Maputo, March 1-3, 2010


The Archipelago of Cape Verde is located at 450 Km West from Dakar (Senegal). The number of its inhabitants is 417 200, from which 218 254 are women. The archipelago has an area of 4 033 km² and is composed by ten (10) volcanic islands: Santo Antão, São Vicente, Santa Luzia (depopulated), São Nicolau, Boa Vista, Sal, Maio, Santiago, Fogo and Brava. Despite its name, Cape Verde is a sahelian country, with a climate semi-arid to arid.

Statistical Data on Population with Disabilities

According to the last Population Census 2000, the total population of Cape Verde is 431.989 inhabitants, distributed by gender as follows:



Also according to the census, there are in the country 13 948 persons with disabilities (all categories included). Details on this population can be seen in the tables below:

Table 1 – Distribution by area and gender

Area / Population with disabilities / Gender
Men / Women
Number / % / Number / % / Number / %
Cape Verde / 13948 / 3,2 / 6955 / 3,3 / 6993 / 3,1
Urban / 6311 / 2,7 / 3113 / 2,8 / 3198 / 2,7
Rural / 7637 / 3,8 / 3842 / 4,0 / 3795 / 3,6

Table 2 – Distribution of disabilities by gender

Type of disability / Total / Gender
Men / Women
Number / % / Number / % / Number / %
Motor disability / 7183 / 100 / 3649 / 100 / 3534 / 100
Cerebral palsy / 160 / 2,2 / 84 / 2,3 / 76 / 2,2
Total palsy / 192 / 2,7 / 95 / 2,6 / 97 / 2,7
Palsy Up/lower limbs / 1322 / 18,4 / 750 / 20,6 / 572 / 16,2
Left/right palsy / 644 / 9,0 / 344 / 9,4 / 300 / 8,5
Others / 4777 / 66,5 / 2351 / 63,9 / 2446 / 69,2
Multiple motor palsies / 88 / 1,2 / 45 / 1,2 / 43 / 1,2
Other disabilities / 5775 / 100 / 2820 / 100 / 2955 / 100
Mental / 1347 / 23,3 / 692 / 24,5 / 655 / 22,2
Total blindness / 385 / 6,7 / 164 / 5,8 / 221 / 3,97,5
Partial blindness / 2077 / 36,0 / 984 / 34,9 / 1093 / 37,0
Partial deafness / 1246 / 21,6 / 635 / 22,5 / 611 / 20,7
Total deafness / 127 / 2,2 / 64 / 2,3 / 63 / 2,1
Dumbness / 177 / 3,1 / 92 / 3,3 / 85 / 2,9
Multiple – others / 416 / 7,2 / 189 / 6,7 / 227 / 7,7
Multiple disabilities / 990 / 100 / 486 / 100 / 504 / 100

Characteristics of Tourism in Cape Verde

/ There is a growing international interest to invest in Cape Verde, and the sector of tourism and real estate is responsible for the main slice of the 210 million € approved in 2005 for projects by the Cape Verde Investments (the institute responsible for the registration and approval of external investment projects). The sector of tourism and real state responds for 193 million € of the total proposed projects, followed by the industrial sector that responds for 10 million €. The remaining 47 million were for projects in the areas ofHealth, Transport, Commerceand other services.

These capitals came from several European countries, some of them being usual investors in the archipelago such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. Also Northern European countries such as Belgium, Great-Britain and Ireland are now discovering this “marvel of the Atlantic". The islands-destination of these investments are Sal, which envisages the construction of what could be considered in terms of tourism and real estates as "mega-projects", Santiago, São Vicente Boavista that are now attracting external investors for the construction of hotels and resorts (with luxury apartments and houses) for a selected clientele.

Naturally, the timing of this sudden increasing interest of investors was not aloof to the construction of 3 new international airports at Praia (SantiagoIsland), São Pedro (São Vicente Island) Rabil (Boavista Island), all of them operative.

Weather and political stability, as well as the sympathy and hospitality of Cape Verdeans are the main attractions mentioned by those seeking for these islands.

Tourism Demand

/ Concerning tourism demand, at the end of 2005, 233.548 tourists had visited the archipelago, more 26% than in the previous year. Sal continues being the island receiving more tourists, followed by Boavista, SantiagoS.Vicente islands.
The Tourism sector is the main economic activity in Cape Verde contributing with more than 10% of the 820 million € of GDP in Cape Verde (stat. 2005).

Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism in Cape Verde

In my opinion, inclusive tourism is inexistent, despite its potential for the development and reinforcement of tourism. Tourism, as the main economic activity in the country, does not yet gather the necessary conditions to promote this type of tourism.

For example, hotel infrastructures are not accessible for people with motor disabilities, as most of them haven’t external ramps, and in the very few ones having external access, all the hotel rooms are not adapted for persons using wheelchairs as bathrooms are small and not designed for this type of client.

Public transports are not accessible to persons with motor disability and neither the hotels nor the travel and tourism agencies have vehicles with hydraulic platforms adapted to carry people using wheelchairs.

The language of signs was not yet introduced in Cape Verde. The first step is now being taken for this. Consequently, there is no service of interpretation for deaf people.

The points of touristic interest such as monuments, for example, did not have information on them written in Braille.

A positive aspect to be emphasized is that the new international airports in Praia, Boavista S.Vicente were constructed without architectonic barriers and with accessible toilettes especially adapted to people with disabilities. The airport in Sal was rehabilitated taking in consideration the improvement of external and internal accessibility. Despite, an aspect that needs to be improved in all the airports is the inexistence of informative panels written in Braille to benefit visually impaired passengers.

All the actions carried out by the associations of people with disabilities based on human rights approaches have allowed to change the mentality of leaders and general population, especially when recognizing the clear advantages of inclusion.For this reason, there is still much work to be done in order to reach an inclusive tourism and promote Cape Verde as a touristic destination for disabled tourists. However, the Government will legislate further in 2010 in order to make mandatory the access to public buildings. Concerning the public transports delivered to private, it will depend on pressure exerted by associations and government and an awareness-raising work in order to bring about change in this sector. However we can observe important changes in the new ports constructed and in those rehabilitated in which docks and boats has ramps allowing the embarkation and disembarkation of persons with motor disability. In terms of aircrafts, narrow wheelchairs are starting being used to board people with motor disabilities and elderly.

The work thatthe Cape Verdean Association of People with Disabilities have done with the objective to cause a paradigm shift in terms of general accessibility and towards inclusive tourism, was based on the following axes:

  • Awareness
  • Advantages of the universal design
  • Presentation of accessibility as bringing benefits not only for people with disabilities but also for all the society.
  • Contribute for legislation concerning accessibility

During the seminar held in Maputo, we will have the opportunity to develop these topics.

Praia, February 24, de 2010

David António Cardoso