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(Integration of Imaging and Information Systems)



Date: May 6-8, 2014

Place: HL7 Meetings

Hilton Hotel

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Members Present Represented by

GE Healthcare Solomon, Harry

Philips Healthcare Chris Melo

Siemens Healthcare Koenig, Helmut

Members Absent Voting Representative

PixelMed Clunie, D. *

Merge Healthcare Cowan, Ron *

Others Present Affiliated with

Lars-Gunnar Hartveit HL7-Norway

Constable, Lorrain OO Co-Chair/Constable Consulting

J.D. Nolen AP Co-Chair/Cerner

Marquard, Brett SD Co-Chair/River Rock Associates

Shabo, Amnon CG Co-Chair/IBM, Haifa

Vastagh, Stephen MITA

Presiding Officers Helmut Koenig, Siemens, Co-Chair
Harry Solomon, GE Healthcare, Co-Chair

1.  Opening

The meeting was called to order at 09.00. The antitrust rules were reviewed.

The agenda and previous minutes were approved.

2.  Administrative

·  The HL7 Imaging Integration Work Group reviewed and re-affirmed the Imaging Integration Work Group Decision-making Practices Document (DMP) and forwarded it to the HL7 TSC project manager Lynn Laakso.

·  The HL7 WG health metrics were reviewed. Organizing more phone conferences through the HL7 facilities was discussed.

·  II/WG-20 HL7 Project Scope Statement related to DICOM Supplement 155 was discussed. The goal of the project is to invite HL7 comments on DICOM Supplement 155. The proposal was posted in the meeting folder < PSS-IIWG-Sup155.doc>. After revisions the proposal was approved and subsequently submitted to HL7.

3.  DICOM Supplement 155 (Templates for Imaging Procedure Reports encoded in CDA)

H. Solomon reported on the first presentation of Sup. 155 to WG-06. His presentation was posted in the meeting folder (Sup 155 for WG-06.pptx.)

The schedule of the Sup 155 review and approval project was discussed:

DICOM Schedule / HL7 Schedule
April 1: WG-06 – review overall strategy
May 5-9: HL7 – review with Structured Documents WG, and “clean draft” Supplement
May-Jun: WG-06 webinars for line by line review
Jun 27: WG-06 –Release for Public Comment
Early July-mid Sept: Public Comment / Aug 8-Sep 8: HL7 Comment Only ballot
Sept 8-12: WG-06 – review comments and necessary revisions
Sep 15-19: HL7 – review comments
Nov 14: WG-06 – Release for LB
Nov-Jan 10: Letter Ballot / Dec 12-Jan 12:HL7 Comment Only ballot
Jan 16: WG-06 – Approve Final Text (FT)
Jan 19-23: HL7 – review comments and Final Text Draft
Publish FT

The group then continued with a detailed review of the draft DICOM Sup. 155 document <Sup155_2014-05-02.docx >. Both template contents for individual document sections and formal template representation details were discussed.

4.  Joint meeting with HL7 Structured Documents (SD)

WG-20/II WG joined the HL7 SD for a joint meeting, on Thursday. The joint meeting was hosted by SD, and therefore the SD minutes are the official record. The groups discussed the II/WG-20 HL7 Project Scope Statement related to DICOM Supplement 155 and decided to invite HL7 comments on the document through a HL7 comment-only ballot. The project sponsor for the comment-only ballot is the HL7 II WG; HL7 SD decided it was not necessary for them to co-sponsor.

5.  Jt. Mtg with HL7 Orders & Observations (O&O), Anatomic Pathology (AP), and Clinical Genomics (Clin Gen)

WG-20/IIWG joined the HL7 OO, AP and CG for a joint meeting, on Wednesday. The joint meeting was hosted by OO, and therefore the O&O minutes are the official record.

H. Solomon reported on the Radiology/Pathology/Surgery Workflow Project (approved in 2012) that includes the II, O&O and AP WGs as co-sponsors. The purpose of project is to get more pre- and peri-operative information to the pathologist, including imaging. The HL7 v2 Orders push model mechanism specified in the approved Project Scope Statement does not fit well in the workflow of this environment. The project will investigate an alternative using a pull model based on FHIR. It was discussed that a new project will need to be initiated, possibly initially for a white paper. White Papers are an emerging HL7 “product” with a purpose to educate the community at large or to further refine the scope or approach for a large project. The expected submission of a revised project proposal is January 2015.

Other items on OO’s Agenda included:

·  CG’s Molly Ullman-Cullere talked about plans of the Clinical Genomics WG to work on FHIR resources and services. A. Shabo provided an overview on existing CG standards and future plans to consolidate and extend them.

·  Structured Data Capture Project – this is a project being developed on contract to ONC to develop common means to enter clinical trial and similar data on an EHR system that does not have such capability built in (based on the IHE Retrieve Form for Data Entry Profile). The project proposal brought to O&O was for a common metadata format for various research data dictionaries. The representatives of Accenture and JBS International presented the Project Proposal that enters the project in the HL7 standardization process. Harry Solomon pointed out that the proposal presented does not assure uniform definition of datasets, templates, etc., and is several steps removed from the core functionality of the SDC Project. The project proposal will be revised to clarify the actual scope.

6.  Next Meetings

Next meeting with HL7:

The next joint meetings between DICOM and HL7, and the WG-20 meetings will be held , during September 15-19, 2014 in Chicago, IL.

Preliminary Schedule:

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2014

Jt Meetings hosted by HL7 WGs

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2014

09.00-17.00 II-WG-20 Meeting

Thursday, Sept. 17, 2014

Q1-Q3 Jt Mtg II/WG-20-WG-27

Q4 Jt Mtg II/WG-20-WG-27-FHIR

Future Meetings of HL7:


·  Jan. 18-22, 2015 – Hyatt Regency, San Antonio, TX

·  May 10-14, 2015 – Paris France

·  Oct. 4-9, 2015 – Atlanta, GA


·  Jan. 2016 – TBA

·  May 2016 –TBA

·  Sep 18-23, 2016 - Baltimore

7.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 17.00 on May 8.

Reported by Stephen Vastagh Secretary

Reviewed by legal counsel: Clark Silcox


Minutes - DICOM WG-20, May 6-8, 2014 Page 184