Staff Senate Minutes

April 8, 2010

Members / Status / Present / Excused / Unexcused / Comments
Anne Aldrich / X
Lance Alexis / X
Cyndi Ammons / X
Mike Burnett / Newly Elected / X
Mike Corelli / Newly Elected / X
William Frady / Newly Elected
Wiley Danner / X
Virginia Fowler / X
Sheila Frizzell / Newly Elected / X
Tammy Frizzell / X
Homer Harris / Newly Elected / X
Brenda Holcombe / X
Jeff Hughes / X
Kim Jamison / X
Tom Johnson / X
April Karby / Newly Elected
Jason Lavigne / X
Joe McFalls / X
Eric Margiotta / X
David Porter / Newly Elected / X
Kathleen Prindiville / X
Carrie Shuler / X
Laura Simons / X
Scott Swartzentruber / X
Jeff Tatham / X
Walter Turner / Newly Elected / X
Donna Welch / X
Debbie West / X
Dianne Lynch (Ex-Officio Member) / X
Kathy Wong (Ex-Officio Member) / X

I.  Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (Brenda Holcombe)

  1. Motion Donna Welch
  2. Second Eric Margiotta
  3. Motion carries with the following caveat: Wording of minutes changed to Students with Disabilities (all instances in document date 3/11/10).

II.  Human Resources (Kathy Wong, ex-officio member)

a.  Health Plan

  1. Annual Enrollment ends on 4/9/10.

b.  Payroll Implementation

  1. When WCU begins entering its own payroll data, the pay stub will no longer be generated by Central Payroll. The WCU generated pay stub will be available in 2 ways:
  2. Email
  3. MyCat

*Facilities Management – Some areas have 1 computer for 10 workers. How can the needs of units like this be addressed?

c.  Performance Management

  1. This is the last year for the paper process. For the year 2010-2011, the process will be automated.
  2. The transition will be a year-long process.
  3. The employee will have to enter all of the data in the new system for the initial run. However, subsequent revisions can be made easily through the new portal.

d.  EEO Officer

  1. This is a position that HR has not had for several years. The new officer begins on 5/1/10. This position will help with compliance training, discrimination and harassment.

III.  New Business

a.  Committee Reports

  1. Governance (Donna Welch)
  2. By-Law Changes
  3. Only members that will be serving effective July 1 can vote in the May elections.
  4. Motion Wiley Danner
  5. Second Tom Johnson
  6. Motion carries.
  7. Staff Assembly delegation (compliance with Staff Assembly By-Laws)
  8. Past Chair
  9. Chair
  10. Chair Elect
  11. The Staff Senate can then elect 2 alternates that can serve and vote in the absence of the Past Chair, Chair and Chair Elect.
  12. This will allow more members of the Staff Senate the opportunity to participate in the Staff Assembly.
  13. Motion Wiley Danner
  14. Second Jeff Tatham
  15. Motion carries.
  16. Public Relations (Eric Margiotta)
  17. Working on publicity for the CPR training. (Passes out flyers for delegates to take back to their work spaces and post.)
  18. Resource and Environment (Virginia Fowler for Jeff Hughes)
  19. CPR advertisement being handled by PR Committee.
  20. Human Resources (Laura Simons for Anne Aldrich)
  21. Nothing new to report.
  22. Scholarship (Tammy Frizzell)
  23. Gearing up for the yard sale that is coming up on the weekend (4/10/10). Volunteer sign-up sheet sent round the table.
  24. Pricing will take place on Friday 4/9/10 beginning at 3 pm.
  25. Scholarship application deadline is May 1, 2010.
  26. Shining Star (Brenda Holcombe)

i.  This would be an informal recognition program. (Sample produced.)

1.  Eric Margiotta will write it up.

a.  Recipients could be listed on the Staff Senate website?

b.  Can it be incorporated into Employee Appreciation and Recognition week? What about placement in the Reporter?

c.  Voluntary Shared Leave (Jeff Tatham and Kathy Wong)

1.  The current process is cumbersome and involves the filling out of a paper form. However, VSL is a program that is dictated by the state.

a.  A donor must give at least 4 hours.

*They are working on an online Voluntary Shared Leave process.

2.  Please raise this concern with the Staff Assembly

*For additional information on the Voluntary Shared Leave Program please see University Policy 43 at

IV.  Old Business

a.  January Term (Laura Simons)

i.  The task force is working on surveys to be sent to Faculty, Staff and Students.

*Laura Simons provided the Staff Senate with the results of the survey on 5/6/10 via email.

b.  Ornaments (Tammy Frizzell)

i.  The Scholarship Committee voted to allow the Yard Sale monies collected on April 10, 2010 to be used this once (2010) to fund the ornament proposal.

ii. Tammy Frizzell will meet with Jeff Bewsey (Auxiliary Services) to discuss financing.

c.  Emergency Assistance Fund (Tammy Frizzell)

Administration and Finance has found an IRS document that will allow WCU to give monetary “gifts” to our employees experiencing hardship without reporting it on W-2s and other income documents (Disaster Relief – IRS document).