Rank Advancement

Rank Advancement

Rank Advancement

If your goal is to get to first class quickly, then you must do some thinking about the requirements and plan out the next year to 18 months. Set some intermediate goals, and have some backups to the harder requirements. If you would like to take it slowly, that's ok too. Many of the requirements can be earned by simply attending the outings and troop meetings, learning what is being taught, doing a bit of homework, and demonstrating it to the adult leadership. It may take a bit longer, but you will get there.

To advance in rank you must learn a requirement, and be able to demonstrate it to the scoutmaster or assistant scoutmaster. You will need to ask the scoutmaster to sign off requirements, they will not be asking to sign your book. Rank advancement is your responsibility.

For example, start out with the swimming merit badge. Contact the scoutmaster for the swimming merit badge counselor. You (as a scout) will contact the counselor and make an appointment. You will need to read the merit badge book, and complete the merit badge worksheet. If you don't know how to swim, then start with some lessons. Many of the requirements for the first few ranks involve swimming or first aid.

Plan to attend summer camp. Summer camps offer a special session to help scouts get to first class.

The trail to first class rank is full of skill and participation requirements, and ranks beyond first class focus on leadership and merit badges. These skills are summarized below, along with suggestions on when you might be working on these requirements:

Example progress chart; Every scout is different


/ The current BSA requirements for this rank are also online at the BSA Website here. The pamphlet How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide is available online for BSA Website link. You will need to obtain a uniform and handbook. As a starting scout your patrol leader will be the troop guide or other senior scout.
# / Description / When
St1 / Age Requirement / Completed as a part of Joining
St2 / BSA Application for Scout and Adult / Completed as a part of Joining
St3 / Find a Troop / Completed as a part of Joining
St4 / Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance / Completed with Scoutmaster
St5 / Demonstrate Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake / Completed with Scoutmaster
St6 / Demonstrate Tying the Square Knot / Completed with Scoutmaster
St7 / Understand and Agree to Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, and Outdoor Code / Completed with Scoutmaster
St8 / Describe Scout Badge / Completed with Scoutmaster
St9 / Pamphlet Exercises / Completed with Scoutmaster


/ The current BSA requirements for this rank are also online at the BSA Website here. Note that the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks must be earned in sequence. A series of videos that demonstrate how to meet all of the requirements for the Tenderfoot rank is available on the BSA Website here.
# / Description / When
T1 / Pack and Carry for Overnighter / Outing or Camporee in April/May
T2 / Troop Camp One Night / Outing or Camporee in April/May
T3 / Help Cook / Outing in April/May/July/Sept/Oct/November
T4A / Whip / Fuse Rope / Summer Camp / Outing / Scoutmaster
T4B / Two Half Hitches / Taut Line / Summer Camp / Outing / Scoutmaster
T5 / Safe Hiking / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
T6 / Raise, Lower, Fold American Flag / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
T7 / Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster Oath and Law
T8 / Patrol Name, Yell, Flag / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
T9 / Buddy System / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
T10A / Fitness Test (start) / Schedule with Patrol and Scoutmaster
T10B / Fitness Test (end) / Schedule with Patrol and Scoutmaster
T11 / Poisonous Plants / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster on Outing
T12A / Choking / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
T12B / First Aid / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster

Second Class

/ The current BSA requirements for this rank are also online at the BSA Website here. Note that the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks must be earned in sequence. A series of videos that demonstrate how to meet all of the requirements for the Second Class rank is available on the BSA Website here.
# / Description / When
S1a / Compass Operation / Summer Camp or Special Compass Training
S1b / Map, Compass, and 5 Mile Hike / Backpacking Trip
S2a / 5 Outings / Participate in 5 Troop Activities
S2b / Select Patrol Site, Tent / Outing
S2c / Sharp Tools Use / Outing
S2d / Tools Needed to Prepare Fire / Outing
S2e / Lightweight stove / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
S2f / Light Fire / lightweight stove / Outing
S2g / Cook / lightweight stove / Outing
S3 / Flag Ceremony / City Council Flag Ceremony
S4 / 1 Hour Service / Eagle Project
S5 / Wild Animals / Outing
S6a / Hurry Cases / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
S6b / First Aid Kit / Create and meet with Scoutmaster
S6c / First Aid Demonstration / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
S7a / Safe Swim / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
S7b / BSA Swim Test / Summer Camp / Swimming Merit Badge
S7c / Water Rescue / Summer Camp / Swimming Merit Badge
S8a / Drug Effects / At School - Red Ribbon Week
S8b / Three R's of Safety / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster

First Class

/ The current BSA requirements for this rank are also online at the BSA Website here. Note that the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks must be earned in sequence. A series of videos that demonstrate how to meet all of the requirements for the First Class rank is available on the BSA Website here.
# / Description / When
F1 / Day or Night Navigation / Summer Camp or Special Compass Training
F2 / Orienteering Course / Summer Camp or Special Compass Training
F3 / 10 Troop Outings / Outing
F4a / Meal Planning / Outing
F4b / Meal Budgets / Outing
F4c / Meal Tools / Outing
F4d / Food Handling / Outing
F4e / Patrol Cook / Outing
F5 / Citizenship / Meet with government official
F6 / Native Plants / Outing
F7a / When to Use Lashings / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F7b / Lashings / Learn and Demonstrate with Troop at Meeting or Outing
F7c / Camp Gadget / Camporee or Outing
F8a / Bowline / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F8b / Bandage / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F8c / Injury Transport / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F8d / Heart Attack / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F9a / Safety Afloat / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster
F9b / BSA Swim Test / Outing or Swimming Merit Badge
F9c / Water Rescue / Outing or Swimming Merit Badge
F11 / Invite a Friend / Invite someone to Holiday party or other troop Meeting
F12 / Internet Use / Learn and meet with Scoutmaster