St. Columba Catholic Church

11th Septemeber 16’ – 24th Sunday in Ordinary time


Rev Fr. Gabor Czako
Parish Priest / 3 Chapel Court
Justice Street
AB11 5HX
01224 621581

Office email:
St. Columba’s Tel. No.
Parish Office No. /
(01224) 704988
(01224) 626359
Items for the bulletin to reach
by Wednesday please!
4th September 2016
Church Collections
Standing orders
Sick & Retired priests / £ 320.27
£ 210 (weekly average)
£ 258.34
Thank you all for your generous donations!!
Baptisms / Please give at least 2 months’ notice
arriages / Please give at least 6 months’ notice
Confession / Before Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Masses!

The Month of September is Dedicated to

the 7 Sorrows of Our Mother, Mary

Devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary dates from the twelfth century, when it made its appearance in monastic circles under the influence of St. Anselm and St. Bernard. A provincial council of Mainz in 1423 established the "Feast of the Sorrows of Mary" in reparation for Hussite profanations of her images. Neither the Immaculate Conception nor the Assumption will give us a higher idea of Mary's exaltation than the title of co-redemptorist. Her sorrows were not necessary for the redemption of the world, but in the counsels of God they were inseparable from it. They belong to the integrity of the divine plan.

Sick and Housebound

Please pray for Stella Ellis, Angela Cox, Margaret Reed, Janet Mortimer, Nan Weir, Pearl Marcella, Crichton, Leila McFarlane, Jessica Moran, Bill Grant, Stuart Wood, Margaret McGregor, Mary Wood, Betty.

September Anniversaries

George Donald (6th), Pam Carruthers (8th), Yvonne Mitchell (11th), Winifred Gibbs (12th), Mary Milne (15th), Alfred Milne (22nd), Mary Hannah Jenkins (30th), Martha Coletta (30th), John Rae (30th) R.I.P.


Building Fund – 25th September

Events in our parish

Hall Caretaker

If you wish to make a hall booking, please check the parish website for availability or speak to Elida or send a message to

NEW!! The Gift

An inspiring and practical series aimed at everyone to help you encounter the Holy Spirit. Refreshment after each session. The six sessions cover: · The Father’s Loving plan · The Joy of the Gospel · The Gift of the Spirit · Unwrapping God’s Gift · Encountering God’s Spirit · Living in the Spirit, 7.30 pm, Tuesdays of the 13th, 20th, 27th September and 4th and 11th October, in St. Columba’s (Bridge of Don, Aberdeen), 7.30-9pm.

UPDATED!! seniors lunch invitation

The Aberdeen Chinese Association kindly invites all senior members (incl. Fr. Gabor J) for a free lunch on the 12th September, 12.15pm in the extension.

NEW!! Year of Mercy donations

Please remember that we have an ongoing collection of non-perishable foods, which are presented to the Lord at the altar on the 2nd Sunday of the month, and then we pass them on to the poor.

NEW!! Jumble Sale

On the 8th October, at St. Columba’s (in the extension), to raise funds and for social. 11am-2pm. More details later.

Events beyond our parish

Adult Catechism (Teaching on faith) will restart on the 5th September in St. Peter’s. It is designed for adults to understand Catholic faith at an adult level. It gives you the joy of understanding your faith better, and helps to use your faith for your and others’ growth closer to God.

NEW!! Called & Gifted discovery Course

This will be at Pluscarden Abbey, between16th -18th September. If you have asked yourself what gifts you have received from God, or what is your vocation in life, this course is for you. If interested, speak to Fr. Gabor. The course is free, but a minimum donation of £10 is expected for course materials, and a minimum donation of £25 per night (total £50 for the weekend) for accommodation. Spaces are limited to 10 people.

Sunday 09.45 & 6pm Int. of parishioners
Wednesday 10.00 Mass Int. of parishioners
Saturday 10.00am Mass Int. of parishioners
Confessions are held before Masses or by appointment!
Sunday Servers 9.45am – 11th September 2016
Catherine Lobban / Ann Simpson/ Betty Deakin
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Doug Duncan/ Francisca Dinar Gaul
Sun Lee/ Maria Hobbs
Paten – Mary McFarland
Kathleen and Doug
(Please be there at least 30 minutes before Mass)
Prayer Ministry
Doug Duncan and Mary McFarland
Natasha Nazareth / Eunice Doonan
Those on rota are kindly reminded to get a replacement in advance if you can’t do your rota on a certain week! Thank you!
Parish Groups (every week)
Monday 17.00 Mothers Prayers (Speak to Jane Stuart)
Monday 18.30 Youth Group (Speak to Catherine Lee)
Tuesday 19.00 House of Bread Prayer Group
Wednesday 19.00 Legion of Mary / SCC (See Elida!)
First Communion cl. (Sundays after Mass by Sinead)
First confession cl. (Tuesdays 4-4.30pm by Fr. Gabor)
Confirmation prep.(See Mrs. Martin after Sunday Mass)
Church Cleaning Rota
12th – 17th Sept.: Mary McFarland and Kathleen Wood


Please visit the Blood Donor Centre (beside staff car park of ARI Hospital) To give blood, please make an appointment by calling 0345 30 17 2 70, Mon to Thu, 9am – 7pm | Fri, 9am – 5pm. You can also email . Please includeAberdeenDonor Centreand your preferred donating time.Donorswill always be welcome to drop-in during our opening hours, where you will be advised the next opportunity.

Ca.50 participated in the Day of Renewal (3rd. Sept.) BIG THANK YOU to those who prepared food and the venue and helped to clean up afterward.

Participants of the GIFT course (Life in the Spirit) on Tuesday evening (7.30-9pm) All invited to join!

Fr. Gabor took the photo, so he is both there and not?


Macduff Aquarium -TOTAL COST:£495.62 Income: £105 (33 people participated)

Alford Transport Museum TOTAL COST: £320.07 Income: £60, 16 people (9 did not show on the day)

Satrosphere (Science centre) TOTAL COST: £105 Income £80 (29 people participated)

Parish family Fun Day TOTAL COST: £3,454 (donated), Income £421.22 (114 people participated)

BIG Thank YOU to Georgina for her excellent and tireless organisation skills and patience!

A Parish of the R. C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122