St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Mission: “Go and Make Disciples”
Goals and Objectives 2012-2013
Goal 1: Share our Faith
To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others.
Objective 1A: To foster an experience of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and all the sacraments, the sacred signs of our Catholic Life.
Objective 1B:To foster conversion and renewal in the heart of every believer, leading to a more active living of Catholic Life. Catechesis
Objective 1C:To foster an appreciation of God’s word and an even deeper sense of prayer in the lives of all Catholics. Liturgy
Objective 1D:To foster a sense of discipleship among all Catholics. Youth and Young Adults; Marriage and Family Life
Objective 1E:To promote vocations to the ordained life, the religious life, and the lay ministries.
Objective 1F:To foster a renewed understanding of Faith among Catholics, through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Sacred Liturgy.
Goal 2: Invite All People
To invite all people, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the CatholicFaith.
Objective 2A: To make St. Thomas More Parish more welcoming and hospitable. Facilities Support; Communications and Stewardship
Objective 2B: To maintain well-equipped facilities which reflect the needs of the community.
Objective 2C: To empower all Catholics to exercise their baptismal call to evangelize and to foster conversion in the lives of all people.
Objective 2D: To invite our parish and community to discipleship by effective communication.
Goal 3: Foster Gospel Values
To foster Gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, singles, youth and seniors, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Objective 3A: To promote and support the sanctity of human life in our society.
Objective 3B: To foster the importance of family, singles, youth and seniors. Parish Life
Objective 3C: To foster a sense of service, promote social justice, and to provide for the needs of the parish and the community at large.Social Concerns
Objective 3D: To promote stewardship as a way of life, focusing on time, talent, treasure, faith, vocations, and the earth. Parish School
Objective 3E: To promote ecumenical and interfaith activities that foster unity.
Objective 3F: To foster and promote leadership in our society through our ministries and Catholic education.