26th January EFSA England AGM – Poole
27th January Flounder Competition – Poole
1st May Friendship Cup – Ostend, Belgium
3rd/4th May EFSA Species Championship (Flatfish) – Ostend, Belgium.
31st May/1st June English Boat Championship - Plymouth
16th/23rd August European Line Class & Boat Championships
Cobh, Ireland
20th-22nd Nov European Shore Championship - Zeeland, Netherlands
TBA English Cod Festival – Mersey
TBA EFSA European Species Championship – Plymouth, England
3rd/7th August European Line Class & Boat Championships – Orkney
Well, another year almost over and following the events of the past year I must congratulate you all for the support you have given the Section. We had a great deal of work to do in preparation of the European Line and Boat Championships and in running the event in Weymouth. It was a great success and the comments received from other members and countries who attended have all been very complimentary. However, they did not organise themselves! With the great leadership of Tony Hudson and with the support of his sub committee, plus the assistance given by a number of members, made the event what it was and I want to officially thank them all for their hard work.
The web site is getting better and under the watchful eye of David Styles a lot more relevant information is there for your information so please do visit it on www.efsa-england.com
The Committee have all been working away on their respective roles and taking care of Section business but I can not emphasise enough that the Committee does have a vacancy for a Press Officer and a Social Secretary so please do look at yourself and if you can take on one of these positions then please do let us know. The organisation is only as good as its members who look to the Committee to give them what they want, but if the members do not give back to the Section, then there will be problems ahead. We need some new blood to take the Section forward and that means we need some new Committee members as it is too much to ask of the few to take on other roles. If there aren’t any press releases or coverage because we don’t have a Press Officer and if there were no prizes, raffles and results at the events because we don’t have a Social Secretary, I am sure you would be up in arms. If you are one that would be upset not to have our standards maintained then I would appreciate it if you would come forward to at least find out what is required. It’s up to you!
That said, Gary Galbraith has offered his services by taking over from Mike Smith as Membership Registrar and I do thank him for coming forward. Mike is a busy chap and needed to step down and we thank Mike (and Nicky) for all their assistance over the last few years.
Within the Newsletter are the details and proposals received for inclusion in the AGM Agenda. The Committee hope that having them earlier rather than seeing them at the AGM will give you all a better chance to read and digest them. I hope that you will be able to attend the AGM on 26th January and the Flounder the following day.
This interim newsletter report is intended to bring you up to date with important items and to keep you informed of what is happening and when. I do trust you enjoy its content.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope to see many of you through 2008. Once again, thank you for all the support you have given and if you can give a little more then please do let us know.
Neil Bryant
S.C Delegate’s Report (September – Weymouth)
Due to the European Championship Organisation responsibilities, I was unable to attend the meeting and neither was our second Delegate, Brian Allum. However, I would like to thank both Kim Bowden and Pam Styles for attending on our behalf in representing the Section on this busy occasion.
Therefore, the following report is based upon the items covered that have been selected from the minutes of the SC meeting and the main points that are felt relevant are as follows.
1. The Chairman stated that following the expense of holding the SC meeting in another country, it was felt we should remain at Gatwick in the future.
2. Ratification of future events: Euro Boat and line 2009 Orkneys.
Euro Boat and Line 2010 Iceland
Euro Species 2009 Conger Plymouth
Euro Shore 2009 Germany, Langeland
Euro Game 2008 Mexico.
3. Reports were given for events for 2008 and these are included in the newsletter.
4. Russia is considering hosting Euro Species 2010 Turbot.
5. David Styles, Hon Boat Festival Officer HQ has prepared a lot of papers for future events and he has some very good ideas that I am sure will be discussed and reported on at our next meeting and also at the next SC meeting in 2008.
There are many issues discussed at the SC meeting and as it is conducted in English I sometimes feel for the SC Representatives from other nations and, as the old saying goes, a lot gets “Lost in Translation”. That said, one does need to attend to be able to get a good overview and I trust the aforementioned selected items are acceptable.
On a personal note I would like to say that the HQ Officers do a service to all member Sections and I sometimes feel people lose sight of the fact that they do this willingly and in their own time for no financial benefit. Looking at all that they have to do in running EFSA as a whole, we should be thankful for their service.
Neil Bryant
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
of the English Section of the European Federation of Sea Anglers
to be held at
The Arndale Court Hotel, Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset
Saturday 26th January 2008 at 11.00hrs.
In order to assist the Secretary in his preparations, all members are requested to indicate on the form within this Newsletter, if they will be attending or not. Or should you prefer an email is acceptable.
Nominations have been received for the following Committee positions, which are for a 3 year term of office: Treasurer, Membership Registrar, and Competition Coordinator.
The post of Press Officer is still vacant, whilst too late for election, should anyone be willing to assist the Committee by undertaking the post it would be possible for them to be co-opted for this year.
AGM Agenda
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2007.
3. Matters arising.
4. Executive Officer’s Reports.
a) Chairman; N. Bryant.
b) Vice-Chairman; D. Styles
c) Secretary; K. Bowden.
d) Treasurer; P. Hart.
e) Membership Registrar; M. Smith.
f) Fish Recorder; R. Ashby.
g) Public Relations Officer; J. Whippy.
h) Boat Festival Officer; A. Selby.
i) Shore Festival Officer; B. Allum.
j) Press Officer;
k) Competitions Coordinator; R. Barron
L) Standing Committee Delegate N. Bryant.
5. Report on Championships/Festivals during 2007.
a) Flounder Competition
b) English Cod Festival
c) English Shore Championship
d) English Boat Championship
e) European Species Championship
f) European Shore Championship
g) European Line Class and Boat Championships
h) Shore Championship of the British Isles
i) English Shore Species Festival
6. Election of Officers.
a) Treasurer- 3yr term: Nominee/s – Paul Hart
b) Press Officer - 3yr term: Nominee/s –
c) Membership Registrar - 3yr term: Nominee/s – Gary Gailbraith
d) Competition Coordinator - 3yr term: Nominee/s – Ray Barron
7. Election of Honorary Auditor.
1 yr term - Nominee/s-. J Knight
8. Events for 2008.
a) Swedish Cod Championships
b) Flounder Competition
c) EFSA Species Championship
d) English Boat Championship
e) European Game Championship
f) European Line Class and Boat Championships
g) European Shore Championship
h) English Cod Festival
i) English Shore Championship
j) English Shore Species Festival
k) Shore Championship of the British Isles
9. Special Business.
None notified by deadline
10. Presentation of Fish of the Month Awards – Ray Ashby
11. Annual General Meeting 2009.
We once again we will be returning to the Arndale Court Hotel for our annual AGM and Flounder competition. Those of you who expressed concern with the food last year can be assured that there has been a change of management and new head chef and I we are assured that the standard will be up to previous years.
I can inform those that have not stayed before that it is a good night for us all to get together and have a good social night , so why not bring your partner, wife, husband, Pet and introduce them to your fellow anglers who you spend as much time with as them!
Please do not forget to send your AGM attendance reply back to Kim. On the Sunday we will be having our annual Flounder Bash were we are expecting Bobby King to fish his 14th Blanking year.
This year we have great tides for both the boat and beach anglers, early indications are there are plenty of flounders coming from the harbour. The Arndale can be booked on 01202 683746 a twin / Double room is £68 and a single room is £48 for Bed and Breakfast.
The last few months have seen some superb fish weighed in from both boat and shore. As we approach yet another year end it is worth noting some of the contenders for this year’s annual awards.
In the Junior category we have Floyd Wellington with a boat caught Wrasse of 7lb 3oz, and brother Clarke with a Conger Eel of 65lb 8oz. From the Cornish division Janna Richards has weighed in a Haddock of 7lb 4oz. Superb fish in anyone’s book.
Surprisingly there is nothing to report on the overseas front. Anyone taking a late holiday please note.
The Conger Club Tankard is also still up for grabs, with no PMs having yet weighed in a conger entry. Remember fish can be weighed on the boat and returned to qualify.
As for Fish of the Year we have many candidates. From the boats we have a Sting Ray of 69lb 8oz (Portland), Bass of 12lb 14oz (Cornwall), a Brill of 7lb (Channel Islands) and an Undulate Ray of 17lb 13oz (Isle of Wight) to name but a few.
From the shore an Undulate Ray of 17lb 10oz (Isle of Wight), a Thornback Ray of 11lb 12oz (Cornwall), a Smoothound of 15lb 15oz (Hants) and a Tope of 42lb 8½oz (Isle of Wight) deserve a mention.
All Fish of the Month winners are on the EFSA England website.
Lets hope for a good finish to the year.
Month Name Club Area Fish Weight %
Dec 06 A Loverage BCC S Conger 39lb 156.00
Jan 07 A Loverage BCC S Conger 42lb 168.00
Feb 07 M Humphries Portland D Pouting 2lb 12oz 183.33
Mar 07 R Bennett W.Wight E Bass 10lb 15oz 116.81
Apr 07 E Cunningham W.Wight E Undulate Ray 17lb 10oz 146.88
May 07 T Martuindale W.Wight E Spotted Ray3lb 5oz 76.81
June 07N Pryor Cornish Fed A Thornback Ray 11lb 12oz 146.87
July 07 S.Trumpter Cornish Fed A Conger 31lb 6 oz 156.87
Aug 07 C.Griffiths W.Wight E Tope 42lb 8.5oz 212.65
Sept 07 A.Bennett W.Wight E Smoothound 13lb 12.5oz 114.84
Dec 06 F Wellington Portland D Ballan Wrasse 7lb 3oz 143.80
Jan 07 R Barron PM D Flounder 2lb 12oz 110.00
Feb 07 No Entries
Mar 07 M Smith PM E Undulate Ray 17lb 13oz 127.23
Apr 07 D Simcock BCC D Conger 88lb 220.00
May 07 D Lynes PM S Brill 7lb 140.00
June 07 M Coles Portland D Conger 52lb 130.00
July 07 B.Woodman Cornish Fed A Bass 10lb 9oz 150.89
Aug 07 J.Styles Portland D Sting Ray 69lb 8oz 231.67
Sept 07 A.Bird PM E Plaice 5lb 7oz 120.83
Ray Ashby
English Shore Championships Orfordness 2007
This was the first time the Championship was fished in Orford and the Premier Travel Inn was booked as Headquarters which was a 30 minutes car journey to the quayside. It proved to be a good decision to use the Travel Inn as it had first-class rooms that were just 25 yards to the restaurant and bar. The prizes were supplied by WAC who gave us good discounts to make it possible to present prizes down to 12th place. Once again, many thanks to Andy Selby for providing the prizes.
Day 1. We all arrived on the quayside with great expectations as there were lots of Cod all around the south coast and we were at last fishing the “Mecca”. We loaded the ferry with 19 anglers and an assortment of tackle bags, rods and boxes and had half a mile trek across the shingle to the beach. After a bit of huffing and puffing we were ready to start. Flat seas and a little overcast - not the best conditions. After an hour we could tell it was not going to be very good but at least everyone was catching fish with no blanks. At the end of the day that well known boat angler, Dave Clark, thrashed the shore anglers
Day 1 results 1st Dave Clark 8lbs 7ozs with a codling of 4lbs. 2ozs.
2nd Brian Allum 7lbs 10ozs with a codling of 3lbs 8ozs
3rd Eddie Painter 4lbs 3.5ozs.
Day 2. We had a bonus this day with only a 250 yard walk to the beach as we were fishing the “Narrows”. The fishing was about the same with everyone catching - but nothing exceptional.
Day 2 results 1st Peter Campbell 6lbs 4.5ozs with 2 codling