April 16, 2013
2:00 PM
The Yanceyville Planning Board held a Special Meeting in the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building at 2:00pm on April 16, 2013.
Board members present:Fred Smith, Patricia Lea, Sylvia Johnson, and Darrell McLean. Don Donavan was absent from the meeting.
Staff: Haynes Brigman, Town Manager
Call To Order
Mr. Brigman opened the meeting for the Planning Board at 2:00pm. An Agenda was provided to each member.
Item 2 & 3.Mr. Brigman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked that each person introduce themselves to the other members. Mr. Brigman passed out packets of information that included the roles and responsibilities of the Planning Board, and their duties while they served in their respective roles.
Item 4.Mr. Brigman passed around Oaths of Office that each member of the Planning Board must take before serving on the Board. This meeting was a unique appointment of offices for all five Planning Board members, as all five of them were newly appointed and were beginning at the same time.
Item 5.Mr. Brigman stated that the Board needed to appoint a Chairman to oversee all of the meetings. Mrs. Johnson made a motion to appoint Fred Smith as the Chairman. The Board voted and unanimously appointed Mr. Smith to serve as Chairman.
Item 6.Mr. Brigman presented the Board with an application for a Special Use Permit that was submitted by adjoining property owners located at 175 Nicks Hooper Road and 225 Nicks Hooper Road in Yanceyville. Mr. Brigman explained that the current properties were zoned in the Manufacturing Zoning District but the structures on both of the properties had always been used as a single family residence, dating back more than 20 years. He also stated that the zoning districts were established in 1999, and at that time the properties were considered non-conforming uses. The problem that has presented itself is that the property owners are trying to refinance or sell their properties, but are unable to because of the zoning classification. The two property owners have applied for a Special Use Permit to allow residential use of their properties as a result of their historical use.
The Planning Board unanimously agreed that the Special Use Permit should be granted to the applicants due to the historical use of the property. Mr. Brigman stated that the recommendation of the Planning Board will be given to the Town Council for them to make their final decision in a specially called Public Hearing for this case.
Item 7.With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:47pm.
Fred Smith, Chairman
Haynes M. Brigman, Town Clerk