21 Things Admin Portfolio Work Sheet for
Capstone 4: Systemic Improvement
Utilize the following template to complete your digital portfolio. Submit capstone as per the deadline given by your Agency Coordinator. Include additional pages where appropriate to attach additional information.
Make sure to include your name, district and time logged at the top of each element.
Participant Name: District:
Email address: ______
Time Logged:
Please review the following “Things” before completing this Capstone:
Please reflect upon each area of the hands-on activity and capture a screen shot.
1. Research
FERPA Compliance/Acceptable Use
Review the FERPA guidelines and Acceptable Use policies required by many districts for educators when using a data warehouse, student information system, or course management/online infrastructure system
Reflect on how you met the goals of this assignment, and the web tools/web site(s) you used…
Capture and insert a screen shot…
2. Select one of the following areas to research:
Data Warehousing (DW)
Research the data warehousing applications (e.g. Data Director, Data4SS, Pearson Inform, TetraData, ClassA, Igor/Pinnacle, etc.) available in your service area (ISD, RESD, RESA). Explore the types of information available in a data warehouse, security, FERPA compliance, and how to get a login or access within your district/county/area. Find out how data warehousing is commonly used for school improvement.
Student Information Systems (SIS)
Identify SIS systems (e.g. PowerSchool, Skyward, Zangle, etc.) available in your service area (ISD, RESD, RESA). Explore the type of information available in a SIS, security, FERPA compliance, and how to get a login or access within your district/county/area. Find out how SIS is commonly used within a building/district.
Course Management Systems or Online Infrastructure Systems (OIS)
Identify CMS systems (e.g. BlackBoard, Moodle, Sakai, Angel, WebCT, etc.) or OIS (Edline, School Center, School Fusion, etc.) available in your service area (ISD, RESD, RESA). Explore the type of information available in a CMS/OIS, security, FERPA compliance, and how to get a login or access within your district/county/area. Find out how CMS/OIS is commonly used within a building/district and the online learning requirements for your students.
Reflect on how you met the goals of this assignment, and the web tools/web site(s) you used…
Capture and insert a screen shot…
3. Report
Create a Virtual Communication session (Adobe Connect Now or Skype) for your Personal Learning Network (School Board, School Improvement Team, staff) describing your findings or possible rollout plan for your school/district on your selected initiative.
Reflect on how you met the goals of this assignment, and the web tools/web site(s) you used…
Capture and insert a screen shot…
4. Post
Create links to the applicable technology tools used locally on your web resources page. Consider adding web resources related to data warehousing, student information systems, and course management systems. Links to the school improvement plan, assessment and evaluation tools, and other resources may be applicable here.
Create a section describing how your district is addressing the Michigan Online Learning Requirement for K-12 students (such as Moodle, BlackBoard, MIVU, GenNet, TWICE fieldtrips, ePals, Read Across the Planet, etc.). See the METS-Standards (Communication and Collaboration sections).
Reflect on how you met the goals of this assignment, and the web tools/web site(s) you used…
Capture and insert a screen shot…
OPTIONAL: Data Inquiry and Access
Gather data from your local data sources on student performance on state testing in the area of English Language Arts (ELA) or math. Based on the data gathered from available local data sources, (e.g. the Michigan MEAP Strand and GLCE analysis, or the Michigan MME comparative item analysis), identify with your school improvement team on area(s) to target for strategies and interventions. Create a presentation using visual learning tools. Post the link to your presentation and your data warehouse on your web page.
Reflect on how you met the goals of this assignment, and the web tools/web site(s) you used…
Capture and insert a screen shot…
After completing the hands-on activities for this capstone, submit your reflection (1 page double spaced minimum) covering the items below.
- How do you see yourself utilizing and sharing these tools both personally and professionally to promote continued growth? How does this help you to achieve the goals of your mission? What revelations, challenges or change barriers did you experience or anticipate?
- As you reviewed the technology tools (“things”) and assignments for this Capstone, how do these tools address 21 Responsibilities of School Leaders (Marzano, Waters, McNulty, 2005)?