Revised 4-15-15
Syllabus Checklist
Your course syllabus must include the following information:
___ Course prefix/number and title (English 1310: College Writing I)
___ Semester (Fall 2015)
___ Instructor's name
___ Office room number
___ Office telephone number
___ Texas State e-mail address
___ Office hours (for TAs teaching 2 classes, a minimum of 3 hours a week; for TAs
teaching 1 class, a minimum of 2 hours a week)
___ Titles of required textbooks (Hacker and Sommers, The Bedford Handbook 9e;George and
Trimbur, Reading Culture 8e)
___ Other required materials
___ Course description and objectives
___ A statement that says,
This syllabus supplements the general First-Year English Syllabus, available online at
___ A statement that says,
The Department of English has adopted student learning outcomes for general education courses in writing and literature and for all degree programs. You will find these outcomes at .
___ Instructor's attendance policy
(sample: Students are expected to attend every class. No absence is excused. When an absence is unavoidable, the student is responsible for acquiring missed course materials and the information supplied in class. Students absent more than xxx days may receive a lower final grade for the course; students absent more than xxx days may fail the course.)
___ Instructor's grading policy (Will you accept late papers? If so, with what penalty? Do
students have to complete all work to pass the course? If you break down how grades
will be weighted, do not include “Participation” or “Attendance” as a weighted category. Instead, specify concrete, measurable evidence of performance, such as “Homework, quizzes, and informal in-class writing assignments.”)
___ A statement that says,
U Grade. A grade of U (Unearned Failing) is awarded to students who do not officially withdraw from, but fail to complete, a course (i.e., do not take a final exam, stop attending, etc.) and fail to achieve the course objectives.
___ Academic Honesty statement:
The Texas State University Honor Code states, “We do our own work and are honest with one another in all matters. We understand how various acts of dishonesty, like plagiarizing, . . . conflict as much with academic achievement as with the values of honesty and integrity.”
Plagiarizing is submitting work that is in any way not your own. Refer to the First-Year English Syllabus and to The Bedford Handbook for definitions and general policies concerning plagiarism. Any cases of verifiable plagiarism, whether deliberate or accidental, will result in a failing grade on the assignment and may result in a failing grade for English 1320. (Note: Peer review and consultation with your instructor or a counselor at the Writing Center do not constitute plagiarism and are encouraged.)
As evidence of my own commitment to the principles of the Honor Code,
(Hand write the faculty pledge here: “I recognize students’ rights and pledge
to uphold the principles of honesty and responsibility at our
University.” Sign your name.)
As evidence of your commitment to academic honesty, I will ask that you write by hand on every paper you submit for this class the student’s pledge: “I pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and responsibility at our University.”
___ (optional, but recommended) A statement that says,
Students should behave in the classroom as in any other professional setting or workplace. Remain calm, polite, and respectful as you interact with your classmates, your instructor, and their ideas. Turn off and stow phones before class begins. Use personal computers and tablets only as/when instructed to do so.
___ Accommodations statement:
Students who need accommodations in order to succeed in this course must inform me within the first two weeks of class. [If you require that the student registers with the Office of Disability Services in order to receive accommodations, include a statement such as “To receive accommodations, you will need to register with the Office of Student Disability Services in LBJSC 5-5.1.]
___ Daily calendar that includes
___ A statement that says,
This calendar is tentative. I will distribute written revisions as I adapt
instruction and materials to your needs.
___ Reading assignments and class activities. 50% of 1320 class time should be scheduled
for writing activities.
___ Assignment of at least 5 essays, one of which is the required documented
essay, plus an essay final exam
___ Dates on which essays will be assigned, turned in, and returned
___ Date/time for final exam
(Note: This checklist incorporates syllabus requirements communicated to Department of English faculty by the Chair, 8/15)