Teaching, Learning and Culture Department
Accelerate Online Teacher Certification Program
Heaton Hall, Suites 102 C/D
Phone (979) 862-1928
Website www.accelerate.tamu.edu
Mailing Address 4232 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4232
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, currently located in the Disability Services building at the Student Services at White Creek complex on west campus or call 979-845-1637. For additional information, visit http://disability.tamu.edu
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Accelerate Online: Progam Overview / page 4Admission / page 4
Teacher Certifications / page 5
Teaching Practicum: Internship / page 5
Intern Support Team / page 6
Responsibilities of University Supervisor / page 6
Responsibilities of the Intern / page 7
Responsibilities of the Campus Mentor Teacher / page 7
Responsibilities of Supervising Administrator / page 8
Internship Assignments / page 9
Growth Plan and/or Termination of Internship / page 10
Accelerate Onlineoffers a non-traditional route to teacher certification designed for individuals already holding a bachelor’s degree.
Our mission is to change the world one teacher at a timeby preparing and certifying qualified educators to change the world one student at a time.
Accelerate Online is a fully-online program and enrollment at Texas A&M University is not required to participate in the program.
In 12-18 months, a teacher candidate may complete standard certification preparation through:
- online instruction with 24/7 access in effective instructional planning, teaching strategies and classroom management skills
- 40 hour pre-service Field-Based Experience
- a paid year-long paid internship in a secondary Texas public, approved charter, or approved private school
Certifications Offered
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6-12
- Chemistry 7-12
- English Language Arts, Reading 7-12
- Life Science 7-12
- Mathematics 7-12
- Physical Science 6-12
- Physics/Mathematics 7-12
- Science Composite 7-12
- Social Studies Composite 7-12
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning
- College students may be considered in theirfinal semester
- An overall GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scaleora 2.75 GPA in the last 60 hours
- A 2.75 GPA in content-area coursework
- Passing score on aPre-Admission Content Test (PACT)
- U. S. citizen or legal permanent resident
- Completed Criminal History check
For graduates of universities outside of the United States: Transcripts must be evaluated by a TEA approved foreign credential service. The report should specifically state if you received the U. S. equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in your subject area and provide a detailed list of all coursework.If the university's primary language of instruction is not English, you must pass all four sections (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
PROBATIONARY CERTIFICATION (required for the internship)
A probationary certificate allows an intern to teach in a Texas public school, approved charter school or accredited private school for one (1) year while the requirements for standard certification are being met. Only one area of certification may be pursued under the probationary certificate.
Candidates who have successfully completed the internship and have passed the EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam, are eligible for standard teacher certification. Standard certificates are valid for five (5) years and are renewable with completion of 150 clock hours of professional development and application to TEA.
Upon receipt of standard certification, teachers may acquire additional content certifications via TExES exams.
Accelerate Online candidates are eligible to accept a paid internship (teacher of record) upon completion of
- pre-service program modules/courses
- 40 hours of field-based experience (FBE)
The internship may be completed at any Texas public school, accredited charter school, or approved private school.
The internship is a one (1) school-year practicum, comprised of 180 instructional days with an average of four (4) hours per day in the certification area.
Candidates are responsible for obtaining a teaching position by applying, interviewing and accepting a position at any Texas public school, approved charter school or accredited private school.
When recommended for employment as a full-time teacher, the candidate will be eligible for probationary certification. He/She will serve as the teacher of record and receive the same pay, benefits, and responsibilities as any first-year teacher.
With successful completion of the internship (completing all program requirements/assignments, paying all program fees, receiving a contract of renewal from the principal, a recommendation from the University Supervisor, and passing all state required testing), the Intern will be eligible for standard certification.
Each Intern is supported throughout the school year by an Intern Support Team, comprised of
- Campus Mentor Teacher
- Supervising Administrator
- University Supervisor
The Intern Support Team will work as a team to guide the Intern in meeting the internship experience objectives:
- Create a classroom environment that is respectful of students in a world of diverse cultures and expectations.
- Develop highlevels ofteachingcompetency.
- Establish professional relationships with fellow staff, students and parents.
- Engageinself-evaluation and professional goal setting.
It is required that the Intern Support Team meet on or before the first Friday of the school year to develop role clarity and a communication plan.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR Assigned by the Accelerate Online program, the University Supervisor will conduct observations throughout the year and provide on-going feedback regarding instruction, learning, and classroom management via bi-weekly communication.
Responsibility to the Intern
- Coordinate and conduct theIntern Support TeamMeeting (attendees: Intern, Mentor Teacher, Supervising Administrator, University Supervisor)
- Observe the Intern a minimum of four (4) times during the school year
(2 in the fall semester, 2 in the spring semester; 45 minutes each; written feedback provided within 48 hours of post-conference) - Provide verbal post-conference feedback via face time, phone call or in-person conference regarding the Intern’s strengths and areas for growth after each observation
- Maintain bi-weekly check-inswith the Intern and assist with problems/issues as they arise
- Complete a Growth Plan for area/s of concern, if needed.
Responsibility to the Campus
- Communicate with the Mentor Teacher to monitor and support the Intern’s experience
- Contact the University Supervisor with concerns and/or implementation of Growth Plan immediately
Responsibility to the Accelerate Online Program
- Complete all duties as outlined in the Accelerate Online University Supervisor Page/Training http://accelerate.tamu.edu/supervisor
- Document any infractions of school policy or professionalism and/or unsatisfactory progress in the classroom and notify Accelerate Online immediately.
- Make a final recommendation to Accelerate Online regarding Intern standard certification eligibility
Responsibility to the Students
- Create and establish a positive and professional learning environment.
- Develop awareness of students’ diverse learning, social and emotional needs.
- Know/follow curriculum standards (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills/TEKS).
- Incorporatestrategies/materialsthatareconsistent with the students’ instructional levels.
- Providelesson activities thatrequirecooperationand active participation.
- Maintain confidentiality
Responsibility to the Campus
- Read the campus staff handbook; be familiar withschool policies & procedures.
- Maintain consistent attendance and punctuality.
- Complete district/campus tasks and duties on time.
- Attend allrequiredmeetings and professional development.
- Collaboratewith colleagues in sharing ideas and materials.
- Welcome constructive feedback & develop aplan for self-reflection.
- Communicate in a tone that is positive, tactful and courteous.
- Dress appropriately according to school dress code.
Responsibility to the University Supervisor/Accelerate Online Program
- Communicate bi-weekly with the University Supervisor.
- Seek input and assistance from the Mentor Teacher.
- Welcome feedback and incorporate suggestions into subsequent planning and teaching.
- Turn in all submissions and payment fees by the due date/s.
- Notify the University Supervisor immediately of any changes in assignment.
The Campus Mentor Teacher is the staff person to whom the Intern will turn to on a frequent basis for answers to questions and to share their professional expertise, knowledge, and skills with the Intern. The mentor teacher is assigned by the campus and/or district administration.
Responsibility to the Intern
- Orient the Intern with the schools’ physical layout, daily bell schedule, discipline policies/ procedures
- Share “unwritten rules for success” within the school/district
- Provide resources for creating lesson plans/engaging lessons (apps, websites, blogs, videos, etc.)
- Explain the use of curriculum guides and other resources for the grade/subject
- Explain the methods of record keeping for attendance, tardiness, grades, conduct, etc.
- Discuss emergency procedures such as fire drills, lockdowns, illness, fighting, etc.
- Provide a specific time for planning and discussing issues onaregular basis
- Maintain confidentiality
Responsibility to the University Supervisor/Accelerate Online Program
- Attend theIntern Support TeamMeeting, coordinated by the University Supervisor (attendees: Intern, Mentor Teacher, Supervising Administrator, University Supervisor)
- Participatein the OnlineMentor Training provided by Texas A&MUniversity
- Communicate with the University Supervisor on a regular basis regarding progress
- Contact the University Supervisor with questions and/or concerns immediately
The Supervising Administrator will ensure that the Intern understands the schools’ vision, goals, student learning expectations, areas of strengths, and areas of focus.
Responsibility to the Intern
- Ensure that the internship is a one (1) school-year practicum, comprised of 180 instructional days, with an average of four (4) hours per day in the certification area
- MaintainconstantawarenessoftheIntern'sdevelopmentbymeansofrequired observations and walk- throughobservations
- Provide feedback regarding the Intern’s strengths and areas for growth
- Maintain opencommunicationwith the Intern and assist with problems
Responsibility to the University Supervisor/Accelerate Online Program
- Attend theIntern Support TeamMeeting, coordinated by the University Supervisor (attendees: Intern, Mentor Teacher, Supervising Administrator, University Supervisor)
- Make a final recommendation to the University Supervisor regarding the Intern’s standard certification eligibility
- Contact the University Supervisor with questions and/or concerns immediately.
Throughout the school year, Interns are expected to submit assignments based on the work that they are doing in the classroom and in the area of professional development.
Participants are expected to turn in all internship assignments by the due date specified. Failure to do so may result in the participant not meeting certification requirements.
All assignments will be submitted to theAccelerate Online Internship 2017-2018 website: http://accelerate.tamu.edu/internship-2017-2018-school-year
- Classroom Management Plan
Prior to the beginning of school, the Intern will develop a Classroom Management Plan.
- Dyslexia Training and Mental Health Training
Required by TEA, both trainings are provided via the Accelerate Online webpage.
- Semester Class Schedule
At the beginning of each semester, the Intern will provide a copy of his/her schedule (including conference time, lunch period, etc.) to the University Supervisor.
- Bi-Weekly Check-Ins
A bi-weekly communication plan will be established between the Intern and University Supervisor. Methods of communication include email, text, phone call, or conference:
- Successes (good things that are happening)
- Opportunity for Growth (concerns, problems)
- Request for a phone call or conference (if needed)
- Master Teacher Observations & Reflections (minimum of 1 per semester)
Each semester, the Intern willobserve a campus-based master teacher during the Intern’s conference period. - Professional Learning Artifacts (1 per semester)
Each semester, the Intern will provide a written response based on learnings from professional development offerings at the campus, district and/or program.
- Formal Observations by the University Supervisor
- The University Supervisor will conduct at least 4 formal observations during the school year: 2 in the fall semester and 2 in the spring semester.
- Each observation will last a minimum of 45 minutes and are intended to provide feedback and not to serve as evaluations.
- A face-to-face conference will followeach observation
- University Supervisor will email written feedbackwithin two (2) business days of the observation via CEHD Data Portal system
- Intern will completereflection questions within two (2) business days of receipt
- A copy of each observationand Intern reflection will be emailed to the supervising school administrator and Accelerate Online
- Formal Observation Reflections
There are reflection questions that the Intern must complete within 2 business days. The observation is not considered complete until the reflections are submitted.
- Record of Professional Development Hours
A record of professional development hours must be maintained throughout the school year and submitted by the Internpriorto approval for standard certification.
TheInternshipProgramisalegal cooperative agreement between Texas A&M University, cooperating school districts,andtheIntern.EachInternistobemadeaware that her/his presence in the district, and in a particular classroom,isonaprobationarybasis. Occasionallythereare circumstancesthatwarrant theterminationofan internship. Whensuchactionisdeemednecessary,therearespecificreasonsandproceduresthatshouldbe taken into consideration byallpartiesinvolved.
Reasonsfor Termination
- MutualconsentandagreementforterminationbytheIntern,SchoolAdministratorandUniversity Supervisor for reasons ofillness,injury or other unforeseen personal circustances
- FailurebytheInterntoestablish andmaintainasatisfactory performancelevel inclassroom instruction andmanagement.
- The following actions may result in immediate removal from the internship (see below, beginning with step 5)
- Failure by the Intern to abide by the policies oftheschool and/orschool district.
- Unprofessional conduct towardsschool personnel or students
Proceduresfor Termination
Termination ofthe assignment of an Intern for thereasons previously statedin numbers 2-4shouldfollow these prescribed procedures inasequential manner:
- TheInternshallbeinformedbytheUniversitySupervisorofanyunsatisfactoryperformance.This shall bedonethroughwrittenevaluations, personal conferencesandwritten documentation of any infractionsofschoolpolicyorstateeducationcodeviolations. AnInternmaynotbeterminatedfor aseries ofminor or undocumented problems.
- Whenitis evidentthat anIntern does notfollow throughwithprescribedverbal andwritten suggestionsforimprovement,aformalGrowthPlanshallbeinitiated by theUniversity SupervisorandpresentedtotheInternduringaconference. TheIntern,theUniversity Supervisor andtheSchoolAdministratormustsignthiscontract.Acopyofthiscontractwillbesubmittedto theAccelerate Online ProgramDirector.
- Withinaone to two-week timeframe, the Intern, the University Supervisor andthe SchoolAdministrator willconfer to assess progress.
- Ifinadequateprogressoccursinstrivingtowardteachingeffectivenessorcorrectingunacceptable personalconduct,aformalProbationContractwill beadministeredwithaclear timelimitfor compliance. AcopywillbesubmittedtotheschoolPrincipal andtotheAO ProgramDirector. In addition, the University Supervisor may request that an observation and evaluation be administeredbyTAMU.Thismaybedoneonsiteorviavideotape. Aconferenceof all concerned parties willfollow.
- WhenanInternisplacedonprobationandreassessmentindicatesunfavorableprogress,the Intern will meet with the Directorof HumanResources and a representativefrom TAMUto consider possible options thatmay includetermination ofInternship and nocertification. The optionsofferedwoulddependuponEACHINDIVIDUALCASEandwhatisdeemedtobeinthe bestinterest ofthe Intern, theschool district and thestudentsintheclassroom.
A Growth Plan template is available athttp://accelerate.tamu.edu/supervisor