St Michael’s Presbytery
Annual General Meeting of the Parish of St Michael, Sonning Common
01 June 2014
Minutes of the Meeting
01 Opening prayer: Father Paul opened the meeting with a Prayer and gave thanks for the wonderful lunch provided by the parishioners.
02 Apologies for Absence: Val and Keith May ; Dave and Liz Halle
Parishioners Edmund Pike, Peggy xxx and Gerry Smith were fondly remembered
Addition to the agenda: Presentation made to Deacon Francis in recognition of his 20 years in the Deaconite and thanks were given for his work in the Parish. A cake (with impressive sparklers) was also presented and later shared with all present.
05 Minutes of the Parish AGM, 16th June 2013: These were distributed at the meeting
04 Matters Arising: None
05 Parish Review: Thanks to Shirley Rixon for collating this Review (circulated separately).
Census - great response to this re gardeners, readers and musicians. All offers of help (current and future) very welcome
Preparation for Holy Communion and Confirmation has been Parish led for the first time ~ led by Debbie West with great success. Many thanks were given to Debbie for leading this new initiative
Thanks to Father Paul who has made great commitment to the Parish, especially as he has combined this with other responsibilities
06 New Parish Council: The Council has successfully brought together members of the Parish who do various activities and who represent the various Masses held. There had been an introduction of new members including Kristina Stitt who had organised the Parish lunch preceding the AGM. Many thanks were given to her for a hugely successful Parish lunch.
07 2014 - 15 and Beyond: The aim is to concentrate even more on a pastoral role, rather than becoming overwhelmed with issues such as building maintenance and money
The Pastoral Council is to review the year and look ahead to planning the next year in plenty of time ~ referring to members for ideas on activities and events
How do we show witness to Christ?
How do we reach out beyond the members of our current community?
Can we be better at looking out to new members of the Parish and welcome their ideas and input?
Father Paul’s responsibilities mean that we have the challenge and opportunity to take the lead in Parish life.
Henry xxxx suggested a Summer BBQ. Kristina Stitt welcomes any ideas and help for social gatherings. Paula xxx asked if it were possible to have more information on Pilgrimages. Brian Theobald suggested that parishioners email Liz Halle, Co-ordinator of the Newsletter, if they know about any pilgrimages or have other items of Parish news
08 Financial Review: See attached document, presented by Stephen Fox. There is a financial problem in that Parish expenditure remains in excess of income. For example the building work totalled £50,000 but donations only came to £20,000. One aim must be to increase Gift Aid on contributions, but this could only be one (small) part of the solution. When the figures are broken down, it costs £200 (approx) per day to run the Parish. Possible solutions could include more parishioners contributing their time in undertaking voluntary tasks which would otherwise have to to be financed. Examples were given of Keith May and his volunteers working on a retaining wall at the back of the Church Hall to prevent the ingress of damp to the Hall; and another parishioner who had rescued a plumbing problem.
Jim Hardiman suggested that every family might commit 1 hour of their wages per week and gift aid this sum to the Parish. This would go a long way to get us on our way to resolving this problem. He initiated such a plan in a previous parish with success.
09 Ecumenical Service 29 June: - a reminder
Brian thanked parishioners for their support as he nears his Ordination on the 20 July. Note: there will be no Parish 10.30 Mass on the 20 July as the coach is leaving at 11.30 for Birmingham.
10 Closing prayer: Father Paul thanked Brian Theobald for leading the AGM. Father Paul referred back to the Second Vatican Council - both the upset caused and the identity crisis that followed on from this for the Church. However, whilst some left the Church, there was an increasing confidence in the way ahead for those in the Church. We were invited to reflect on the meaning of this for ourselves in the Parish and how new ways of working and managing the Parish might affect the Parish and the ways ahead. We reflected on the Paschal Mystery and that this needs to be accepted in 2014; we cannot cling to the old ways. The call is for all of us to be involved in the everyday life of the Church ~ not just the Clergy. We are in a new reality - Father Paul is one part of this new Parish life, but we too need to step up and play our part.
Father Paul toasted the Parish of St Michael’s.
AOB: Debbie West made a request for volunteers in preparation for The Holy Communion and Confirmation. She also thanked Father Paul for speaking to every members of the Parish and doing a wonderful job. This was greeted with full agreement from the parishioners.
Father Paul gave a concluding Prayer.