Best Practices Lesson Plan Design – Third Grade Geography (G1.a,b,c)~about 8 days

Goal: / SS3G1 The student will locate major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi River, Ohio River, Rio Grande River, Colorado River, Hudson River.
b. Identify major mountain ranges of the United States of America: Appalachian, Rocky
c. Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe.
Location: The student will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.
K-5 EU: The student will understand that where people live matters.
Priority Standards:
·  Support Standards
·  Pre-requisite Learning / SS3G1: TSW locate major topographical features
a. Identify major rivers of the United States of America: Mississippi River, Ohio River, Rio Grande River, Colorado River, Hudson River.
b. Identify major mountain ranges of the United States of America: Appalachian, Rocky
c. Locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, and lines of latitude and longitude on a globe.
Pre-requisite Learning:
Resources for Instruction / TCSS Website
Georgia Experience (Chapters 2 and 3)
Studies Weekly (8 and 9) and Teacher Resource pages
Anchor Chart of USA~ 5 Major Rivers and 2 Mountain Ranges with mnemonic
PPT on Rivers and Mountains
Time Allocated / 8 days
EQ / Where is the Mississippi River?
Where is the Ohio River?
Where is the Rio Grande River?
Where is the Colorado River?
Where is the Hudson River?
Where are the Appalachian Mountains?
Where are the Rocky Mountains?
Where is the Equator? Prime Meridian?
What is latitude and longitude?
Why is it important to know longitude and latitude?
How does latitude and longitude help you locate places on a map?
Activator/Connection/Warm Up
Activator/Connection/Warm Up / Rivers and Mountains-
Tap prior knowledge by having students discuss any of the rivers/mountains they have seen/ learned about , review names of rivers and mountains, PPT of rivers and mountains, refer to laminated anchor chart
Brainpop on rivers and mountains
Latitude, longitude, prime meridian, equator- Use a pumpkin to label North pole, South pole, lines of longitude, Prime Meridian and Equator with a crayon. Refer back as an activator
Brainpop on Latitude and Longitude
Song of Latitude and Longitude to Jingle Bells
TSW stand and point to North Pole (head) South Pole (feet) Equator/ latitude (waist)/ Prime Meridian/ longitude (line from head to toe
Instructional Delivery
·  Teaching Point/Mini Lesson/Teacher Input
(I Do/Modeling)
·  Guided Instruction/ Differentiated Instruction (We Do)
·  Independent Practice (You Do) / Rivers and Mountains-
Using the Georgia Experience, Chapters 2 & 3, the Georgia Studies Weekly, Weeks 8 & 9, as well as other resources from the TCSS share information about the 5 Rivers and 2 Mountain ranges, latitude, longitude, equator and prime meridian and their relationship to each other on Earth.
Latitude, longitude, prime meridian, equator- Use an orange per pair of students and have them label the North Pole, South Pole, prime meridian and equator with a crayon or sharpie. Then peel and look at natural lines of longitude.
Pass out blank map and have students label 5 Rivers and 2 Mountain ranges on the map writing mnemonic on the top.
Latitude, longitude, prime meridian, equator-TSW be given 2 popsicle sticks. TSW write the word longitude on one side going down vertically and then on the other side write latitude horizontally to use during activities.
Using the grid of the ceiling, label North, South, East and West on the correct walls. Then I label the Prime Meridian and the Equator and label out from those two lines. Then, have the students move their desks so that they are under connecting coordinates and explain the latitude measurement always comes first, then longitude. Then throw a ball to a student they must give the correct coordinates for their location. Then they throw the ball to someone else, etc. After a few moments, have students change locations and do it again.
Rivers and Mountains-
TSW use colored yarn and glue down on a map outline the 5 rivers and 2 mountain ranges.
Latitude, longitude, prime meridian, equator-
TSW create a “Battleship” type game board using a file folder to play with a partner labeling lines of latitude and longitude, Prime Meridian and Equator
TSW “bury a treasure” and hide it by creating a grid labeling latitude and longitude in degrees, the Prime Meridian and Equator (0 degrees). Give clues to the partner to help him/her find the buried treasure.
kidsgeo game
Summarizer/Closure/Evaluation of Lesson / Ticket out the Door:
Label the 5 rivers and 2 mountain ranges
Point to blank anchor chart rivers/ mountains to get to line up
Latitude, longitude, prime meridian, equator-
According to the ceiling grid, which latitude are you sitting under?