Community and Family Studies-

Parenting and Caring

Parenting and Caring

Becoming Parents and Carers

Biological Parents

- Are those who produce and provide the genetic material for a child. The parenting begins at conception and continues until they are incapable of providing care any longer.

  • Pregnancy- sperm combines with female egg. Nuclei begins to grow, unfertilized ovum moves into uterus and discarded with menstruation. Egg attaches to wall of uterus if fertilized. Placenta forms to nourish the baby. Umbilical cord carries nutrients and oxygen to the baby, takes away carbon dioxide and urea waste.

Planned Pregnancy:

-Economic status

-Environment (social, emotional, physical, economic)

-Health of parents- smoking, weight

-Age effects fertility


-Maturity (ready for a child)

-Responsibility- joint, stable relationship

-Education- parenting

-Access to resources/ networks

-Medical (ART)

-Long term commitments

-Birth options

-Religion/ cultural


-Health effects (parents and children, STI’s)



-Family/ partner support



-Future problems/ goals

-Religion/ culture

-Social life

-Public opinion


  • IVF- In Vitro Fertilization

Females are given fertility drugs in order to produce more eggs for removal. The collected sperm is mixed with eggs in a dish or tube to create embryos, which are then placed back into the women’s uterus. IVF works for many couples, but the pregnancy rates for couples with severe male infertility are generally quite poor.

  • GIFT- Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer

The sperm and eggs are removed and placed into the fallopian tubes where fetilization will hopefully take place. This takes place within the body (religious), it has a low success rate.

  • ART- Assisted Reproductive Technology


Social Parents

Are individuals who care for a child without providing genetic material. They take on the responsibilities of being a parent and may face many difficulties due to their relationship with the child.

  • Adoption: alternative for parents who can’t conceive a child. Adoptive parents become legal parents of a child. Few babies and children are available. This requires parents to demonstrate commitment and parental obligations.
  • Fostering: is a temporary arrangement ranging from a few days to years, where children stay with another family. The care must be safe, secure and comfortable. It’s the hardest form of social parenting for children due to socially, psychological and physical issues.
  • Step-parenting: when a man and women marries and forms a de facto relationship with a partner who already has a child a previous relationship. This may be negative or positive.
  • Surrogacy: Involves an arrangement between a woman and a couple who would like to have a child. The woman agrees to conceive, carry and give birth to the child for the couple. May use male’s sperm, fertilized ova or donor sperm. Controversial issues- illegal in QLD and VIC.

Carer Relationships

  • Voluntary: caring without pay. Includes grandparents, siblings, neighbours.
  • Paid: Caring with pay. Includes babysitters, Before and after care, pre-schools, nurses, teachers, foster carers.

The circumstances that lead to requiring care are

  • planned- disability/ illness, age, commitments (work)
  • Unplanned- accident, unavailable, illness, commitments

Managing Parenting and Caring Responsibilities

Preparations for Becoming a parent or carer


  • 3-6 months before conception, parents should begin planning for pregnancy
  • Parents should give up smoking and alcohol (alcohol affects sperm production and may cause early miscarriages)
  • Prescription and non-prescription medication can harm the developing embryo
  • Stress can reduce the chances of becoming pregnant- it can affect sperm production and interfere with ovulation, affect the womb lining or inhibit implantation in females
  • Balanced diet- vitamins, minerals and nutrients
  • Women should not consume certain foods carrying organism listeria which causes miscarriage
  • Visits to the doctor, obstetrician or midwife, many tests are conducted to ensure the baby is developing normally and that problems can be identified early
  • Courses are held in hospitals and community Centres with trained midwifes explaining labour, childbirth, relaxation, exercise and caring.
  • Regular exercise will help stretching.
  • More planning is usually necessary, either to organise child care or prepare the necessary equipment needed for baby
  • Parents who cares for the child at home may feel isolated
  • Friends may also change activities more likely to involve other family families with children
  • Most couples share the parenting responsibilities to allow each other some time out to enjoy social, leisure and sporting activities
  • Insufficient time available for social relationships associate with employment and leisure activities
  • Can experience extra stress especially if there are problems between the partners or financial issues
  • Hormonal changes may make the mother moody. Fatigue and nausea may also cause depression.
  • Mother may feel unattractive, reducing self-esteem
  • Partner and siblings may feel neglected as she receives most attention
  • It is important for parents to spend time with them after the birth to explain the new family situation and assist older children to adjust to new relationships
  • The costs of a baby vary depending on the child’s and parents health
  • Medical expenses, such as the obstetrician, hospital, immunization and check-ups
  • Maternity cloths and baby clothing
  • Essentials for the baby (stroller, pram, cot, change table) and adjustments to the environment (car, house).
  • Food expenditure increases
  • Baby sitters are necessary to allow parents some time to themselves. To save money some parents join a baby sitters cooperative (parents pay each other in time not money)
  • A lack of support services, inflexible work practices and loss of assistance entitlements prevent many carers from entering the workforce.

Factors influencing resource management in the caring relationship

Dependants (children) affected by the caring relationship


Increasing with more women having their first child in theirs 30’s. More couples are delaying the birth of their first child due to their lifestyle and career choice and to ensure financial stability. Age affects the relationship that they share with their child. A teenager is still growing and developing. They have less experience of life and therefore do not have the same knowledge and skills, career or financial security as a mature age parent have. This may affect their ability to fulfill their role as parents. On the other hand, they are energetic and enthusiastic.


Includes experience and education. Experience is very important, and will assist parents to make better decisions about parenting. Parental classes, which can be accessed through the local council, child acre services that can assist parents in developing skills


Previous experiences can help people to develop certain capabilities. Assistance from grand parents, networks of friends, Playgroup can assist parents in sharing parenting ideas and helping people manage their new role

Special needs

Include illness and disability. This has an impact on the carers and the family. These carers are eligible for the disability Pension. Disability Services Australia is responsible for providing services for disabled children and supporting their families


The amount of time available for parents and carers to spend with their children is dependent upon there:

  • Employment
  • Travel to and from work
  • Other commitments or priorities, hobbies or interests.

The changing nature of the workforce means that more people are working in part time employment. They may need to work two jobs to equate to one full time wage. The hours of employment have increased. The social trend that people need to travel longer distances to get to and from work.


Younger parents have more energy than do older parents or grandparents in meeting the needs of their children. With a shift to parents having their children later in life, people generally have less energy then parents in the teens and twenties.


Being financially secure can make a big difference to the parenting or caring relationships as it can reduce the stress of the financial burden that a new family member brings. Financial support, such as the baby bonus, Maternity Allowance, childcare Allowance, Family Tax Benefits, Parenting Payments can assist parents meet the needs of their children.


Satisfies people’s fundamental need for shelter. Provides a place where people can withdraw from the world and enjoy privacy, a place to eat, relax and sleep, a safe place to keep possessions, a place to care family members. Households who have purchased their own home are widely considered to enjoy benefits not so readily available to renters. These include greater security in being able to accumulate a substantial financial assets. The increasing interest rates and first home buyers grant influences this.

Parenting and caring relationships

Roles in parenting and caring

Individuals and groups who adopt roles

Roles are obligations that a person needs to meet to fulfill a task. Roles are how people develop socially acceptable behaviour that is standardised by a group such as a family.

Individual or group / Positive impacts / Negative Impacts
Grandparents /
  • Teaches traditions
  • Learn generation differences
  • Time/ skills
  • Different parenting style/ discipline
  • Lack of energy
  • Limited money/ resources
  • Forced on them (reluctant)
  • language

Relatives- siblings /
  • extended family teaching
  • time with young children
  • no structure- children/siblings
  • experience
  • resources
  • forced to care- reluctant

Teachers /
  • teach
  • safe
  • official/ authority
  • trained
  • social transition
  • don’t listen
  • cultural divide- beliefs
  • time

Paid carers /
  • relief from family
  • different environment
  • trained to care- specialised
  • parenting style
  • temporary relationship
  • problems with communication
  • trust
  • legal issues

Significant others (doctors, social workers, neighbours, friends) /
  • doctors- ensure health
  • social worker- socio-emotional wellbeing
  • trained
  • temporary/ unfamiliar
  • money
  • time management

Factors influencing parenting and caring relationships


  • More couples are waiting until they are over 30 to begin a family because of a focus on careers and finding the right person to begin a family. Many aren’t ready to settle down
  • The age of parents increase so does the chance of them being financially able to support a child
  • Reliable contraception also influences this.
  • The risk of complications during pregnancy does increase with age
  • In 2001, there were 18 800 primary carers aged less then 18 years old providing support for parents, children, relative or friend
  • The experience positively effects their developing skills and building strong relationships
Culture and Religion
  • There are often differences in child rearing from different cultures
  • For example in the Aboriginal culture brothers and sisters share the responsibility to care for the child as parents
  • Religious groups provide a set of rules and behaviors, they may even dictate necessary dress and diet
  • The principles of the family may be guided by religion (who they can marry, attitude of sexual relations, contraception).
  • Parenting decisions may also be influenced by religion (school they attend)
  • Level of education may influences the type of relationship that is developed with children
  • Researching parenting techniques can assist with their parenting role and relationship, although excessive information may confuse parents
  • This could be from discussions with other parents, suitable parent books.
  • Parents with more education tend to be able to access more services, and therefore have more resources available to them
  • Many parenting techniques are being taught at school (Exploring early childhood, CAFS)
  • Education also effects the children
  • Traditionally, women were seen as the primary caregiver. However, this is changing and man are sharing the responsibility of care
  • Gender role differences help with raising a child
  • Children’s concepts of gender roles develop from their on experiences
  • Positive relationships with parents in early childhood help to establish gender identity
  • parents should be aware of behaviour and allocate household responsibilities

Previous experiences and own upbringing

  • Parents experiences and own upbringing influences how they themselves parent
  • Parents have ideas about what parenthood invloves and their own capabilities
  • Many of these ideas are based on observations of other parents and are supplemented with other factors, such as culture, media and gender. This may lead to unrealistic expectations and therefore goals aren’t met.
  • The majority of parents who abuse their children were abused, and neglected in their childhood
Socioeconomic Status
  • Family income determines the resources utilized for maintaining relationships
  • Costly activities (holidays, adventure sports) may not be available to low income families, while a higher income family may allow for extra schooling and home help
  • These things can allow socialisation to develop and the parent to spend more time with the child
  • Socioeconomic status is often significant for parents as lower income families can’t afford childcare, and have to care for the child themselves, they also rely on Government payment and benefits
  • The number of hours and type of work, determines how much time and energy available to spend time with children
  • The geographic location of the family home also influences the parenting relationship. Living in a city or rural area determines the facilities available (childcare, health, resources)
  • Parenting relationships are portrayed in all types of media
  • It transmits images of how different groups in society should behave
  • Parents often modify their behaviour to be more like those in the media
  • Parents may not wish for their children to be influenced by media behaviour. However, often parents and children are copying practices they have seen or heard with positive or negative results
  • Visual images shows perfect parenting
  • These images are not realistic and may cause tension in relationships
  • Material goods are often advertised so s to make the parent or child think they ust have them
  • Parenting shown on current affair’s shows portray assertive behaviour that challenges parenting and caring. Topical issues like nutrition and divorce challenge parenting authorities
  • Child abuse and neglect are openly discussed in the media
  • There are codes that certifies TV shows and times they are shown
Nature of Relationship
  • The nature of relationship of parents and children influences the development of the bond that develops
  • The arrival of a new baby brings stress to every couples relationship
  • The emotional development of the child and contact strengthen baby’s feelings of comfort and security
  • Love is a basic need for children emotional and social development- effects wellbeing

Style of parenting

  • The family culture and background, religion, he media and societal expectations influence parental authority
  • Parents should always allow for mutual respect between the parent and child
  • There are 4 parenting styles
  1. Authoritarian parenting: involves one or both parents making all the decisions and rules and instructing and directing the behaviour of children. Children are punished and rarely rewarded
  2. Democratic parenting: is characterized by all family members having equal rights and participation in decision making. To reach decision, all options are considered and a vote may be taken. Parents encourage children to make decisions and take responsibility. May set goals and reward children. Punishment and rewards are negotiated with children
  3. Permissive or indulgent parenting: I characterized by supportive and tolerant parenting with little control. Children don’t take on responsibilities and no method of decision making and therefore, children don’t learn this skill. Parents usually give in to children, this causes confusion later and are unable to determine acceptable behaviour
  4. Negligent parenting: Means that parents fail to take responsibility for their children actions and behaviour. Occurs when parents have failed to provide adequately for their needs. Parents may fail to show any love and concern. DOCS takes interest in these families

Special Needs

  • A child with special needs require more attention and care
  • These include chronic conditions (asthma), learning disorders (dyslexia), development disorder (autism), physical disorder (visual impairment) or the child may be gifted
  • WHO defines disability as a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being
  • There are many professionals who offer specialized medical treatment for children
  • These professionals offer the parent and child support through learning, development and educational activities
  • Gifted and talented children need special attention to reach their full potential

Implications for parents and carers of children with chronic illness include:

-Making doctor appointments and accompanying the child

-On going care- sometimes 24 hours a day, which restricts both employment and social opportunities

-Financial pressures brought about by paying for specialist care, medicines- carers have a lower income

-Disruption to the family routine because of hospitalization and appointments

-Having to balance the need of an ill child and those of other family members