Staffing and Compliance Meeting
Present: Brenda Cable, Toni Clayton, Lynn Hollingsworth, Joan Incaudo, Laura Luter, Sandy May, Kathy Zielinski, Michael Bailey, Connie Batts, Rachel Boehmer, Jennifer Clarke, Jennifer Coats, Chris Fallon, Lynn Graniero, Shelly Hellendrung, Sandi Hoenigman, Ceni Holcomb, Sue LaRoche, Donna Mastromarino, Laura Meshbesher, Michelle Mitchell, Gina Moe, Tracy Repp, Marcie Risser, Beth Robinson, Angie Saxton, Dawn Sellitto, Jill Smith, Donna Steen, Deb Walters, Sarah Wiest, Julie Yusko
Transition Plans: Q&A: Melissa
No new information regarding certification plans. Only informal discussions since the whole group has not met. It doe appear ESE certification will be needed. Uncertain about ESOL certification. Looking into requirements to issue CELLA test. May be asked to take small number of classes for certification purposes. 2014-15 year – will people in the position next year automatically roll into the new position? Anticipated yes if they meet the job requirements. At this time additional cuts are not anticipated. Many concerns about how to address all the role requirements. Will jobs be changing next year or the following year? Do not have definite answers yet – they are allocated separately for next year while training occurs. When will trainings occur? Looking at closer to the start of next school year – looking at funding across several sources, possibly 2 weeks early instead of one. Voluntary transfer vs RIF – what is timeframe? All happens together. Each department is working on allocations now. Goes to third floor in April and Title 1 Conference is early May. District gets all information in early May to address anticipated vacancies. Melissa explained all details with reassignment. Have an opportunity o apply for any posted job. Will regional positions open/close new allocations? 3 lead positions overseeing SWD, Compliance, SS leadership positions. These “supervisors” will be program and curriculum focused; less parent meetings. Then splitting into regions with specialists addressing compliance and parent meetings. SCT split into regions. Many shifts within the department and job title changes. Hired out of grant – is this still true? Uncertain how it is saving money. All of us are funded general revenue right now. Most resource support is covered out of the grant now. When merge into new position in 2014-15, is seniority merging – yes. Training at beginning of year, but job role would shift during the year to assume more dual responsibilities. There will be responsibilities in crossing over, but this has not been firmed up a to how much will be mixed next year and when. Any changes (Increases) to units on school sites? Not anticipated for next year; some specifics shared. Uncertain about who bumps up if some senior people leave from a specific category. Anticipates movement within category for next year before roles merge in 2014-15. Have not determined who will be in what region yet or numbers for each region. Considering more ESOL support in east region. Each category will continue to provide supports to more schools; schools have varying needs. Some job responsibilities are going to have to shift to other job titles and those people will need to be trained. Weighted job positions will continue with additional weight to principal information. All SCT will need to learn about all levels. SCT will be attached to a home school with consideration to current locations – Kathy & Specialists will be working on assignments. Compliance for 504s will also be part of job roles next year. Kathy is meeting with key people after spring break to learn more. Concern of not having guidance secretaries who can assume additional responsibilities. Every school has been allocated for this role some principals have modified this role. MDH unknown. 26 staying – many unknowns. What are options if they decide this is not what they want? They can apply for positions like anyone else. Specialists have flexibility to pick up schools in addition to other responsibilities. Discussion of cuts and openings in the district. Many principals are panicking about the cuts affecting compliance. Consider all options: There are many needed ESE positions in the district. Also need to consider Behavior Specialist pool. Let Kathy & Melissa know if you are interested in other positions. Timeline for getting certifications – 2014-15 school year. ESOL classes will be opened to assist with certification/endorsement requirements. Volunteer transfer paperwork – can still put in a change if decided later in year. Certification – can allow people to work out of field if the person does not have an open out-of-field status from prior work. Need to meet with certification specialists – will tell you everything you can do. Additional cuts – positions, closing of 2 schools, administrative reductions, department reductions, leaner general revenue budgets, using reserve funds. Emphasis is on providing teacher raises and not impacting schools. Audit concerns – no answers. Program supervisors will have to own more of the Matrix responsibilities for their programs on sites. Have to accept SCT have no control over things like the audit and the reductions. Emphasized meeting with certification specialists and researching options to see what SCT really want to do. New role will resemble what Staffing Specialists used to do – once every 2 weeks; but role is not defined yet. Will be very difficult first 2 weeks. Will be specific to compliance, not teaching staff. Concern about files being opened and how to communicate information electronically. Recommend saving on a flash drive and give to a responsible person at the school site. Be sure to not put working files in cumes – they get overlooked. Melissa suggested learning GTIPs – also on connect.pasco site. TSC staff and people with less seniority need to know how upset those who are safe feel (survivors guilt).
Head Start Referral Procedures: Brenda
Review packet dated 2/7/13:
1. Head Start/Early Head Start Referral to SBIT
2. Parent Contact- if child is being referred for ESE, a referral is sent to child find (goes to Shannon) and Shannon starts a log
3. Bring all info to ISS Meeting to document recommendations
4. Follow-up parent contact to summarize outcome of ISS and to obtain Consent
5. Consent for Evaluation is obtained
6. If already an ESE Student, a reeval is to be held instead of a Consent for Eval
7. 404 initiated
8. Meet and greet set up
9. TAD Drafted
10. Invite Head Start Teacher and Pre-School Psychologist if an evaluation occurred
Summer Gifted Procedures: Sandy
Review packet dated 3/19/13:
1. (Yellow) Gifted Eligibility Determination PPT- for guidance secretary training tomorrow and for the Psychologist training on Friday
2. (Blue) Gifted Eligibility Determination process (Referral)-
3. (White) Forms
***Feedback from SCTs:
- Encourage secretaries to type address labels vs. handwriting them since it is cheaper for mailing
- SCTs need to review the Gifted files (fill out checklist up to Psych eval) prior to sending them off to district
- Basic ed teachers must be at the EP conference vs. just submitting input forms
- Recommend that administrators be provided the same information that the guidance secretaries and psychologists will be given
- Use gifted teachers as a way to collaborate with admin to get basic ed teachers to participate in EP development
- Jessica develops the EPs for the schools that do not have Gifted
- Transportation is provided for K-2 students to receive consultation services (to the SC feeder site). It is not SCHOOL CHOICE…have to provide equity of services.
- Action Required files will be sent back to schools in red if there are problems to fix or green if they have the go ahead
- Have to get through gifted ineligibles this summer – do not want them hanging over for next year.
- Middle school articulation must have basic ed teacher in attendance.
TERMS Information – Brenda
Screens pertinent to ESE – 702, 704, 602 (CNTL field – rarely used at secondary level, but required in FTE periods, also going on the 614 screen), 614/S995 student schedule with backfield. Gives setting for supports in place; not level of service. Secondary course codes with letters attached to them (on 614 screen) – Codes listed and their meanings. Consultation is a Specialist code on 704 screen; no additional code to designate consult.
Students in residential placements – must be assigned to a particular teacher. No code designated yet; still pending.
Pete & Penny: Angie & Donna
* Pete is begin given to Gina for her ongoing support for personal & professional reasons.
* Penny is being given to Mike for being calm, professional and an excellent representative for the group.
Group Picture
Question Regarding Support Facilitation: Kathy
Some people have heard that the SF role will no longer exist in Pasco. Question of certification or role. Kathy will look into this. We cannot answer certification questions. Melissa indicated they are not getting rid of SF and there might even be an increase at secondary level. Emphasis is on obtaining certification for a content area. Principals are looking to hire dually-certified teachers; gives flexibility with master schedule and allows for multiple roles at a school site.
Medical Payment Procedures: Laura
Review of current procedures – emphasis on notifying district bookkeeper (Andrea) in advance so a PO can be drafted. It takes about a week for the paperwork to go through the process; then the appointment can be set. Call Andrea as soon as the appointment is set so she can process the PO. Payment after the medical has been received can take up to 30 days for the doctor to receive it. We currently have 2 doctors who have agreed to accept district purchase orders: Dr. Ramappa in Hudson and Dr. Fernandez in LOL.
Technology: Nina & Anne
PDAS available through FDLRS – college level courses which can apply 60 credits toward recertification. All online & use Adobe Connect for personal contact. Lynn shared her experience with the PDA program.
3 websites for content review – applies to certification exams. New certification exams will reflect CCSS. Middle integrated 5-9 also helps prepare for secondary content area exams.
Folder contents – Parent surveys are posted again. Parent specific CD – covers variety of topics from birth to 22. Handout on using iCal and address book. CD with all sorts of applications we can use. All different levels of functioning & various programs on computers. They are willing to come out to schools to present; best in smaller groups. Technology can be used for all levels of students, including those who were previously not thought to be capable.
Address Book, iCal & mail all communicate to each other.
* Address book – create a card for each contact. Can use eDirectory for district staff. Takes a lot of time to front load (enter) the information. Adding a picture or logo to the email, it is through the address book.
* iCal – can color code calendars. When linked to iCloud, can invite people to access your calendar and can access through other devices. iCal can send invitations to other participants. Can set an alarm to prepare you for the activity. Have to publish calendar and send a link for other to view calendar. Not needed for iCloud – use sharing for iCloud.
* eMail – top toolbar. Go to View & then Customize Toolbar. Flags can help organize emails. Adding signature under mail preferences. Go to + sign to add signature information.
* Dashboard – widgets for your use located on your hard drive. Add options using + sign at bottom left.
* Screenshots – 2 methods
1. Shift, command and 3 at the same time – takes the whole computer screen
2. Shift, command and 4 at the same time – takes what you click, drag & capture
3. Also have Grab application; go to Capture in top toolbar. You can also name and choose where to save it.
* Text to Speech – can be used for students who need to have things read to them. Does not work on a locked pdf file. Apple to System Preferences. Click on Speech microphone. Check third box for selected text. Can select voice of your choice and rate of speech. Option R to start reading & to end reading.
* Dictionary – in applications. Can look up words and links to other resources including Wikipedia.
* Calculator – in applications.
* Google search works on iPads & phones. Press microphone for verbal questions & answers.
Book Study – Chapter 1 – Joan & Brenda
Leaders of Learning. Ties into the emphasis on new CCSS – increased rigor and relevance results in much information for all to take in. What do we need to do to make things happen; continuum of possibilities. Quotes from book shared with group. Group listed current challenges schools face – time, staff, budget, achievement gaps, SES. Recognition that we need to do business differently.
Groups looked at what has been done in the past and why it was not effective. * Denial: + high school diploma rate doubled, more taking AP exams, SAT scores increased for 6 groups. With changed expectations and a global society, we are not successful. – remedial education in college, lack of vocational options, low college grades, moral imperative to educate successful students.
* Failed Strategies: timeline of what has been done, stimulus money provided, politics, school-based management. Collectively we have not built capacity to serve all the students – every group works collectively together to meet the needs of students.