Prevention Research Centers
Special NCC Leadership Team Conference Call 1
Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)
Dial-In: 1-866-830-1012
Pass Code: 9805872
Katie Barnes- NC Chuck Connor- WV
Gabriel McNeal- MN Paul Gilmer- WV
Sandy Good- KY Gary Tang- WA
Rosemarie Rodriguez-Hager- MNAntonio Tovar- FL
Lisa Hoffman- San DiegoImogene Wiggs – St. Louis
Theresa Rudder – COKatherine Haywood – Tulane
Ella Greene- Moton – MISharrice White-Cooper – CDC/PRC
Freda Motton – St. Louis
The meeting was called to order by Sandy Good, Chair.
Roll Call:
Roll call was taken and updated during the call.
Orientation of New Members - Chuck Connor
Chuck reported that the Communications Committee will be planning an orientation of new members which include putting together a manual and the power point adapted from the onb Freda uses with the PRC Directors. Sandy reminded Chuck that there is a block of time dedicated to Regional Meetings, which might be an opportunity for some orientation. It was also discussed that within the Regional meetings, an experienced NCC member could “buddy up” with a new member for contact for the next year. A discussion held regarding how to get this done.
NCC Media Presentation Opportunity - Chuck Connor
No report.
GenoCommunity Think Tank - Ella Green-Moton
Ella reported that there is a lot going on in preparation for this training in St. Louis. Ella gave a brief overview of this opportunity. Currently, the team is working on the program and what will be happening in those two days. The Planning Committee members have been charged with communicating with the whole NCC organization (by region). Ella reminded members to get the information into her as soon as possible. She announced that they are also inviting folks from other areas of the country who are involved in Genomics as a way of getting as much comprehensive information as possible. All expenses will be paid up front. For more information go to the website:
NCC Thematic Networks - Antonio Tovar
Antonio reported that he is working on the grouping of the networks and themes. He is trying to come up with strategies of the themes. Ella announced that there will be a Genome Thematic Network added to the NCC umbrella. A discussion and questions came up as to what would this mean for the PRC program overall and needs further clarification. Other questions were raised regarding the thematic grouping:
- Are we talking about the individual members grouping themselves or are we talking about outside of the committee? Initially started grouping the SIPs and the core projects. Now it is becoming more difficult to determine.
- Should it be called a Special Interest Group? This is an opportune time to discuss this further.
- What would a special interest group mean to the NCC? This is an exploration!
Request from Sandy to Antonio: She would like to see the list of the 29 topics (groupings) to see how these can be grouped. Antonio will send to the leadership. Sandy asked that each member look at the topics and see how they can be grouped.
Planning for October Meeting - Gary Tang
Gary has requested details on allocating the time for the business meeting. Gary plans to send the meeting agenda the first week in September and details on logistics. Registration details were discussed. Gary asked if any committee needs meeting space in the hotel on Sunday, October 10. Perhaps the Thematic Group would meet at that time.
Where are we on the Work Plan?
Open up further conversation about the Thematic Groups? – We will try to trim the thematic groups via e-mail. Sandy would like to have a meeting prior to the regular meeting on the 13th. An attempt will be made to get dates.
Final Roll Call was taken.
Action Carry-over Items
- Antonio will send information to Sandy on the groupings of the topics or themes.
- Freda will send the power point to Chuck.
- Sandy will send Gary details of the agenda so that times can be allocated for the business meeting.
Next meeting - Monday, September 13th at 3:00 ET