October 14, 2002



The purpose of these Bylaws is to guide the members of Faith Lutheran Church in the implementation of the purpose of the congregation as stated in Article II of the Constitution. As such these Bylaws are meant to be a clarification of, and subordinate to, the Constitution.

These Bylaws are to be utilized in facilitating the efficient operation of the congregation's business in support of our mission and in an atmosphere of Christian love and community.



A. Admission into Membership

1. Communicant Membership

a. By confirmation

b. By transfer

Persons presenting a letter of transfer from a congregation in church fellowship, and who conform in all respects to the requirements of membership of this congregation, shall be recommended by the Pastor to the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team [Elders] which shall have the authority to act on such application for membership on behalf of the congregation. Such transfers of membership shall be reported at a meeting of the congregation.

c. By profession of faith

Other persons shall make their request to the Pastor [or to a member of the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team (Elders)]; and having given satisfactory evidence for communicant membership, shall be recommended by the Pastor to the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team (Elders) which shall have authority to act on such application for membership on behalf of the congregation. Such applications of membership shall be reported at a meeting of the congregation.

B. Termination of Membership

1. Transfer to other congregations

Communicant members desiring to join a congregation in church fellowship shall present their request for transfer to the Pastor or a member of the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team (Elders) to whom authorization is granted to issues such transfers. Such transfers of membership shall be reported at a meeting of the congregation.

2. Joining other churches

In cases where communicant members have joined another congregation outside our own fellowship, they shall, upon the recommendation of the Pastor or a member of the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team (Elders), be considered as having terminated their membership, and their names shall be removed from the membership list.

3. Whereabouts unknown

In consultation between the Pastor and members of the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team (Elders), members whose whereabouts are unknown and cannot be established shall be removed from the membership list.

4. Excommunication and self-exclusion

Members who conduct themselves in an unchristian manner shall be admonished according to Matt. 18:15-20. If they refuse to amend their ways after proper admonition, they shall be subject to excommunication by action of the voters. If such a person confesses his sin to the congregation and promises to amend, the congregation shall receive this person as a brother or sister.

5. Status

A person whose communicant membership has been terminated has forfeited all rights as a member of this congregation and all claims upon the property of the congregation as such, or upon any part thereof.



A.Congregational meetings shall consist of the following:

1. The annual voting meeting will be held during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year as set by the Parish Planning Council and publicized at least 30 days prior to meeting. The agenda will be open but must include election of officers, approval of the annual budget, and reports of each ministry team.

2. Special congregational meetings may be called. Special congregational meetings will consist of:

Special voting meetings called by the Parish Planning Council. Special voting meetings can only address those issues that were included in the formal meeting notification.

A special informational meeting must occur during the second quarter of each fiscal year. The objective of this meeting will be to update members of the congregation about issues related to various Ministry Teams, church news, events, and other similar program developments.

Special informational meetings that are formally announced by the Parish Planning Council at least two weeks prior in the announcement section of the Sunday bulletins.

B.Special Notification Requirements

If the purpose of the meeting is to amend the Constitution, purchase or sell real estate, erect buildings, or remove from office a pastor, called worker, or member, written notice must be sent to each voting member at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.


A quorum will be:

1. At the annual meeting: at least 40 voting members present.

2. At special voting meetings: at least 40 voting members present.

3. At the annual voting meeting or at special voting meetings, where the agenda includes consideration of amendments to the Constitution, purchase or sale of real estate, erection of buildings, or removal of a pastor, called worker, or member from office, 80 voting members shall be required to constitute a quorum. For the passing of the aforementioned items above, a two-thirds majority of those present shall be required, unless otherwise provided by state law.

4. In the absence of a quorum, those present may fix the date for an adjourned meeting for which at least five [5] days written notice shall be given. Notice shall be communicated to members via U.S. mail. The members who are present at such an adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum.

D. Order of Business

All meetings of the voters shall be conducted in accordance with the Constitution and these Bylaws and shall include an opening devotion, establishment of a quorum, a formal agenda, and closing devotion. If a question of parliamentary procedure arises that cannot be clarified by either the Constitution or Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall prevail.



The Parish Planning Council (PPC) is the elected board responsible for ensuring that the congregation's business is carried out according to the provisions outlined in section F of this article. The Parish Planning Council will focus primarily on the mission and goals of the congregation with the purpose of planning, evaluating and establishing policy. All staff, Ministry Teams and organizations shall be ultimately responsible to the congregation through the Parish Planning Council.

A. Members of the Parish Planning Council

The Parish Planning Council shall consist of eleven [11] members who shall be the Chairman, Chairman-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Pastor and six [6] members elected at large from the congregation. The Assistant Pastors will not serve as formal members of the council, but will be encouraged to attend council meetings and participate in council discussions.

B. Meetings of the Parish Planning Council

The Parish Planning Council shall meet monthly, except when the Council deems it unnecessary to meet. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The Chairman shall chair the Parish Planning Council meetings.


1. There shall be two standing committees under the direction of the Parish Planning Council.

a. Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee will handle human resources issues related to senior and support staff positions within the church. This includes, but is not limited to, the recommendations of staff job descriptions and compensation, and cooperating with the Senior Pastor and Parish Planning Council in the hiring, training, appraisal, and dismissal of staff personnel. The Personnel Committee will also provide assistance to the School Board in School staff related issues. The Chairman-Elect will serve as the chairman of the Personnel Committee. The Parish Planning Council shall appoint at least three [3] additional members from the congregation to the Personnel Committee.

b. Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee will select candidates for election to the positions of congregational officers and Parish Planning Council members-at-large.

The Nominating Committee will consult with the Senior Pastor and staff in identifying and recruiting personnel for Ministry Team Leaders for consideration and appointment by the Parish Planning Council. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman and be a member of the Parish Planning Council. The Parish Planning Council shall appoint at least three [3] additional members from the congregation to serve on the Nominating Committee.

2.The Parish Planning Council may from time to time form call committees or additional committees to carry out the congregation's business.

D.Financial Review

The Parish Planning Council shall appoint two financial examiners to conduct an audit at the close of the fiscal year. The audit will encompass all financial records of the congregation and all other organizations, committees and ministries.


The Parish Planning Council shall not have the right to purchase, encumber, sell or give property of the congregation or make commitments binding to the congregation unless the voters have given authorization at an official meeting.

However, during each calendar year the Parish Planning Council shall have the right to expend additional congregational funds for needful and necessary materials in an amount not to exceed a cumulative total of ten percent of the total annual budget.

F.Responsibilities and Operating Plans

The Parish Planning Council shall have the responsibility of developing the annual goals of the congregation for presentation at a congregational meeting. These will be structured in the form of an operations plan, which shall be formulated and presented at the congregations annual leadership training workshop. Each Ministry Team shall subsequently develop an operations plan for the year to include a review of current team responsibilities plus goals, objectives, and action plans that support the current years congregational goals. The Parish Planning Council shall review and approve the operating plans of the Ministry Teams


Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws, all ministries and other organizations are accountable to the congregation through the Parish Planning Council.



In the event that Faith Lutheran Church is in operation of a school, consisting of the operation of a children’s daycare and/or a pre-school and/or primary and secondary grades, there shall be a separate board of directors to address all operational issues, subject to the direction and approval of the Parish Planning Council. The Principal and/or Preschool Director shall be responsible for presenting for approval to the School Board, candidates for staff positions. The Parish Planning Council shall appoint the chair of the School Board and at least three [3] additional members from the congregation to serve on the School Board.



A.The officers of this congregation shall be:





B.Duties of officers

1. The Chairman shall:

a. Prepare the agenda for and preside at all meetings of the congregation and the Parish Planning Council..

b. Appoint any special committees.

c. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Ministry Teams and specially appointed committees.

2. The Chairman-Elect shall:

a. Perform the duties of the Chairman in his absence.

b. Automatically become Chairman after the second year of his term or if the Chairman's office becomes vacant.

c. Chair the Personnel Committee.

3. The Treasurer shall:

a. Be the chief financial officer of the congregation.

b. Have general responsibility for overseeing all financial matters.

c. Be responsible for coordinating the receipt of all monies pertaining to the congregation, and the appropriate accounting of these records.

d. Be responsible for overseeing the disbursement of church funds for the congregation, and the appropriate accounting of these records.

e. Oversee the performance of these aforementioned functions (c) and (d) through the supervision of a paid business administrator, contractual services with a certified professional accounting firm, or other appropriately identified entity.

f. Be a member of the Stewardship Ministry Team.

g. Be responsible for the formation and maintenance of an endowment for the

expansion of Gods work.

4. The Secretary shall:

a. Keep records of all voting meetings of the congregation and the Parish Planning Council, and make them available to the congregation.

b. Ensure the maintenance of the Constitution and Bylaws of the congregation and corporate records.

c. Ensure maintenance of other data with historical significance.




The Nominating Committee shall develop a slate of candidates to fill the open positions of the Parish Planning Council. The congregation is encouraged to forward to the Nominating Committee names which may be considered for nomination. The slate of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the congregation at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting of the voters at which the election shall occur. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the voters meeting if the nominee is present and has given consent.

Only members who are at least 21 years of age and have been members of the congregation for at least 6 months are eligible to hold elective positions.


Election of congregational officers and Parish Planning Council members-at-large shall take place at the annual meeting of the voters. Election shall be by a majority of votes cast.

Terms of office

The term of office for the Chairman, Chairman-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be two years. The Treasurer and Secretary may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The Chairman-Elect shall be elected every two years and shall automatically ascend to the position of Chairman following the expiration of the term of the Chairman (i.e. the Chairman cannot serve consecutive terms).

The Chairman-Elect and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years. The Parish Planning Council members-at-large shall be elected for a two-year term and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Elections are staggered so that three (3) at-large members are elected each year. In the event that additional at-large members are formally added to the council, elections can be staggered at different intervals so as to accommodate the increased numbers to the council.

Candidates to fill vacancies of the office of Chairman-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, or Parish Planning Council shall be selected by the Nominating Committee and affirmed by the Parish Planning Council. Candidates to fill the vacancy of offices which occur between elections shall be selected by the Nominating Committee for election at a voters meeting. This election shall occur no later than 90 days after the respective office becomes vacant.

The term of service for appointed members of the Personnel Committee shall be two (2) years. Appointed members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Appointment terms shall be made in alternating years to provide committee continuity.

The term of service for appointed members of the Nominating Committee shall be two (2) years. Appointed members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Appointed terms shall be made in alternating years to provide committee continuity.

The term of service for appointed members of the School Board shall be two (2) years. Appointed members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. Appointed terms shall be made in alternating years to provide board continuity.



The staff positions shall consist of Senior Staff, School Staff and Support Staff

A.Senior Staff Positions

The Senior Staff will include the Senior Pastor and professional church workers. The Senior Staff will provide leadership and resources to the Ministry Teams. The Senior Pastor shall be accountable to the Parish Planning Council through the Spiritual Care and Worship Ministry Team, and ultimately to the voters. The Senior Pastor will supervise the other senior staff and will have full responsibility for the performance of all pastoral duties and obligations.

School Staff Positions

The School Staff will include the Preschool Director and Principal, childcare workers, teachers, and assistants. The Preschool Director and Principal shall have administrative responsibility over each respective staff. The Preschool Director and Principal will be accountable to the Senior Pastor.

C.Support Staff Positions

All other paid positions, including office and support personnel will be considered as support staff positions. The individuals filling support staff positions will be selected by the Personnel Committee in consultation with the Senior Staff, and approved by the Parish Planning Council. Support staff employees will be accountable to the Senior Pastor.




Ministry Teams and staff will administer and lead the ministry of Faith Lutheran Church. Policies and directives developed by the Parish Planning Council will be implemented by the Ministry Teams. Input, activities, developments, and concerns of the Ministry Teams will be communicated to the Parish Planning Council. Working together, the Ministry Teams and staff will encourage members to carry out the mission of Faith Lutheran Church.