Curriculum VitaeGelsomina Catalano

Corso Monforte,15 20122 Milano, Italy
+39 02 796630 (Ext. 46) +39 3338707083

SexFemale |Date of birth15/06/1985 |NationalityItalian
POSITION / Researcher
January 2008 - present / Economist, Development and Evaluation Unit
CSIL- Center for Industrial Studies, Monforte 15, 20122 Milano
Expert in the field of regional development, evaluation of projects and programmes co-financed by public funds and industrial studies. Deep knowledge of regional policy/cohesion policy and of the overall management cycle. Main activities carried out:
▪Cost-benefit analysis of infrastructural projects: financial, economic and risk analyses
▪Methodological development for project appraisal and evaluation and estimation of sector-specific parameters for CBA implementation
▪Ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of development policies, programs and projects
▪Guidance and assistance to groups of participants in appraising infrastructure projects co-financed by Structural Funds over the past five editions of the Summer School organised by CSIL and the University of Milan.
▪Drafting of case studies and field mission (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, UK, Spain, Turkey).
▪Firms and stakeholders analysis
▪Planning and running of online surveys
▪Interviews, processing of statistical data and information collected
▪Final report drafting
▪Test and use of an econometric model for the forecasts of the main at country and city level.
March 2015 – ongoing / Research Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca)
Università degli Studi di Milano
JEAN MONNET project:Services of general interest in the EU: A citizens’ perspective on public versus private provision (EUsers)
The objective of the EUsers is to encourage the diffusion of innovative teaching approaches, applied research and policy debate on services of general interest in the European Union from a citizens’ perspective, by creating a network of six universities. Started on the 1st of September 2014, the EUsers will involve a series of activities – seminars, summer school, workshops, coordination meetings, e-book publications – over a period of three years (until 31.08.2017). The EUsers network’s activities will focus mainly on network SGI such as – for instance – energy, telecommunications, transport and environmental services.Main activities carried out:
▪Design, updating, monitoring of website (
▪Organisation of workshop and summer schools
▪Communication and dissemination activities (e.g. Drafting of newsletter, etc.)
▪Contact point for the six universities joining the network
March 2015 / Lecturer
Prime Minister National School of Public Administration (Rome), Operational Unit in Rome
▪Seminar on “Elements of Cost-benefit Analysis: the major multi-regional infrastructure projects
March 2014 – February 2015 / Research Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca)
Università degli Studi di Milano
▪EIBURS project: “Cost/Benefit Analysis in the Research, Development and Innovation Sector”, Financed by the European Investment Bank
The aim of the project is to develop a Cost-Benefit Analysis model for decision making able to assess the potential future net social benefits generated by a research infrastructure and the uncertainty and risks associated to them. The model is tested on two pilot cases on particle accelerators have also been carried out to test the proposed model in a view of ex-post evaluation: i) the CERN Large Hadron Collider (Switzerland), as an example of fundamental research infrastructure; ii) the Italian Health Centre for Hadrontherapy of Pavia (Italy), as an example of applied research infrastructure in the health sector.
Main activities carried out:
▪Contribution to cost-benefit analysis of LHC, particularly estimation of human capital benefit and existence value.
▪Interviews with stakeholders
▪Survey to LHC (former) students (structuring and monitoring of the on-line survey, face-to-face interviews, processing of results)
▪Contingent valuation (drafting of the questionnaire, testing, administration, statistical analysis)
▪Focus groups
▪Drafting papers
June 2013 – present / External experts of the project SuPER – Survey of Public Enterprise Return (
University of Milan (Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods)
▪Structuring and running of the on-line survey, processing of results.
October 2011 – present / Teaching assistant
University of Milan (Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods)
▪Assistant in the following courses: Public Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis (ECE), European regulatory Economics (APP), Political economy and welfare analysis (EPS)
▪Lecturer of the following course: Cost Benefit Analysis LAB (ECE)
September 2011 - present / Tutor during the hands-on sessions of Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis of investment projects, I, II, III, IV and V editions.
CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies and University of Milan (Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods)
▪Providing guidance and assistance to groups of participants in appraising transport and environment infrastructure projects asking for EU co-financing.
September 2014 / Lecturer
∙Prime Minister National School of Public Administration (Rome), Operational Unit in Caserta
▪Seminar on “Elements of Cost-benefit Analysis: the major multi-regional infrastructure projects”
October - November 2007 / Interviewer and Responsible for data processing
“Metronapoli s.p.a.” Naples,
▪Customer satisfaction on the efficiency of the local transport system managed by Metronapoli s.p.a. Main responsibilities include the administration of questionnaire and the processing of collected data.
August 2010 / Certificate of attendance
Torquay International School
▪New Business English Course
October 2007 – July 2010 / Degree in Political Science (curricula Political economy and institutions)
Title of the thesis: “The ex-post evaluation of Community Initiative Programs: Crotone Urban II Program”. / 108/110
Orientale” University, Largo S. Giovanni Maggiore, 30 - Naples, Italy
▪Analysis of economical and institution mechanisms of markets and of private and public organizations. Good knowledge of schemes of economic analysis (microeconomics and macroeconomics), of public economics and also a concrete competence in using instruments of quantitative evaluation analysis, such as cost-benefit analysis and multi-criteria analysis.
October 2007 – October 2008 / Master degree in “Planning, Assessment and Selection of Public Investments” / First level Master
Department of Political Science of the “Orientale” University (Naples, Italy) in collaboration with the Department of Political Science of “ Salerno Studies University”, (Salerno, Italy), Economic Department of the “Second University of Naples”, (Naples, Italy) and Economic Department of “Parthenope” University, (Naples, Italy)
▪Acquisition of methodological expertise in the field of evaluation of development projects/programmes. Development of skills in drafting cost-benefits analysis and in the use of statistical methods for multidimensional data analysis (Principal Components, Binary and Multiple Correspondence, Cluster Analysis).
October 2004 – July 2007 / Degree in Political Science (curricula International Relations)
Title of the thesis: “TLT question: from the Treaty of Peace to the Memorandum of Londra” / 110 /110 cum laude
“Orientale” University, Largo S. Giovanni Maggiore, 30 - Naples, Italy.
▪Interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of various juridical, economic, historical and political phenomena, affecting the human relationship, both at global and local level.
September 1999 – July 2004 / Diploma in languages, Brocca project. / 100/100
“Girolamo Albertini” secondary school, Via Circumvallazione, 292, 80035 - Nola (NA)
▪Acquisition of written and speaking skills of three languages: English, French and German.
Mother tongue(s) / Italian
Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English / C2 / C2 / C1 / C1 / C1
∙B1-Cambridge ESOL certificate. June 2007, “British Council”, Naples.
French / B2 / B2 / B1 / B1 / B1
∙“Diplȏme d’étude en Langue française” –DELF. December 2004, “Le Grenoble”, Naples.
German / B1 / B1 / A2 / A2 / B1
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills / ▪Consolidated experience in the arrangement and implementation of interviews to public and private bodies at different levels (local, regional, national, European).
▪Self-confidence in talking to large public and good communication skills, gained through participation in seminars and as lecturer to university students and at the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis.
▪Good skill of adaptation to international contexts achieved through studying experience abroad such as Summer School course at Torquay International School, in UK and collaboration with international consulting companies. Experience with Interviews, data processing, drafting reports, planning and setting of on-line survey.
Organisational / managerial skills / ▪Excellent ability to work in team, meet deadlines and take responsibility;
▪High organisational and work accuracy;
▪Experience as task manager for several projects and coordination of small work groups;
▪Full availability to carry out field missions.
Computer skills / ▪Excellent abilities with Windows 98, 2000, XP, VISTA, 7, Mac OS and the common Office applications. Good knowledge with the statistical packages: SPAD 5.5, R and SPSS.
Office Address / ▪CSIL-Centre for Industrial Studies Monforte 15, 20122 Milan, Italy Tel.: +39 2 796630 (46). Fax.: +39 2 780703. Email:
Certificates / ▪International informatic certificate ECDL . November 2007. Test Center of Orientale University, Naples.
▪Training course “Planning FP7: Cooperation – SSH Social Sciences and Humanities”. November 2007. Organised by ATS Uni Campania.
I/ Projects experiences
a/ in the field of cost and benefit analysis, methodological development and training / ▪2013 – 2015 “Cost/Benefit Analysis in the Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Sector”, research project for the European Investment Bank, University Research Sponsorship Programme (EIBURS) Responsible of structuring and running an on-line survey and carrying out a contingent valuation in the framework of the CBA of the Large Hadron Collider of CERN.
▪2014“Cost-Benefit analysis guide: Practical tool for improved Cohesion Policy 2014-2020” on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regio (Brussels, Belgium). Collaboration in drafting Chapter 1 - CBA in the framework of the EU fund .
▪2013 – 2014, “Services of Methodology and Model Development Assigned for Assessment of Social-Economic Impact of Investments Financed by EU Structural Funds and Lithuanian National Budget”, on behalf of the Lithuanian Government. Responsible for laying down the methodology to estimate the Lithuanian financial discount rate and to assess the benefits of projects in the health and public security sectors.
▪July 2012, Review of the application form and of cost benefit analysis of the major project “Regi Lagni”, client Invitalia, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Development.
▪January 2011 – May 2012, Cost benefit analysis of the Madrid metro line – Access to Barajas airport and of the Mediterranean Corridor 200/220 km/h within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, client European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪February 2012 - May 2012, Cost benefit analysis of the Egnatia Motorway within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, client European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪November 2011 – December 2011, Support in the ‘quick appraisal’ of the following major projects asking for EU co-financing: “La bandiera blu del litorale Domitio”, “Completamento della riqualificazione e recupero del fiume Sarno”, “Progetto Pompei”, “Centro storico di Napoli, valorizzazione del sito UNESCO”, client COWI, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regio.
▪August 2011 – November 2011, Cost benefit analysis of Water supply project in Palermo, within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, client European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪January 2008 – March 2008, Update of the Guide to cost benefit analysis of investment projects, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regio.
II/ Projects experiences
b/ in the field of Evaluation of Regional Development and Cohesion Policy / ▪2014-ongoing “Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) – Work package 9: culture and tourism”, on behalf of European Commission, DG Regional Policy and in partnership with IRS (Italy), CISET and BOP consulting. Responsible for structuring and running the on-line survey to Managing Authorities.
▪2014-ongoing “Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013 financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 2: Support to SMEs – Increasing Research and Innovation in SMEs and SME Development”, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy. Country expert for Italy.
▪2014 “Territorial Agenda 2020 put in practice – enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Cohesion Policy by a place-based approach”. Commissioning and funding: European Parliament Committee on Regional Development (Brussels, Belgium). Country expert for UK and Ireland.
▪2013 “A Technical Assistance Platform to facilitate the use of Financial Instruments”, client PricewaterhouseCoopers, on behalf of the European Investment Bank.
▪2013 : “How can Regional and Cohesion policies tackle demographic challenges’”, on behalf of the European Parliament. Country expert for UK.
▪2012: "Ex-ante conditionalities in cohesion policy", briefing note on behalf of the European Parliament.
▪2011: ‘Moving towards a more result/performance-based delivery system in Cohesion Policy’, on behalf of the European Parliament.
▪2010 – July 2012: Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999, client European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪2010: “Lessons from shared management in cohesion, rural development and fisheries policies”, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪2010: Evaluation of stakeholder participation in programming and implementation of pre-accession assistance to Turkey’, on behalf of the European Commission, Directorate General Enlargement;
▪2009: ‘Ex Post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006: the URBAN II Community Initiative’, client ECOTEC (UK), on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regio.
▪ 2009: ‘Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objective 1 and 2). Work package 4: Structural Change and Globalisation’, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regional Policy.
▪ 2009: Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objective 1 and 2) – Work package 7: "Effectiveness of Cohesion Policy: Gender Equality and Demographic Change" on behalf of the European Commission, DG Regio.
▪2009: The Inter-Relationship between the Structural Funds and the Provision of Services of General Interest and Services of General Economic Interest, and the Potential for Cross-Border Service Delivery’, on behalf of the European Parliament.
▪2009: “Regional policy and climate change”, on behalf of the European Parliament
▪June 2008 – September 2008: “Overview of the ESF Operational Programmes for the Period 2007-2013”, client ECOTEC on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment.
III/ Projects experiences
c/ in the field of SME, competitiveness and innovation policy / ▪
▪2014-2015 ‘EU industrial policy: Assessment of recent developments and recommendations for future policies’, on behalf of the European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium). Statistical analysis, interviews to policy makers and stakeholders, drafting of final report.
▪2014 ‘Study on Bankruptcy and second chance for honest bankrupt entrepreneurs’, country expert for Italy, client Ecorys on behalf of European commission (DG Enterprise), (Brussels, Belgium).
▪2014 ‘150 Smart&Fast Cities: forecasting furniture demand to 2020’, multi-client research report. Project coordinator, report drafting.
▪2013 “Smart & Fast. Le città del 2020’ research project prepared for the 31st edition of the forecast report on the furniture sector in Italy and in the World.
▪2013 “Twenty years of activity to support handicraft”, on behalf of ELBA (Lombardy, Italy)
▪2013: “Internet, Digital Agenda and economic development of European regions”, on behalf of the European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium). Country expert for UK
▪September 2012, Study on SMEs in the Cohesion Policy management cycle, on behalf of European Parliament, Policy Department B.
▪July 2012 “the Italian Firms and the opportunity in the global market 2013-2015”, research project prepared for the 30th edition of the forecast report on the furniture sector in Italy and in the World.
▪2009, Impact assessment of the SME-specific measures of the Fifth and Sixth Framework Programmes for Research on their SME target groups outsourcing research, client IDEA on the behalf of the European Commission - Research Directorate-General Directorate.
IV/ Projects experiences
d/ Other / ▪2011 – 2012, “Fostering regional integration in Africa: an evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Multinational Operations, 2000-2010”, on behalf of African Development Bank.
▪January 2011 – November 2011, Study on the educational and professional career of the “Alfieri del Lavoro” rewarded between 1961 - 2005, on behalf of Federazione Nazionale Cavalieri del Lavoro.
▪2009, “Exploratory study concerning an “Erasmus for local and regional elected representatives”, in collaboration with Ecotec, on behalf of the European Commission DG Regional Policy.
▪2008, “Evaluation of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), client Cowi, on the behalf of European Commission, DG Education and Culture”.
▪2008: “Evaluation of the Traineeship Scheme of the European Commission’, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Education and Culture.
▪June 2008 – July 2008: “Study on the Situation of women with disabilities in the EU, in light of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, client ECOTEC on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment.
Selection of Publications / ▪The renewed interest for an “EU industrial policy”: ideas, interests and institutions, with J. Pellegrin, paper submitted for a special issue.
▪The Non-Use Value Of Scientific Discovery: The Case Of The Large Hadron Collider, forthcoming. Co-Author with M. Florio.
▪Human Capital Formation at LHC: Survey Results,Working Paper DEMM n. 2015-10, available at Co-Author with C. Del Bo, M. Florio (2015).
▪The Guide to Cost-benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, published by the European Commisison, DG Regional Policy, December 2014, Co-Author.
▪ International evaluation practices, in Florio M. ‘Applied Welfare Economics’ (2014), Chapter 9, London: Routledge, Co-Author with Florio, M. and Sartori, D. (2014).
▪Infrastructure investment long term contribution: economic development and wellbeing, CSIL Working Paper N. 01/2013, Co-Author with Sartori D.
▪European Parliament (2013), Internet, Digital Agenda and economic development of European regions, final report available at Co-Author as member of CSIL team.
▪Superfast Cornwall (Cornwall and Isles Of Scilly, UK), case study within the study Internet, Digital Agenda and economic development of European regions, available at Author.
▪Healthcare Goes Electronic Under Northern Skies, cross-border case study study within the study Internet, Digital Agenda and economic development of European regions, available at Author.
▪European Commission, DG Regional Policy (2012), Ten Project Observed, final report of the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, available at Co-Author as member of CSIL team.
▪European Commission, DG Regional Policy (2012), Water supply in Palermo, case study within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, available at Co-Author with S. Vignetti and M. Genco.
▪European Commission, DG Regional Policy (2012), The Egnatia Motorway, case study within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, available at Co-Author with Davide Sartori.
▪European Commission, DG Regional Policy (2012), Madrid Metro Line – Access to Barajas Airport, case study within the “Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Fund For Regional Development (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999”, available at Co-Author with Davide Sartori.
▪European Commission (2015), Beyond the ‘big build’ (Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly, UK), case study within the study on Territorial Agenda 2020 put in practice – enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Cohesion Policy by a place-based approach, available at Author.
▪European Commission (2015), From restructuring to the village concept (Limerik, Ireland), case study within the study on Territorial Agenda 2020 put in practice – enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Cohesion Policy by a place-based approach, available at Author
▪European Parliament (2013), Regional Case Study Lincolnshire (East Midlands), within the study How can Regional and Cohesion policies tackle demographic challenges’, available at
▪European Parliament (2012), Ex-ante conditionalities in cohesion policy, available at , Author.
▪European Parliament (2011), Moving towards a more result/performance-based delivery system in Cohesion Policy’, final report available at Author.
▪European Parliament (2011), Performance-based delivery system of the EU rural development policy (2007-2013), case study within A more performance delivered system in Cohesion Policy,available at Author.
▪Federazione dei Cavalieri del Lavoro (2011), Gli Alfieri del Lavoro Profilo Sociale, Percorsi Formativi e Professionali dei Premiati 1961 – 2011, co-author with Del Bo, C., Marcati, A., Vignetti, S.
▪22th April 2015 – The Global Furniture Sector with a focus in Norway, Oslo on behalf of the Association of the Norwegian Furniture and Interior Industry.
▪10th April 2014 - World Furniture Outlook Seminar 2014 – Presenting the report ‘150 Smart&Fast Cities: forecasting furniture demand to 2020’.
▪Pellegrin J., Catalano G., 2010, ‘What lessons to draw from multiple regional case studies – between comparability and specificity’, CSIL Working Paper N.02/2010, REPEC.
▪Sartori D., Catalano G., 2009, Le politiche UE per il turismo costiero, L’annuario del Turismo e della Cultura, edited by Touring Club.

Teaching experiences / 2011-present – University of Milan
2014 -present –Prime Minister National School of Public Administration (Rome)
2011-present – Summer School on Cost-benefit Analysis – University of Milan and CSIL.

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