
Lesson plans

English 10 CP (A1, A3, B1, B3, B4)

Sept 6-21, 2016

Unit 1: Summer Reading and the 1920s

Note: At this point, “posted online” means posted on both my website AND on the Google classroom.


Day 1 – Sept 6-7 T-W

  • Introductions
  • Philosophy discussion, part 1

WHAT IS THE TRUTH?  Informal writing #1- part of 10 PTS set

(bullet big ideas)

Homework, Due next day of class:

  • Skills practice #1: Choose evidence. - 6 PTS
  • Directions posted online
  • Read 10CP and DLM “SPE: Student Performance Expectations” (posted online)
  • Set up notebook and print Elements of Fiction handout(requirements & handout posted online)
  • Review In the Shadow of Blackbirds(or The Glass Castle) and bring it to class daily!


Day 2 – Sept 8-9Th-F

  • Creating Notes on a Book

1. Genre

Content & Form

2. Elements of fiction

A. Point of view

B. Setting

C. Character

D. Plot: Review 5 parts.

  • Philosophy, part 2

I. What does a person believe?

A. Point of view

1. “An individual’s point of view is a product of every experience s/he has had. In this way, we are each truly unique.”

B. How was the person raised/what was the person taught by … ?

1. parents/family

2. formal education

3. surrounding culture

C. Related debate: John Locke’s tabula rasa (blank slate) theory vs. (for example) evolutionary psychologists, who say are minds are like computers, already programmed to behave in certain ways. Are we products of nature or nurture?

1. “Is a person completely a product of teaching and experience, or do innate qualities and traits really affect who we are?”  Informal writing #2- part of 10 PTS set

  • Critical Reading #1 – Groupwork practice – NOT for points

Homework, Due next day of class:

  • Read and take notes (1 page max) on the 1920’s/ITSOB context document (posted online)
  • Create your name poem: an acrostic poem of own name; print with picture (directions posted online)


Day 3 – Sept 12-13 M-T

  • Skills practice #2 – “Choose and explain evidence.” –5 PTS
  • Philosophy, part 3

I. What does a person believe? (cont’d)

A. experience

B. teaching

C. nature or nurture?

D. Related issues: emotion and truth

* consider how emotion affects our learning in the moment and in memory later

* consider how our own understanding of what we have learned changes over time; consider the truth of memory – time alters all things

  • Taking notes on a book – Quest and Conflict

Homework, Due next day of class:

  • Finish quest/conflict notes, as needed


Day 4 – Sept 14-15 W-Th

  • critical reading#2 –10 pts
  • Philosophy discussion, part 4

II. How is this belief expressed?

 If I want to know what a person believes, should I ask him or watch him? Why?

(Most students say, “watch him” because people lie…)

A. Action

1. How/what the person chooses to be

a. job/career

b. hobbies & interests

c. people chosen to surround self

d. behavior

2. Discussion topic: “Should a person only be defined by what s/he does on an average day, or by something else? If by something else, by what? Why?”

B. Spoken thoughts

1. Diction

a. word choice

b. delivery/tone of voice

2. Clarity

3. Structure of writing & organization of ideas

4. Audience reaction – Note that this cannot be controlled by the speaker, and brings us straight back to the point of view of the listener…

C. Related debate:“Should a person be defined by the truths they declare or the behavior they demonstrate?” Take a stance and provide evidence for your assertion from your summer reading book.  Informal writing #3 - part of 10 PTS set

Homework, Due next day of class:

  • Make sure you have your summer reading book!


Day 5 – Sept 16-19 F-M

  • In-class formal writing – “Choose an event in the book. Analyze evidence that shows how a character’s truth skews that person’s behavior during this event.” - 20 PTS
  • Intro, body, body
  • Introducing the individual choice pop culture extended research project.

Homework, Due on Day 6:

  • Read and complete any exercise on powerpoint.

Homework, Due on Day 7:

  • Choose a pop culture element to follow this year. Write an “application” to become a class expert on this topic. Explain your interest and former knowledge. Typed, double-spaced. One page max.


Day 6 – Sept 20-21 T-W

  • How to paraphrase and quote
  • Students set their own goals
  • Recap philosophy so far
  • Understanding the 1920s

HMWK: Read in preparation for next class.
