St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin July 21th & 22th, 2012 Pastor: Fr. Steve Schaftlein
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Harsh words from Jeremiah today. Or more precisely, harsh words from the Lord, spoken through the prophetic mouth of Jeremiah.Lucky for us that these words are directed at somebody else, those “shepherds” who are misleading the sheep of God’s pasture. The shepherds, after all, are those who are in official positions, who hold hierarchical status, or who, at the very least, get paid a salary by the diocese or parish. It is easy enough to point a finger and say that, come to think of it, those shepherds have been misleading the flock lately. But it is perilous to ignore the voice of the Lord on the prophets’ lips. The divine will of which they speak applies to everybody, and contains some truth about all of our lives. No matter what we might think our role or place is within the fold, each of us has some responsibility to be a shepherd in daily living. In the smallest acts of justice, charity, or compassion we are living out the call of our covenant with the Lord: to be God’s voice, God’s presence, God’s caring and guiding hand in the world.
The apostle Paul tells us that in Christ we all have access in one Spirit to the Father. With this tremendous and wonderful gift comes the responsibility to make it a gift again for the life of the world. As Christ made peace through the blood of his cross, as he reconciled earth with heaven, we are called to continue that peacemaking, reconciling work day by day. Each week we gather with Jesus Christ as the apostles do in today’s Gospel. We pray in the Eucharistic Prayer: “May this sacrifice, which has made our peace with you, advance the peace and salvation of all the world.” Each of us, baptized into the one Body of Christ, saved by the blood of his cross that we share in one cup, are chosen and called for the mission of shepherding in his name. If we take but a moment to look around, we can easily see that there are many places where people are like sheep without a shepherd. Are our hearts, filled with the presence of the Good Shepherd, moved with pity for them? More important, are our lives moved to action?
Today’s Readings: Jeremiah 23:1–6; Psalm 23:1–6; Ephesians 2:13–18; Mark 6:30–34
St. MichaelCharlestown
Sat.– 5:30 pm
Sun.– 11 am
Misa en Español
Domingo – 1:00 pm / Fr. Steven Schaftlein, Pastor
Website -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
Office Hours – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126
Ph. 812-294-4682 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-mail –
Office Hours – Thursday Afternoon
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Steve
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick. Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Corpus Christi Place - A spiritual support ministry with gay people their families. is assured. / St. Francis Xavier
At 9:00 am
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – Ph. 256-3503 Infancy Care – 256-3500
Mass Schedule Mass Intentions
St. M / 23 / Mon / No MassSt. M / 24 / Tue / No Mass
St. M / 25 / Wed / 6:00 pm / No Mass
St. FX / 26 / Thurs / 7:00 pm / For the People
St. M / 27 / Fri / 8:30 am / No Mass
St. M / 28 / Sat / 5:30 pm / Martha Missi
St. FX
St. M
St. M / 29 / Sun / 9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm / Jim Harbeson, Jr
Fox & Bueter Families
Pro Populo
The Pastor’s Corner
/The Year Of The Liturgy
Liturgical Bits & Bytes
The Holy, Holy, Holy
is our response to the Preface. It is our declaration of praise to God in words from Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew. It is our chance to voice our praise aloud. Because this is a very important part of the ritual, it and the other Eucharistic acclamations should be sung. These acclamations are not singing that is added to the liturgy, but parts of the liturgy that are designed to be sung. It is more important to sing them than to sing the gathering song, recessional, etc. The singing of these acclamations is the doing of the ritual.Liturgical Bits and Bytes © 2010 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Please read Father Steve’s notes and pictures on the Website for the progress that has been made in Henryville.
Fr. Steve
Rosary at 5:00before Saturday Evening Mass
Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
The Adult Bible Study Classis cancelled until Monday, October 1st.
The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes anyone to come and pray with them at 6:00pm every Monday in the Rectory Chapel.
The next catechist meeting is on Tuesday, July 31at 6:30pm in the Rectory Chapel. Note the date change.
Choir Practice is on Tuesday, July 24th at 7:00pm.
Septemberfest Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7 at 7:00pm. Your participation is needed to make our largest fundraiser a success.
***Registration for the 2012-2013 Faith Formation classes will be July 29th, August 4th and 5th in the church lobby for preschool thru high school. The first class will be August 12th at 9:30 am. The fee is $20.00 if you sign up the children before July 31. After July the fee will be $25.00 per child. We provide a minimum of twenty nine instruction hours, which is the Archdiocese’s minimum standard. It is our hope that participants (parents and children) will attend all the sessions provided. However, we do realize that illness and special family events (death and weddings, for example0 do happen. For more information about the Sunday Faith Formation Program, please contact Juliann.
In an era of corporate restructuring, try an organization where top management hasn’t changed in 2000 years. RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) will start August 22, at St. Paul Activity Center, Room 106, 7:00pm-9:00pm. If you know someone who might be thinking of becoming Catholic, or who wants to learn more about the church, please call the Rectory.
St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier Sacrament Preparation: The Faith Formation Commission, the Pastor, and the Archdiocese state that a child must be enrolled and attend classes a year before receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation. Baptism of children under school age requires the parents to meet with the pastor.
Confirmation Update Confirmation is a sacrament that continues the welcome and belonging to the church that your child began with Baptism and continued with Eucharist. Confirmation deepens our relationship with God and strengthens us to lives of faith and mission. As a parent you may want to talk with your son or daughter about preparation for the celebration of Confirmation. If you will be a junior or senior in the next 2011-2012 school year, and have attended Faith formation classes or a Catholic high school during the 2010-2011 year, and are currently enrolled in class, you will be eligible to be confirmed. If you are an adult wanting to be confirm, please contact the RCIA class starting in August. If you have questions, contact Fr. Steve or Juliann.
Thanks to: Joyce Schafer, Carroll Schater, Joe Wafford, MaryWafford, John Goedeker, Joe Hoffman, Juanita Hoffman, Tom Schafer, Denis Eickholtz, Leonard Eickholtz, Luke Burbrink, David Schlageter, Geneva Schlageter, Robert Lindenmayer, Wanda Lindenmayer, Joann Ettel, Lawrence Lyons, Allen Barker, Joan Corbett, Dorothy Smith, Carol DeVary, Mike Galligan, Raymond Eickholtz, Juliann Eickholtz, David Long, Marcelene Long, Sandy Tubman, Betty Cole, Tillie Willeford, Tim Baltz and friend, Ralph Cecil, Janet Pike, Rusty Pike and to all others who helped gather, shuck, clean, cook and freeze corn.
This is our hope, that by our partnerships, we can all grow in our Christian Faith together by means of the many faith enrichment opportunities there are for parishioners of all ages.
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat., July 28th– 5:30 pm
Eucharistic Ministers: S. Buit, Joyce Schafer
Servers: Chuck Ledbetter
Gift Bearers: Ralph and Lana Cecil Family
Cantors: Steve and Sherry Buit
Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz
Lector: Steve Buit
Sun., July 29– 11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: Jerrylyn Dean, Steve Fouts, Cheryl Dunn
Servers: Sarah Patton, T.J. Jackson
Gift Bearers: Steve and Jackie Fouts Family
Cantors: Joe and Mary Wafford
Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: Cathy Peek
Rosary before Mass
Come out and enjoy St. Francis Xavier’s Fish Fry the first Friday of every month, 5-7pm. The menu includes, fish, fries, slaw, fried biscuits, drinks & desserts. Thanks toeveryone for your support.
Parish Council Meeting will be this Thursday, July 26 after Mass.
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun., July 29– 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Gino Couch, Traci D’Angelo,
Janice Furnish
Servers: Joey Buckman, AndrewBanet
Ushers: John Barthold, Buddy Barrett
Gift Bearers: Jarad & Heather McNames Family
Lector: Joe Banet
Golden Anniversary Mass 2012
All married couples of the Archdiocese who will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary during 2012 are invited to the 29th Annual Golden Jubilee Mass at 2:00pm EDT on Sunday, September 23rd at SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis. Couples who already have passed this milestone are also encouraged to attend. Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, will celebrate the Mass. A reception for the Jubilarians and their families will follow immediately after the Mass. The event is free of charge, but registration is required. For more information, contact the Office of Family Ministries, 317-236-1596 or 1-800-382-9836 ext. 1596. Registration forms can be obtained online at
The Office for Pro-Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is grateful for the generous support that contributors have given in the past. All of our efforts depend upon you and we ask for your continued support to help transform our culture into one that will once again support and respect human life. Your secure online credit card donations are welcomed and appreciated.
Golf Scramble
Right to Life of Southern Indiana is sponsoring its 2nd annual Golf Scramble on Saturday, July 28, at wooded View Golf Course in Clarksville. All proceeds will be used to support the mission of educating citizens regarding the sanctity of human life. If you wish to be a sponsor, there are forms on the board in the Lobby. If you wish to join the other players, please see Margie Cox.
Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio: September 8-9 departing from Mount St. Francis. Please Contact Mary Ann Kollros at 923-5592 for more information.
A ROSARY, dedicated to Mary Immaculate, the patroness of the U.S.A., will be offered on Monday, November 5th at 7pm and Tuesday, November 6th (election day) after the 8am Mass at St. Anthony Church in Clarksville. All are invited to unite in prayer that God’s will be done in our country.
Virtus Training Sessions scheduled for August 2nd, 6:30-9:00 at St. Paul, Sellersburg.
New Albany Deanery Youth Ministry
The Annual Middle School Jamboree, Saturday, August 18, from 1:30-9:00pm at Mt. St. Francis Youth Center. Cost is $20.00, plus $6.00 for a t-shirt.
Collections July 14th and 15th
St. Michael $ 2,714.00
St. Francis Xavier $ 941.00
To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven, a time to be born, a time to love, a time to heal, a time to die and a time of peace.”
Nolan Banet, John Barthold, Bea Beach, Jeffrey Beach, Sheryl Bridges, Jadyn Brooks, Charlotte Buckman ,Clara Calvert, MelchorCarillo,Wilma Conard, Sydney Cole,Kaydance Couch, Jimmy Cox, Ted Dean, Danny Fleming, Katherine Garrett, John Goedeker, Leroy Guthrie, Kenny Goode, Hector Hernandez, Kathleen Hensley, Charlotte Higdon, Crystal Higdon, Michael Hynson, Kenny Jackson, Frieda James, Aiden Johnson, Sylvia Jones, Peggy Kelshaw, Jim Kinder, Debbie Lyons, Rovilla Lyons, Bill Martin, Elmer Masters, Carolyn Murphy, IanNewland, Mitch Newland, Mary Ann Pemberton, Ethan Phillips, Zachary Phillips, Pat Phillips, Maria Puckett, Christopher Puckett, Abbey Puckett, Lisa Reynolds,Bodie Riggs, Marie Schafer, Tom Schafer, Mirian State, Naomi State, Joey Sullivan, Pappy Tubman, Bonnie Underwood, Isabelle Wade, Joyce Warren, Logan Westerhouse, Kenneth Yost, and Emma Yount.
Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.
Holy Family Catholic School is looking to fill these positions: Executive Secretary, Music Teacher (Instrumental and choral / general music) and Aftercare Assistant. For more details on both positions, please contact the school office (812) 944-6090, Email a resume to , or mail to: Mr. Ernstberger, 129 West Daisy Lane, New Albany, IN 47150
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School is looking for a part-time middle school math assistant. Interested individuals should contact Mrs. Horton at.
Position open for a part-time or full-time custodian at Our Lady of Providence Jr-Sr High School. If interested please contact Toby Wright, Facilities Manager at 945-2538 x 327 or .
St. Bernard, Frenchtown
7600 Hwy. 337 NW, Depauw
Sunday, August 5th
St. Mary, Lanesville
2500 St. Mary’s Dr., Lanesville
Sunday, August 12th
See the bulletin board for specific information. Please try to support the New Albany Deanery Church Picnics and Festivals.
Matthew Beer, Brandon Beswick, Donald Bloss, Asher Boch, Michael Bower, Jonathan Dean, Cathy Jo Donahue, Christopher Donahue, Joseph Kyle Donahue, John Emery, David Fouts, Sam Goffinet, Bradley Guernsey, Christopher Hahn, Steven Hahn, Alex Henson, Joseph Brent Kaelin, Dustin Kavanaugh, Cody Kelshaw, Kyle Kelshaw, B. J. Meredith, Brian Meredith, John Mulhall, Stephen Mulhall, Thomas Mulhall, Joshua Mullins, Roman Nalley, Ashton Napier, Jay Rutledge, Olivia Vessels, Travis Williams, Troy Williams
If you know someone who needs to be put on this list, please call the Rectory.
Rejoice in the Lord Always...
Each week St. Michael Church collects non-perishable canned goods for the North Clark Outreach Center. Donations are left in the lobby. Thanks!
812-256-3503, Rita Poff, Director
Mon-Fri., 7AM-6PM
Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time
Before & After Care: ages 6-12
Summer Camp: ages 6-12
Pre-School: 9-11:30AM, Tues. & Thurs.
Pre-K: 9-11:30AM or 12:30-3PM, Mon., Wed., & Fri.
Full Day Accredited Kindergarten: 8:20AM-2:40PM
Other Catholic Schools:
Pre-K thru Grade 6: St. Paul 246-3266
Grades 7-12: Our Lady of Providence 945-2538