Islandeady-Glenisland Parish Newsletter
St Patrick’s Church, Islandeady and Holy Rosary Church, Glenisland.
Parish Priest: Fr Pat Donnellan- 094-9024125 or 087-2311236. Email:
Web sites: / / /
Remembering in Masses: SAT 3rd (Gl.) 7 pm:
David Barrett (20th Anniv) & his mother Mary. / Thomas & Annie Healy, Cummer.
SUN 4th (Is.) 11 am:
Martin Hughes, Ballinamorogue (M Mind). / Martin & Margaret Clarke, Cloggernagh, & daughter Ann O’Donnell. / Edward Reilly, Cashel, sister Alice, parents Edward & Ann, &
Thomas & Kate Cannon, Louisbourgh. / Mary & Gerry Brosnihan, & their son Mikie.
FRI 9th (Is.) 7 pm: Months Mind. Paddy Tuohy, Cornagushlaun.
SAT 10th (Gl.) 7 pm:
Anniv. Frank Moran, Drumnaguncan, wife Annie, son Paddy, daughter-in-law Ann. /
Peter Ginnelly, Cashel, & Dec of F. / Tommie & Katie O’Malley & Dec of Families.
SUN 11th (Is.) 11 am: 1st Anniv. Michael Bourke, Derrycoosh.
MON 12th – 8 pm in the home of Valerie & Tommy Moylett, Rinnaseer – 50th Birthday
Remembrance Mass for Joe Moylett (born 12 Oct ’65. died 23 July ’00. age 34).
RIP - Joe Fahey, Mucknagh (Funeral Mass in Glenisland last Thursday).
- Kevin Basquill, Kent (son of Chris Basquill, nee Philbin, Carrowbeg).
Anam Cara Parent Evening THUR 15th Oct 7 to 9 pm in the Family Centre, Chapel Street, Castlebar. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents.
Pobal Dé – People of God helping / ministering in CHURCH next week:
Readers: Gl. – J Deffely (28th Sun Ord Time B. P389) Is. – C Sadler.
Min of Eucharist: Gl. – A O’Donnell. / Is. – C Price, A Roache, M Reidy.
Mass Servers: Gl. – as in ‘Newsflash’. / Is. – Team 2 (this SUN to following SAT).
Ø Please join us for a cuppa & chat in St Aidans room this SUN after 11 am Mass.
Ø Irish Bishops ‘Day for Life’ Cards are available in Church porch. Please take one.
Ø Monthly hour of PRAYER for Marriage and Family Life is this SUN 4th October.
Ø Marian Movement ‘Praying for Priests’ in Glenisland Church every SUN evening 7 pm.
Ø Adoration: Glenisland Mon/Wed 7-8 pm./ Islandeady: Sun/Mon/Tues7-8 & Thur 8-9.
Priests Autumn Collection takes place this weekend the 3rd 4th October. Please be as generous as you can afford to be when making a contribution to the Priests Collection.
Parish Vigil in Knock on TUES 20th Oct with BUS leaving Islandeady Church at 7 pm & back at 11.30. Silent Adoration of The Eucharist from 8 pm in the Apparition Chapel with Mass & Anointing at 9. Please give NAMES for Bus to Breege Carney at 087-6707924.
Tuam Diocesan Pastoral Council celebration of ‘Marriage Anniversaries’ is next SUN 11th at 3 pm in Tuam Cathedral. Refreshments for all in St Jarlath’s College. Couples celebrating any anniversary this year - 5th, 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th - are esp invited with your family & friends, but all couples celebrating any Anniv invited.
The weekly card game returns to Islandeady Comm centre this MON night 5th Oct at 9 pm sharp & followed by a cuppa & light refreshments. New players always welcome.
Ø Glenisland monthly ‘Newsflash’ available for Distributors to collect next SAT after
Mass & also available by email from:
Calendars will be on sale after Mass on SAT 11th & SAT 25th.
Ø Parish Get-together and dinner every WED 11 to 3 in Comm Centre. All invited.
Ø Islandeady Foroige Club for 12-18 yrs every FRI 8.30 -10. New Leaders Welcome.
Ø Islandeady GAA Lotto on SUN 11th at 8.30 pm in The Halfway. Jackpot €14,300.
If you are single & wish to marry, why not contact Knock Marriage Introductions. For further information see or Phone 0949375960.
Live music, dancing, fun & entertainment in Jack's Old Cottage FRI 23rd Oct 8pm – with screening of 'Music from the Heart' with John Hogan and other musicians. All invited.
First Aid course for Young Parents in Islandeady Comm Centre on THUR nights 8 to 10pm - from 15th Oct to 12th Nov. Delivered by the Irish Red Cross it will cover all aspects of first aid with a specific focus on paediatric first aid. €80 per person& as the course covers hands-on First Aid practice, places are limited. If interested in availing of this course please contact Patrick Brosnihan 0876195588 before next FRI 9th October.
Assertiveness & Communications Course in the Family Centre Castlebar over 6 weeks starts next TUES 6th at 10.30 am for 2 hrs each week. Also a 1 day dreams workshop on how to use the wisdom of your dreams on SAT 10th at 10 am. Presenter is Kathleen Duffy who is a psychotherapist & author of the much acclaimed book ‘Awaken to the Wisdom of your Dreams’. For booking Ph 094 9025900 or email
The Carers Association seek trustworthy Support Workers in Mayo. Applicants must be flexible to suit the client’s needs. Full FETAC Qualification in Healthcare essential. All candidates should have a clean driving licence, supply 2 written references & be prepared to complete Garda vetting. Ph Bernadette 086- 3775702 or
Western Care Monster Table Quiz in An Sportlann, Castlebar next WED 7th. Valuable prizes plus raffle. €40 per team. Further details from Western Care at 094 9029144.
Thought for the Day
‘Be happy with what you have
While you are working for what you want’
NO Adoration of Eucharist in Islandeady Church on Sun 18th Oct or Mon/Tues/Thur 22nd - except for one Hour for all on MON 19th from 7 to 8 pm. All who come to Adoration any night are invited plus new people who might like to join in prayer. All welcome.
The Islandeady-Glenisland Church weekly Parish Newsletter is on the web every week. Please inform people away from home that it can be read at: OR
Items for the Islandeady-Glenisland weekly Parish Newsletter should be in by THUR the latest each week – Email & Phone Number details above or post or deliver to the Priest.
A Prayer for Refugees
Almighty and merciful God,
Whose Son became a refugee
And had no place to call his own;
Look with mercy on those who today
Are fleeing from danger,
Are homeless and hungry.
Bless those who work to bring them relief;
Inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts;
And guide the nations of Europe towards that day
When all will rejoice in your Kingdom of justice and peace.
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
October 2015 - Islandeady Community Council Monthly Parish Newsletter
- compiled and printed by Patricia Rice, Islandeady Community Centre.
Church Notices for October 2015
- Offertory Collectors Oct: Tommy O’Brien, John Cawley, Martin McManamon.
- Finance Committee helping for Oct: Team D.
- Altar Society for October: Cortoon/Bohess + Charlotte Devine, Nicola Cooney,
Mary Lydon and Marie Collum.
Recent Deaths associated with the Parish:
- Paddy Tuohy, Cornagushlaun.
- Martin Hughes, Ballinamorogue.
- Tommy Carney, Leitir.
- Betty Kilcoyne, Tubbercurry (mother of Tricia Shaughnessy, Cloggernagh).
- Kevin Basquill, Kent (son of Chris Basquill, nee Philbin, Carrowbeg).
- Teresa Purtill nee Rice, London & Cloggernagh (aunt of Noreen Sadler).
- Kathleen Conneely, Snugboro (wife of Pat Conneely, Snugboro).
- Margaret Moran (nee Walsh, Slinaun), Ballinaglough, Castlebar.
- John Murray, Birmingham & Cogaula (brother of Joe Murray, Cogaula).
- Mickie Guthrie, Castlebar (brother of Fr Chas Guthrie, Lakelands, Manulla.)
- Kathleen Corcoran, Convent of Mercy, Westport (sister of the late Nora Staunton, Carrowbeg).
May They Rest in Peace.
Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.
Recent Baptisms in Islandeady:
- Maeve Bea McGing, Cornagushlaun, daughter of Annette & Daniel.
- Max Seán Moogan, Rushbrook, son of Cathriona & Gerry.
- Isla Michelle Kelly, Ballyglass, daughter of Karen & Fintan.
- Cillian James Browne, Cloonkeen, son of Una & Charlie.
- Louis John Conway, Cloonkeen, son Donna & Shane.
- Caiden James McRedmond, Cloonan, son of Rebecca & Chris.
- Elodie Chloe Coffey, Carrowbeg, daughter of Tracey & Michael.
Congratulations to the parents and their families.
Recent Islandeady Weddings:
- Lisa Walsh, Derryharriff, to Darren Platts.
- Kevin Ginnelly, Killaughbawn, to Siobhán Lehane.
- Louise Dever, Sheeaune, to Paul Allen.
- Rebecca Flanagan, Cloonan, to Chris McRedmond.
- Padraic O’Connor, Monageeraun, to Hannelore Simion.
Congratulations to the newly weds and their families.
The Wednesday Get –Together Group
The Wednesday Get –Together Group are having there annual Coffee/Tea morning On Tuesday next 29th September 2015
We Would be grateful for your support as it is an important part of our annual budget
Islandeady Community Annual Sale of Work
Q. What’s this Islandeady Sale of Work I keep hearing about?
A. It’s a big day locally. Every year we hold it in the Halfway House coming up to Christmas. Great place to pick up that Christmas gift!
Q. The goods are second hand, I presume?
A. Not at all. There’s a huge selection of goods from home baking to farm produce, fuel and hardware of every description.
Q. That’s it?
A. No, we offer a huge selection of books, toys, clothing and ornaments to suit all pockets.
Q. It’s a quiet affair then?
A. Anything but! There’s great excitement at the Auction. If you’re quick you can grab a great bargain.
Q. Mmmmm. Anything else in that line?
A. Yes indeed. There’s also a great buzz around the Wheel of Fortune. If your number comes up you could be heading home with a nice prize under your oxter for as little as 20 cent. Any time the tickets go to a euro the prize is well worth the chance!
Q. What do think I would like there?
A. Well, you are a curious individual. Why don’t you try to guess the weight of the cake. Get it right and you take the cake home. Or you could try to guess the number of sweets in the jar and win the jar.
Q. Sweets! That would suit young people down to the ground wouldn’t it?
A. Now you mention them, our Foroige club looks after the children in style on that day.
Q. What if I see nothing I like?
A. I doubt that. Go over to the voucher stand and you will see many bargains for restaurants, hairdressers, butchers, hardware and services of every description. You’ll be spoiled for choice!
Q. I'm dizzy listening to you. Are you finished yet?
A. Oh, it can vary year by year. But in that case it all gets too much for you, why not take a seat and sample some of the huge selection of delicious baking served by the ladies as you sip your cup of tea. Chips are also served. Yummy
Q. Where is all this money going anyway?
A. Mainly to the upkeep of our Community Centre. Here the Ladies Club , the Angling Club and Foroige meet, to name a few and they come from near and far to the weekly card games . It holds once-off events or regular ones. You have to book well in advance! It’s popular because it’s so clean, warm and modern with state of the art laundry and cooking facilities.
Q. Cooking?
A. Yes. If you came on Wednesday you would meet maybe 24 of our senior citizens enjoying a first class lunch and the chat and banter would cheer you up. Then they divide up to play cards or bingo and some join the art class. Sometimes this varies when visiting guests come to give a talk or when the group goes on trips. On days when musicians come along, songs are sung and foxtrots are trotted. Never a dull moment! That’s what we’re about in Islandeady.
Q. Well, this Sale of Work sounds interesting. What are the details?
TIME: 2pm
The AGM for Westport CCÉ will be held at Knockranny House Hotel, on Wed 7th Oct at 8.30pm. All are welcome.
Spinning Classes for Beginners and Improvers in Jacks Old Cottage Islandeady.
The Islandeady Cycling Club have organised cycle spinning classes for beginners and improvers
Anthony Murray from Westport will be the instructor. Anthony has designed a special spinning program for individuals new to cycling or those with more experience who want to get fit in a fun fitness environment Places are limited to 25 so first come first served.
To get more information contact Joe Moylette on 0879443626
Islandeady GAA News
Islandeady Ladies Football Club
Islandeady G.A.A. is delighted to announce that an officially recognised Ladies Football Club is now in operation. The officers are as follows: Chairperson, Rory Courell; Secretary, Kenneth Irwin; Treasurer, Seán McLoughlin; Registrar, Ann Graven.
Girls continue to flock to the club to register and enjoy playing football. Meanwhile the Pitch and Community Grounds Development Committee is working very hard behind the scenes to realise their aim of providing enough playing space for everyone. Their dream is fast becoming a reality as a great wide open space has appeared beside the main pitch. It will be seeded shortly, weather permitting. The club is grateful to all those people who bought tickets in the Development Draw and is proud of the results now on show. The walkway will soon be under construction and people of all levels of physical fitness will have wonderful amenities at their disposal.