Supporting Information

This section provides a short description of each of the sampled area. All these areas are located in the Brazilian cerrado biome, comprising therefore a mosaic of physiognomic formations, from open savannas to closed canopy forests along streams and rivers. All sampling stations were installed in native vegetation patches, even the ones located in highly fragmented landscapes.

(A) the Araguaia River source region (ARA): this is an area located near the Emas National Park. The sampling stations were located in the strip of forest along the river, known as Permanently Protected Area (APP, in Portuguese), which is protected by law in Brazil. The Araguaia River and its APP are thought to function as a large-scale ecological corridor between the Southwestern portion of the state of Goiás and the state of Tocantins, where the Cantão State Park is located (CAN; see below).

(B) Aruanã region (ARU): this municipality is also located near the Araguaia River’s APP. The sampling took place in several farmland properties, which still contained native areas that were highly fragmented.

(C) Encantado Environmental Protection Area (ENC): this area is also located in the region near the Araguaia River’s APP, and as in the Aruanã region, the native vegetation is fragmented and somewhat degraded, although located in an environmental protection area.

(D) areas adjacent to the Emas National Park (ENT): this area was sampled with the purpose of comparing the fauna of the region under two different conditions. In one case, the fauna are legally protected inside the Emas National Park (PNE; see below), and in the other, it inhabits the highly fragmented area adjacent to it. The sampling took place inside farmland properties, which still contained some native vegetation.

(E) Emas National Park (PNE): this is a legally protected area that encompasses approximately 1,400 km2 of preserved cerrado vegetation. The Jaguar Conservation Fund (IOP, in Portuguese) is located near the Park.

(F) Emas-Taquari ecological corridor (COR): this region comprises a somewhat well-preserved area between the cerrado biome and the pantanal biome to the East. It is considered a very important area for biodiversity in the transition between the cerrado and the pantanal, functioning as a large-scale ecological corridor. The sampling stations in this area were located in farmland properties.

(G) Cocos region (COC): this municipality in located in the state of Bahia, and the sampling took place in farmland properties in the areas adjacent to the Grande Sertão Veredas National Park, where the vegetation in highly fragmented.

(H) Cantão State Park and adjoining areas (CAN): this is a legally protected area, encompassing approximately 995 Km2. This area is located in the transition between the the cerrado and the amazonian region, and contains preserved vegetation formations from these two biomes. The adjoining areas were located inside farmland properties, where the vegetation was fragmented.

(I) Uruçuí-Una Ecological Station (URU): this is a protected area that encompasses approximately 1,400 km2 of preserved cerrado vegetation. It is located in the state of Piauí, in the transition region between the cerrado and the caatinga biomes.

(J) Nascentes do Parnaíba National Park (PAR): this is a very large protected area, encompassing 7,300 km2 of preserved vegetation. As the URU area, it is located in the state of Piauí, in the transition region between the cerrado and the caatinga biomes.