Ezekiel 13:18-20

“For whatever is hidden shall be revealed, and whatever has been kept secret shall come to light.” Mark 4:22

“Therefore do not fear them, for whatsoever is covered shall be revealed and whatsoever is hidden shall be made known. What I say to you in the dark, speak in the light. And what you hear in the ear, proclaim from the housetops. And do not fear those that kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” Matthew 10:26-28

“`The Awakening’ " is a 100-foot statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself. It was created by J. Seward Johnson, Jr. and installed at Hains Point (East Potomac Park), Washington, D.C. in 1980 for the International Sculpture Conference Exhibition… On February 8, 2008, the statue was dismantled and moved to the new National Harbor resort across the Potomac River & south a few miles in Prince George's County, Maryland… Close ups from the old location of the face—very realistic! He’s evidently roaring as he arises – as if greeting the world again with a cry of triumph. Or is he crying out in pain against the world and its inhabitants?”

From Isaiah 13:1-3: Septuagint: “Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand--open the gates, ye rulers. I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting…”

Evil ones rising from the pit are enteringonto our earth (Revelation 9). This statue is symbolic of the returned Nephilim onto the earth. The statue shows that he is angry, and cries out. He is hungry and thirsty for the flesh of Yahuwah’s creation.

One main thing I’ve noted that Donald Trump has done for America and the world is his probing for truth and exposing it. He has set off a volcano eruption,exposing what was hidden, residing in the bowels of the earth, which is now surfacing for all to see.Of course, this bold exposing can be used, and has been used, to cause civil conflict in America already – a lot of it violent. But, I still see Yahuwah’s hand in this. In other words, Yahuwah is literally allowing the rug to be pulled back that hides the door to the cellar, exposing the hiding places of the top levels of government evil, opened the can of worms, opened “Pandora’s Box,” opened the stinking sewer to the light of day--terrified the roaches, rats, and snakes hiding in the dark. Yahuwah “shaking” everything that can be shaken, so only those things that can’t be shaken may remain (Hebrews 12:25-29; Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22). On December 19th, the Electoral College will vote. Then they’ll let us know who they deem fit to be President. Yahuwah is in control!

How far the roaches, rats, and snakes will allow Trump to go on with his radical ideas is yet to be seen, but he’s pulled back the cover to the pit so far that there is no closing it now! What has been hidden is exploding worldwide! All the filth that most of us can’t even wrap our minds around is oozing out like lava, and to our horror it has also encouraged the hidden ones to bring their evil into the light and show it off before everyone in their insane pride.

I grew up as a very naïve child, an only child of my parents. I was raised in the Baptist church. Our church told us little more than John 3:16 three times a week 52 weeks out of each year. I was an evangelist from age 6, and loved the Word, but I believed what my pastor told me most of the time – except when he said the book of Acts was history. I knew better!

On day, as a teenager, I asked my mother if all there was to Christianity was getting saved, living life as best we could, and going to heaven. She was washing dishes. She turned around and nodded “yes’ to me. I knew something was real wrong. It made me angry, too. I had read the book of Acts.

I loved end-time prophecy. I wanted to be a missionary. Men like Hal Lindsey were just getting started with end-time prophecy teaching,but I was hook for the rest of my life to pursue knowledge of that reality. However, to be taught by my church how to minister like they did in the book of Acts, nothing was ever said about it. Nor did my Bible College teach anything about spiritual warfare--nothing beyond a generalizing of Ephesians 6:10-18about wearing the armor of a Roman soldier.Later I learned that Apostle Sha’ul was talking about the garments of the High Priest.

But, everything that Yahuwah put in my heart to pursue, I pursued it with passion, evangelism, sharing the good news with others, was #1 in my life. Because I was faithful to that, one night preaching on a street in Los Angeles, He brought a couple of His children to lead me to the baptism into His Spirit by Messiah. From that starting point, He immediately gave me 9 out of the 9 gifts of His Spirit in I Corinthians 12:1-11, which are for spiritual warfare, direction, discernment, and ministry to others.

I continued on to do missionary work for years, teaching the Word, preaching and helping others to find the Elohim that I was beginning to know personally. But, because my church never told us about the “depths of Satan,” about the horrors of Satanism, sadomasochism, sex perversions of all types, satanic ritual abuse, and the goals of the demonic realm, like most of you, I lived in a cotton candy kind of world, and always thought the best of people, until proven otherwise. Like most, I made excuses for wrong. The public school tolerancetraining was not lost on me. Since the 1980s, when the Supreme Court allowed Bible Clubs in high schools, if run by the students, now in 2016 Satanists have moved in to establish their own clubs--but also in elementary schools from Kindergarten to sixth grade, middle schools, 7th and 8th grade, and high schools. But, then, America Kindergarten children, elementary school, middle school, and high school students, are being indoctrinated into homosexual lifestyles, too.

As a Baptist girl, I was never taught how to discern spirits, because my denominationdenied that the baptism into the Spirit was for today. So, in early 1966, when a Baptist minister said he wanted to marry me, at a time when I was totally disoriented (senior year of college), my dreams had fallen through for China, I bought into the greatest lie of my life. I finally came to understand that I had married a very cruel and mentally sickSatanist with multiple personalities, one who prided himself on being a warlock. Within three months of my marriage when the satanic ritual abuse started, I was in such shock and horror that I could not tell anyone. I was so ashamed. I kept it a secret for over 30 years. Everything that no one told me about,I experienced firsthand. But, then Abba’s counterattack: In November of 1966, Messiah baptized me in the Spirit of Yahuwah, and empowered me with His gifts. Right away, I began doing battle with Satan himself. However, my education in spiritual warfare had just begun. Because of the mask of Christianity, my husband pulled it off--no one knew the truth.

I was so naïve. I knew nothing about MK Ultras, about Joseph Mengele’s Nazi experiments on children in Auschwitz, about the mind of Satan and his ways of fragmenting children so that they can be demon possessed. The methodology of Mengele’s “Trauma-based mind control,” is very close to the ancient rituals of Dionysus, of Ezekiel 13:17-20. I saw the fragmenting techniques happening to our children, but did not know what I was watching until years later.

I almost lost my life many times during the last 50 years of “education” in the demonic world. I now have an incredible amount of knowledge, insight, and spiritual discernment of the demonic realm and how it functions. I can see through the façades of what appears on the surface to be good, and see the pure evil behind the masking. Christianity is greatest of all masks! It is amazing how many witches and warlocks hide behind the mask of Christianity in the western world. (II Corinthians 11:13-15)

Even now, I am learning more and more from the Scriptures and from what has been exposed just in the last year, even the last few months. I now fully understand what happened to me, and to our four children. How could I protect them when I did not know what was happening to me?

I had three nervous break downs, the first one in 1970. After five years of extreme daily hell, instead of getting myself and the first two children away to freedom, I rebelled against God and Jesus, and anything righteous, for 12 years, before merciful Abba brought me back to peace with Him. My testimony is Psalm 40:2-5! If you want the details, my autobiography Touching the Eternal is available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback book form.Hosea 4:6a: “My people perish for lack of knowledge…”

I am reminded of a dream that you can learn from, too. In the dream, I heard my husband crying out loudly, over and over: “the spirit of acne is upon me.” I came running. He was standing on a tall ladder at the entrance of the service road that led to the backside of a zoo. Animals had escaped and were roaming the nice quiet American suburban neighborhood about a block to the right of the ladder. I figured he was all right, so I began walking down the road in front of lovely houses in the neighborhood. All of a sudden, I saw a large bear coming from behind a house, then a lion from behind another house. Each got only into the front yards, saw me, stopped, and just glared at me. I was so full of the joy of Yahuwah. I had no fear at all. I kept walking, knowing that the enemy could not harm me. I pondered that dream for many years, understanding it in part, but Abba finally clarified it. My husband hid in Christianity as a Baptist preacher, hiding behind the favor I had with ministries, using my favor with people to promote himself. The one main thing he was most terrified of was being exposed. Acne is an eruption on the surface of the skin that exposes the yucky junk hidden underneath! While he remained on a ladder full of fear, I was enjoying the peace and joy of Yahuwah. The enemy could notcome close because they feared me.

Don’t you want to be like that – a warrior so powerful in the might of Yahuwah that the enemy is afraid of you! You have that right if you’re truly born again, but you must be filled with the Spirit and be subject to Yahuwah’s Spirit, daily flowing in His power.

It was the rising joy in my spirit, which is the “power of His might,” that finally “motivated” my husband into forcing me to have to flee. Now I can warn others!

I wrote three articles entitled “Scriptural Spiritual Warfare,” Parts I, II and III, “The Zadok Priesthood Part II: Correct Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in the Garments of the High Priest/February 2005, and a shortened version of the Zadok article, “Intercession: Knowing the Basics”/July 15, 2007. These will give you a lot of wisdom on how to combat the enemy.

When it all comes down to it, acting on Luke 10:19 involves knowing who your enemy is, and having the authority-backing of Yahuwah with the anointing of His Spirit to stand in the face of the enemy and commandhim/them to flee. Demonic entities feed on negative emotions, so they stimulate them, agitate them. Negative emotions, fear, depression, sexual perversion, drugs, alcohol abuse, impure thoughts, not forgiving others, and other thing listed in Galatians 5:19-21 draw demonic spirits to feast on your soul, causing physical problems, and spiritual shut down. [Refer to: “Authority Backing”/February 12, 2012, and “Boldness Under Authority”/May 6, 2012]

As born-again believers, we have the power to make the enemy flee, but we must correctly use the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds – Ephesians 6:10-18; II Corinthians 10:3-6.

In 1986, we moved to Fort Worth, Texas, and I began attending June Joyner’s weekly prayer class. There I learned the basic principles of spiritual warfare, healing, miracles, and prophecy, just like Messiah and the Apostles ministered. I attended this class for five years. I did a lot in deliverance ministry, and began to be strengthened. In 1996, I went to Africa for the first of 7 trips. There I encountered demon possession, and demonic strongholds among true believers, like never before--in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Most of my ministry was out in “bush” where the demonic was the most powerful. I had authority-backing from Yahuwah, anointing by His Spirit, and power to deliver those totally under the control of demons, even the violent, ones wanting to kill me. The more I saw the power of Yahuwah manifesting through me, the stronger I got. I had His boldness beyond my usually passive self.

In 1986, Yahuwah told me: “You take care of the giants in your own life, and I’ll take care of the giants outside.” We can’t go running into battle like a half-crazed, scared-to-death zealot, swinging a sword at any and everything. Never forget the lesson of Acts 19:13-17! You have to be trained. Rememberthat David first learned to kill the bear and the lion while tending the sheep, before he was equipped to kill Goliath! I am no longer shocked or horrified, but I am dedicated to sharing what I know with Yahuwah’s people! The “depths of Satan” are being exposed at the highest levels of American and world government, and the Hollywood entertainment industry.

Revelation 2:24-27: (Read in context of the assembly of Thyatira), Messiah speaking: “And to you I speak, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not possess this teaching (the teaching of the resident jezebel) and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call them, I am not putting on you another burden. But, hold fast that which you have until I come. And he who overcomes and guards My works until the end, to him shall I give authority over the nations, and he shall shepherd them with a rod of iron …” What awesome promises!

Just recently, the news reported on the rescue of a beautiful 34 year old California mom who was kidnapped by two Hispanic women in Redding. She had been chained, beaten, tortured, starved, her hair cut off, and branded with a hot iron. The two who did this, who have not yet been found, were Hispanic women.

I remember when my second daughter was about 10 years old. She got 2-3 phone calls from someone asking her to pronounce certain words. The woman said she spoke Spanish and needed to hear the words spoken in English. To be gentle about it, they were words that would set off perverted sexual appetites.My 10-year old didn’t know that, of course. When the woman called again, I took the phone after listening to my daughter speaking the words slowly as requested (she was being recorded). I let the woman know never to call again. It scared me; it angered me greatly, that someone would use my sweet daughter like that.

People worldwide are becoming more and more demonized (under the control of demons). Many are losing their humanity, losing control of their soul and spirit, so that their bodies are available for inhabiting by demonic entities.

In the first chapter of Tom Horn’s new book Abaddon Ascending, he gives an overview of the plotline of the 1994 movie Stargate, starring Kurt Russell and James Spader. I had watched the movie on my computer a few days before receiving the book. The movie showed how demonic-empowered beings, acting as gods, could capture the soul and spirit of a person, and then transform the person entirely, making them willful slaves of the god.

Then last Shabbat night, I literally experienced the effect of the demonic power through powerful witchcraft. I experienced something close toEzekiel 13:18, 20. I did not know what was happening except that I was being verbally attacked with insane rhetoric. I kept calm. I tried to reasonwith my attacker, but it is impossible to reason with one under the influence of demons. After she left, I was numb. I felt the separation of my spirit-man (soul and body) within my body. I had been drained of energy, but still able to think on a simple level. I was very aware that my spirit-man was intact, but somehow separated from my physical body. It was like I was barely existing inside a prison-house. My spirit was quiet. I could not sleep until 3:00 AM.

I have never had anything like this happen before. I did research. I learned a lot about how “entities” can drain us of power, for they feed on our electrical energy.