Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario

Robertson Hall, Senate Chambers, 6:00 pm, Tuesday August 20th 2013

CALL TO ORDER – 6:00pm, Tuesday August 20th 2013

Chair: Jessica Squires

Recording Secretary: Polly Leonard

Council Members Present

  • Grant MacNeil (President)
  • Maggie Simpson (VP Operations)
  • Lauren Montgomery (VP External)
  • Justine De Jaegher (VP Finance)
  • Justine Mallah (VP Academic)
  • Vincent St-Martin (Office Communications Coordinator, GSA)
  • Phil Robinson (Executive Coordinator)
  • Peter Holdswarth (History/Public History)
  • Abigail Kidd (Anthropology/Sociology)
  • Cecilia Jorgenson (Psychology)
  • Lisa Menard (Psychology)
  • Andre Betim (Social Work)
  • Dennis Arsenault (Human-Computer Interaction)
  • Alexa Dodge (Legal Studies)
  • Wesley Petite (Political Economy)
  • Will Cathcart (RRRA)
  • Matt Dunford (Physics)
  • Katy Hartling (Physics)
  • Ilana Baxter (SPPA)
  • Johnny El-Alam (ICSLAC)
  • Phil Beriault (Philosophy)
  • Ridhe B Ryeb (ALPS)
  • Andrew Connolly (English)
  • Christina Dore (ALDS)
  • Golshid Chatrchi (Mathematics and Statistics)
  • Nick Falvo (Board of Governors)
  • Fraser MacQuarrie (Computer Science)
  • Ehsan Ghias-Begloo (Electronics)


a. Announcement of Proxies

Wesley Petite for Thania Vega (2votes)

Golshid Chatrchi for Jason Crann (2votes)

Andrew Connolly for Chelsea Houde (2votes)

Ehsan Ghias-Begloo for William Knisely (2votes)


Moved: Cecilia Jorgenson (Psychology)

Seconded: Maggie Simpson (VP Operations)



a. E-minutes from June 20th 2013

Moved: Abigail Kidd (Anthropology/Sociology)

Seconded: Wesley Petite (Political Economy)


b. Minutes from June 20th 2013

Moved: Abigail Kidd (Sociology and Anthropology)

Seconded: Wesley Petite (Political Economy)



Maggie VP Operations

  • Welcome Weeks is almost here! Make sure to tell your departments and friends to come join the fun! From September 1st to 15th the GSA will be holding a variety of events to engage new and returning masters and PhD students! There will be an outdoor showing the Big Lebowski Monday September 9th, an Eco-Fair September 12th where you can come get a free bike tune up, and the boat cruise Saturday September 14th! These are only some of the exciting events happening during these two weeks, so make sure to keep your calendars open and come join us in welcoming new students!
  • The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs and the GSA are looking for a doctoral student in the sciences or engineering to speak to new students about the graduate student experience at the Graduate Orientation Day on September 3. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact the GSA Executive Coordinator, Phil Robinson, at or extension 1631.
  • If you are not planning on returning as a Councilor, please help to make sure your department is represented for the 2013-2014 year! If you are not returning for the next year as a Councilor but a replacement has not been found in time for the September meeting, the GSA Constitution enables you to extend your term to the September meeting. Council forms will be available on the GSA website and from the offices on the sixth floor of the University Centre. Your help in ensuring a full Council for the 2013-2014 year is much appreciated!


  1. President (Grant MacNeil)


Respectfully submitted by Grant MacNeil

Health Plan Update

In July following a meeting with CUSA about the health plan, CUSA reoffered to allow the GSA to opt-in to their health plan as non-signatory members. This was the same offer made to the GSA during the summer of 2012. For several reasons, the GSA Board of Directors felt that this offer was not in the best interest of our membership, including the fact that we would not be joint signatories and would have no decision making role with regards to the health plan. CUSA made it clear in previous communications that they were committed to providing the cheapest insurance possible to their members. As such, we offered CUSA the opportunity to join our plan, as joint signatories, at a better level of service, and at a lower premium than the offer CUSA made to the GSA. We were surprised when CUSA declined the offer, considering their previous communications indicated an interest in a joint plan, and saving their members money. Currently, GSA members will be insured under the existing plan for the upcoming policy year, at the same premium as last year, and at the same level of service.

CFS-Ontario “Food Security NOW” Panel

On August 16th, I spoke on a panel on campus food security as part of the Canadian Federation of Students Ontario General Meeting. I discussed my own experience of fighting for greater food security on campuses, as well as the role student unions can play in assisting in these struggles. The panel was well received and it provided an opportunity to showcase the ways in which the GSA has been assisting campus food security struggles, as well as GSA services, such as the community garden.


The GSA has recently hired 4 new bartenders for Mike’s Place. New staff are currently having their first shifts and beginning training, and will be meeting with Staff Relations Officers. The GSA is also in the process of interviewing and hiring 2 new sexual assault outreach coordinators. They should be hired shortly, and begin work during the GSA Welcome Weeks. In addition, plans are being put in place to create a temporary full-time position to assist with campaigns and outreach work.

Naming of the Community Garden

The Executive felt that it was important to make the GSA Community Garden a space of decolonization. As such, we asked the Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education about the possibility of contacting local elders to ask how we might accomplish that in the garden. We were asked to send a tobacco tie to the community of Kitigan Zibi, and we also included some pictures of the garden. The elders of the community appreciated our gestures towards recognizing the garden as being on unceded Algonquin territory. After seeing pictures of the garden, the name suggested was Kitiganesag (“Little Gardens”). The elders also suggested that fall harvest ceremonies are an important part of Algonquin agriculture practices, and we hope to investigate the possibility of having some sort of annual ceremony in the space in order to ensure an ongoing, process oriented approach to decolonization on campus.

Carleton Aboriginal Centre for Education (CACE) and GSA Lecture Series

For several years the GSA and CACE have partnered to bring a speaker on Aboriginal issues to Carleton University. This year we will be bringing Canadian musician, broadcaster and educator Wab Kinew in early October. It is going to be a fantastic event so please watch for future announcements with additional details.

Garden Spot

A special general meeting is being held to re-establish a student-run, pay-what-you-can vegan lunch service at Carleton University. The meeting takes place this Thursday at 6 PM in the OPIRG office. A reinvigorated Garden Spot would be a real asset for students in need of healthy and affordable food on-campus. If you are interested in volunteering please attend the meeting or watch for future announcements in the Grad Bulletin or GSA Facebook page.

  1. VP Finance (Justine De Jaegher)

VP Finance Report

Respectfully submitted by Justine De Jaegher.

Family Leave Grant

We are pleased to announce that the GSA will begin offering a Family Leave Grant beginning this fall. The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for full-time and part-time Masters and PhD students who require academic leave for parental leave or other family related issues. The policy for this grant is currently being drafted and will be ready for consideration by Council in September. The grant is intended to serve those students who are not receiving family leave related support from other sources (e.g. Tri-Council paid parental leave, CUPE 4600 paid parental leave, E.I. parental leave benefits).

University Centre Fee Update

On August 11, a letter was sent to the CUSA executive regarding the University Centre (UC) Fee collected from graduate students at Carleton. As stated previously, the GSA is prepared to transfer the 2012 fiscal year funds once CUSA acknowledges the $8,102.55 owing in unclaimed health plan opt-out cheques from that fiscal year.

With respect to the fiscal year 2014 fee, the GSA sent a letter to CUSA in January 2013, indicating that it did not consent to the renewal of the 2004 UC fee agreement between the two organizations.

The GSA will continue to jointly fund the Ombudsperson from this fee but will be administering funds to service centres and clubs and societies directly, ensuring that services and events are advertised to graduate students and that GSA materials are not banned.

Regarding fiscal year 2013 funds, the GSA asserts that the terms of the agreement were not fully met and is requesting that a discussion be held between the two organizations to determine the amount owing to CUSA. The GSA hopes to establish a new agreement with the University with regards to the use of the UC fees collected. The GSA has yet to receive a response to its most recent letter to CUSA.

Audit of Gender Inclusive Washrooms

In order to provide our members with a comprehensive list of all gender-inclusive washrooms on campus, an audit of the list of gender-inclusive washrooms provided by Facilities, Management and Planning will be conducted. The list of gender-inclusive washrooms will also be cross-listed with the list of accessible washrooms compiled by the Paul Menton Centre.

Public Bike Repair Stand

The tire pump at the repair stand has been broken for several weeks. The GSA expected a replacement pump to have already arrived and are working with the distributor to determine why it has not. Hopefully the repair stand will be in full working order in time for September.

Pride Day Parade

The GSA will be marching in the Capital Pride parade alongside the Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre. Please inform your members that they are encouraged to show their pride and march as part of the GSA contingent! We will be meeting at the bus stop outside the Minto Engineering building at 10:30 am on Sunday, August 25 and we will head to the Parade via transit (bring your bus pass, Presto pass, bus tickets or enough change). If you wish to meet at the parade itself, look for the GSA banner! The parade begins at 1:00pm. It begins at Gladstone and Bank and ends at City Hall where participants can enjoy free outdoor concerts and other events. Pride runs from August 16-25.

  1. VP Operations (Maggie Simpson)

VP Operations

Respectfully submitted by Maggie Simpson

Welcome Weeks

Welcome Weeks is almost here and the whole GSA team is busy getting ready for the two event filled weeks! For a full list and calendar of events visit the GSA website. Also, if you are interested in volunteering please e-mail me at .

Community Garden Permaculture Blitz!

This Saturday August 24th everyone is welcome to come join the community garden permaculture blitz! The day will start at 10am with breaks throughout and consist of gathering soil, logs and compost for a pollinator garden. If you are interested in gardening, would like to visit the garden or are curious about what a hugelkultur is please stop by! To RSVP, or if you have any questions about the day or the community garden project more generally you are welcome to e-mail our Community Garden Coordinator Chris Bisson at:

Also, Chris will be tabling to promote the community garden throughout Welcome Weeks. If you are interested in volunteering specifically with community garden events please e-mail Chris or myself.

  1. VP Academic (Justine Mallah)

VP Academic

Respectfully submitted by Justine Mallah

Graduate Academic Caucus

Starting in September we will begin recruiting for the Graduate Academic Caucus (GAC). GAC seeks to serve the academic representation needs of all graduate student members on campus. It provides a means of collecting input on academic matters from the broader graduate student community and disseminating the work of the GSA. It is important that all departments are represented on this caucus.

As Councillors, you may have the best direct knowledge of whether or not you have student representation on your departmental board, and if that student representative is aware of the GAC. Councillors should investigate whether they have graduate students sitting on their departmental board and to put those students in contact with me as soon as possible at . Additionally, please email me if your department does not have students sitting on your board. The first meeting of the school year will be at the beginning of October.

Graduate Research Forum/3 Minute Thesis

I have been meeting with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs with regards to planning the second annual Graduate Research Forum and 3 Minute Thesis day. The events will be held March 6th in the River Building. Please email me if you are interested in helping plan or participating in these events.

Writing Workshops

In collaboration with Writing Tutorial Services, the GSA will be offering Writing Workshops for all graduate students throughout the 2013-2014 school year. Topics for example will include abstract writing, citation styles, thesis writing, proposal writing, CV writing, etc.


The Carleton Senate has several openings for graduate student representation on key committees. The list of committees, description of responsibilities and committee membership can be found on the Senate website under committees ( Some committees meet bi-weekly, while most meet monthly, bi-monthly or even semi-annually and can provide a host of different experiences. Councillors are strongly encouraged to take a look and consider participating in Senate committees. If you are interested or have questions feel free to email myself () or the Secretary of Senate, Priya Kumar ().

Very recently I have been informed that there will be a vacant graduate student seat on Senate. This position will need to be filled by a doctoral student from the sciences or engineering. This will likely be dealt with at the September meeting of Council.

Reduction of the Library Collections Budget

There has been a reduction of the Library’s budget for books, journals and e-resources and therefore the Library has had to cut several titles. The Library has indicated that cuts are not related to the renovations, but rather due to funding cuts. The Library asserts that titles were cancelled based on low use, a very high cost per use, overlap with another product, or alternative online access being available. To see the full list of cancellations please email me. There is also a copy of the list posted in the GSA Lounge on the 6th floor UC.

International Student Town Hall

The GSA will be holding an International Student Town Hall on October 9th at around lunchtime (exact time and location TBD). The GSA and the Canadian Federation of Students will provide presentations on its services for international students. Additionally, I am working on having an immigration consultant present.

Bulletin Board

To increase our ability to communicate effectively with our members, the GSA is working on having a GSA bulletin board installed in a prominent location on campus. Not only will this bulletin board include information about upcoming events, campaigns, notifications, etc., but the board will also provide another space for departments to advertise their events (like conferences and speakers) to other graduate departments and the greater Carleton community. Furthermore, this board would also provide another outlet for graduate students who are looking for research participants.

  1. VP External (Lauren Montgomery)

VP External

Respectfully submitted by Lauren Montgomery

The Ottawa Student Transit Coalition

The City of Ottawa has imposed an age cap on student bus passes, thus making Ottawa transit less accessible to students over the age of 19. The GSA has been working with six other student unions to lobby the municipal government to remove the age cap. Members of the GSA will be attending the Transit Commission on August 21 at 9:30 AM to ensure that the Commission recognizes students. Being a student should not be defined by age. The GSA encourages all of our Councillors and members to attend the meeting so that the City and the Transit Commission can visually see their student constituents.

The Pride Flag

It has come to the attention of the GSA that the University does not allow the pride flag to be flown during Pride Week. The University argues that this is due to the Flag Protocol. Equity Services has been working to try and get the University to fly the flag during pride week, and the GSA has been working on a letter of support for the work being done by Equity. The GSA has also registered a spot in the pride parade and will be walking alongside students from the University of Ottawa. The GSA encourages all members interested to join us August 25 at Pride to walk in the Pride parade.