.3 this Paragraph are not applicable to facilities meeting the criteria of LAC 33:VII.305.DLAC 33:VII.305.A.4.”
- Operator certification required for processing facilities
On page 141, amend 725.B.4 as follows:
“43. Type III facilities receiving solid waste for separation and processing shall have the number and levels of certified operators employed at the facility as required by the department in accordance with Louisiana Administrative Code, TitleLAC 46,:Part XXIII, which is hereby incorporated by reference. No person shall operate a Type III facility unless the operator has been certified by the Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators. Each facility shall have either a level "A" or level "B" operator who is present at the facility and in direct charge of the day-to-day operation of the facility during hours of operation. Operator certificates shall be prominently displayed at the facility. The Board of Certification and Training for Solid Waste Disposal System Operators and the Office of Environmental Services, Permits Division shall be notified within 30 days of any changes in the employment status of certified operators.”
7. Bulk sulfur prohibition
Repeal La.R.S. 30:2014(A)(3) which prohibits the granting of a permit, license, registration, variance, or compliance schedule “for the construction or modification of any facility to be used in receiving sulphur in the solid state in bulk quantities and from which sulphur particulate matter will be emitted.”
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