Tree Delivery Application

Before filling out this application, please read “Planning Your Tree Delivery.” The information will help guide you through the application process.

I certify that I have read the guidelines for the delivery application

To complete this form, click the gray boxes next to each question and begin typing.Do not leave any sections of the application blank. If you are missing the information needed for any of the questions please provide an explanation.

Contact Name:


Organization Name:

Street Address / Borough / Zip:

E-mail address:


Project Overview: Please provide a few sentences describing the overall project and intent, including what type of planting and what types of properties will be targeted, e.g. community gardens, churches, etc.

Project Location: Please provide the address, borough, and zip code of the location(s) of where you would like to plant the trees. If you plan on planting in more than one location, provide an estimated number of trees per property.

Number and Speciesof Trees Requested: Please tell us the number of trees that you would like to plant. Tree species and size are determined by the NYRP Forestry Manager. If you have preferences or constraints regarding the specific size or species of trees please specify here.

Project Staffing:Staff and/or volunteers are necessary to unload the truck once the trees arrive at your site. Please describe your plans for recruiting and/or managing staff or volunteers for this task.

Project Date and Time:Please provide us with a date and time of when you would like the trees delivered.

Date: Time:

Tree Delivery and Holding Site Location: Trees will be delivered to your site prior to the start of planting. NYRP's Forestry Manager will arrange for trees to be delivered to this location. Please note that upon the delivery of the trees, you assume responsibility for meeting the delivery truck at the arranged holding site and unloading trees from the truck. The holding site can be the same as the planting site.

Contact for Each Site: Below, please list the contact name, cellphone number and e-mail address of the person delegated to meet the truck the morning of the delivery.

Fiscal Sponsor: If you are using a secondary fiscal sponsor, provide the organization name, address, phone, and primary contact name.

Please mail this form to:

New York Restoration Project

MillionTreesNYC Tree DeliveryProgram

c/o Forestry Manager

254 West 31st Street, 10th Floor

New York, New York 10001

Or, e-mail this form as an attachment and include “ATTN: Tree Delivery” in the subject to the Forestry Managerat or fax to “MillionTreesNYC ATTN: Tree Delivery” at 212-333-3886.