Introduction to Ancient Egypt - 3100 BCE to 310 BCE

Read page 56-57 to gather information to fill in the blanks below

-The Ancient Egyptian civilization lasted for almost ______years.

-The population was thought to have been about ______million people at its peak.

Geographic Location:

  • It was divided in to ______(north) Egypt and ______(south) Egypt.
  • Located south of the ______Sea, which gave them access to water, fish and other resources from the sea and also allowed them to ______with other civilizations.
  • To the east and west are deserts – the ______Desert – which provided protection from enemies.
  • Egypt was built in Africa, around the ______River – it connected the country from end to end. ______in the spring helped keep the soil moist and fertile.
  • Three cataracts (______) on the river also prevented enemies from attacking them using the river from the south.
  • The Nile Delta is a triangular piece of land at the mouth of the river that Egyptians depended on to grow ______.

Villages and Cities in Ancient Egypt

-First farmers started settling there in ______.

-There were ____ large cities in Upper Egypt. Most people lived on narrow strips of land that connected to the Nile at one end.

-Cities emerged in Lower Egypt in Memphis and on the ______.

-Lower and Upper Egypt were both ruled by a ______, but were united as one around 3100 BCE.

-The ______was the leader of the Egyptian government and religion, and owned all the people, animals and lands in Egypt.

Egyptian Inventions, Art, and Architecture










-houses (mud, reeds, palm leaf roof)



-pyramids (large stone blocks)

-sphinx (pharaoh head on lion body)





Food in Ancient Egypt

The rich ate better than the poor in Egypt, but everyone ate bread. Taverns sold food and beer to all who could pay for it. Fill in the different types of food found on p.58 in the text.

Ancient Egyptian Farming

-Farms were planted in this month(______) because the ground was soft from the flood waters.

-Some tools that Egyptian farmers used were:

  • Hand ______and oxen
  • ______bags for seeds
  • ______pushed in seeds by stepping on them.
  • ______(irrigation)

-______estimated the yields for the year and calculated how much crop would:

Be saved for next year,

Be given to the land owner,

Be kept by the farmer.

-The first part of every crop was given to the deities (______/ goddesses).

-Papyrus – a very important crop for the Egyptians, it was used for:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

Ancient Egyptian Clothing


______was most common because it reflected the sun’s light.

Materials:Depended on ______(money).

______was the most common because it was a cool material and made from flax.

Also used tanned animal skinsor papyrus for shoes/sandals.

Fill in the chart using information from pg.59 in the textbook.

Women: / Men:
Rich: / Poor:

Ancient Eqyptain Housing

Use the information on p. 59 in the textbook to fill in the boxes below.

Education in Ancient Egyptp. 62

-Based on ______, taught by priests who were strict and used beatings as punishment

-Most students were children from ______families, both boys and girls *Boys stayed in school longer, girls married young.

-Age 5-17, sunrise to sunset

-Trained to be scribes

Egyptian Writing

Hieroglyphics – symbols to record information of all kinds

- priests kept the meaning secret and no one could translate the symbols until the Rosetta Stone was found in 1800.

Rosetta Stone – A stone that had text written on it in 3 languages:

a)Hieroglyphics (Egyptian)



- Jean Champollion decoded the stone in 14 years. He used the ______words to help him figure out the meaning of the hieroglyphic symbols.

Ancient Egyptian Daily Life

Fill in the information from the text on p.63

Women: / Men: / Children:

Trade in Ancient Egypt

p. 63 Egyptians traded jewels and cloth for:

(From the East)
- / (From the South)
- / (From the West)
- / (From Punt)