St. Vincent Ferrer
Religious Education Program
Parent Handbook
Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer
Director of Religious Education
708-366-7090 x118
Message from the
Director of Religious Education
Dear Parents,
Welcome and thank you for enrolling your child in the Religious Education Program at St. Vincent Ferrer Church. This is my second year on staff at SVF and I look forward tocontinue working with you to develop your child’s faith. We at St. Vincent’s are excited to offer a program that teaches our faith in collaboration with our families, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our program integrates the teachings of the Catholic Church with reference to the Sunday liturgy and in the spirit of Christian community.
All of us at St. Vincent Ferrer are truly humbled by the opportunity to work together with families to teach the children of our parish. We recognize that religious education begins at home and sincerely thank all the parents who inspire their children with their faithfulness. For this reason, we encourage you to attend the Sunday 9am Mass with your child each week. Additionally, we will provide a Catholic doctrine reference to new families so that parents can be comfortable answering their children’s’ questions about our faith.
At St. Vincent Ferrer, we concentrate on teaching the faith as it is presented in the Nicene Creed. With God’s help andtogether withour dedicated priests, catechists and parents, we will help our students understand our faith and grow in knowledge and love of God.
The first day of class is Sunday, September 10th. After 9 AM Mass, we will have coffee, juice and snacks for all parents and children. Father Tom McDermott, OP, will welcome all to the new school year. Parents will then accompany their child to class on that day to meet the catechist, learn more about their child’s specific class, and the content he/she will be studying this year. When you enter the school via the glassed-in breeze way, you will find a sign will be posted there indicating the room numbers of each grade.
If youhaveanyquestions, please do not hesitate to contactme byphone, email or in person. I am in the office at St. Vincent Ferrer on Wednesdays and in the school on Sunday mornings during Religious Education Classes. I am available by e-mail any day of the week.
Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer
Director of Religious Education
708-366-7090 x118
St. Vincent Ferrer Religious Education Mission Statement
St. Vincent Ferrer provides religious instruction and faith experiences which foster a knowledge and appreciation of Roman Catholic beliefs and tradition, which will guide students in making moral choices and help grow in their spiritual life.
St. Vincent Ferrer’s Religious Education Program is operated under the auspices of Cardinal Cupich and the Bishops in the Archdiocese of Chicago. St. Vincent Ferrer’s Religious Education Program welcomes students of any sex, race, or ethnicity.
Parents and guardians should be registered parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish. If you need to register as a parishioner please visit the Parish Office during regular office hours. Registration forms have been updated this year and all students must fill out a registration form to attend classes in the fall.
How to Register for Religious Education:
- Complete the registration form located on the parish website and at the end of this packet. If you access the form from the website the .pdf can be filled out digitally and returned easily by email. This works best if you have Adobe Reader® installed.
- If you prefer to complete the form by hand they can be emailed or dropped off at the Parish Office located at 1530 Jackson Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305.
- Registration will also take place in the vestibule of the church after all Masses on August 19-20. The Director of Religious Education will be present to help you and to answer your questions.
Tuition______*Book Fee: $35.00 per child
1 Child$200.00
2 Children$320.00
3 Children$400.00
4 Children$460.00
Sacramental Supply Fees_____
1st Holy Communion (2nd Grade)$25.00 per child
Confirmation (8th Grade)$50.00 per child
Fees may be paid in installments. All fees must be paid in full by November 1, 2017. Checks should be made out to St. Vincent Ferrer Church. No child will be refused registration because of financial constraints. In such cases, the parents should schedule an appointment to meet with the pastor () by September 1, 2017.
Program Overview
St. Vincent Ferrer provides religious formation that is consistent with the basic traditions and teachings of the Roman Catholic church, as reflected in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Students in St. Vincent Ferrer’s students us the Faith and Life series by Ignatius Press. Students are provided with a textbook and activity book that should be brought to each class. Students in Sacramental preparation may receive supplemental materials.
Students are encouraged to bring basic classroom supplies with them each week (pencils, pens, erasers, etc.). Younger students are also urged to bring a box of colored pencils or crayons, since our classroom supplies are limited.
Quizzes and tests may be administered at the discretion of the catechist.
A homeschool option for Religious Education is also available for most grade levels, except for students preparing for First Communion or Confirmation. Parents interested in the homeschool option must contact the Director of Religious Education before September 1, 2017.
We strongly encourage eight years of Religious Education for all students to best prepare them for the Sacrament of Confirmation and to help them grow in their faith lives.
Class begins after the 9:00 Mass on Sundays. The Archdiocese of Chicago has a required number of hours that must be met for satisfactory completion of the course requirements. Our program is set up to meet that requirement. Attendance requirements may be enforced during Sacramental years.
If your child is unable to attend class, please contact the catechist and the DRE before class begins. This is best done by email.
The calendar is available at the end of this packet or online. Please familiarize yourself with the schedule.
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to be respectful and courteous towards their catechists, classroom aides, and other students. Students are not to engage in any behavior that would endanger the health or safety of themselves or any other person(s). This includes behavior that is detrimental to the academic or personal progress of the individual concerned or fellow students.
If a student’s behavior is disruptive he or she will be asked to leave the classroom and stay with the Director of Religious Education until 11:45. Parents will be notified by the DRE, Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, when their child has been asked to leave the classroom. It is the parent’s responsibility to correct the behavior at home. If behavior continues to be problematic, a meeting will be scheduled with the parents and DRE to determine a course of action.
Altar Serving
ALL 7th and 8th grade students are required to altar serve and usher during assigned Masses throughout the year as part of Confirmation preparation. If your child cannot attend the assigned Mass it is your responsibility to contact the parish office to reschedule. Students must sign-in in the Sacristy to receive credit for serving/ushering.
Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental preparation is a two-yearprocess. Students’ preparedness for Sacraments is at the discretion of the catechist, Pastor, and DRE.
Children preparing for Reconciliation and First Communion must have completed 1st grade in Religious Education or in a Catholic School. This year lays the foundation for their Catholic Faith and the second year helps to further develop their understanding of the Faith. These Sacraments take place in the spring of the second year. Before First Communion, students will have interviews with the parish priests in which they demonstrate basic knowledge of prayers, doctrine, and the Ten Commandments
Confirmation is likewise a two-year program. Students must attend 7th grade in either Religious Education or a Catholic School. During their 8th grade year students must complete service opportunities, attend a Confirmation Retreat, and pass an exam with the parish priests. Preparation for exams will be conducted during regular Religious Education classes.
Parental Expectations
Parents are the first and best teachers of the faith. Most of faith formation takes place in the home, and we at St. Vincent Ferrer expect parents to act as exemplary examples of the Catholic faith life. We encourage families to attend Mass together each weekend and for parents to help their children complete religious education assignments, learn prayers, etc. If parents need suggestions in enhancing their faith life please speak with the Pastor or Director of Religious Education.
Parents of children receiving First Communion or Confirmation are expected to attend parent preparation meetings as shown on the calendar. Parents of 8th graders are also encouraged to attend service days with their children.
Parents may occasionally be asked to participate in parish functions such as helping host a Mimosa Sunday or host the Confirmation reception.
Parents are welcome to attend class at any time as long as their presence does not disrupt the students.
Health Information
If your child has any medical issues that would impact his or her ability to participate in the class, please indicate this on the registration form and inform your child’s catechist. Parents are responsible for notifying the Director of Religious Education if their children have any allergies or other medical issues.Catechists and employees are not allowed to maintain or supervise the taking of or administering of medication.