Spring 2015 Master’s Level Courses
Dept. of Educational Leadership, MSU, Mankato
Courses focused on Educational Leadership
EdLd 651: Ethics & Leadership (3 cr - meets weekly) (Mankato campus): The ethical dimension of leadership are examined utilizing theoretical ethics (Aristotle, Epictetus, Machiavelli, Hume, Kant, J.S. Mill, Sartre), case studies, student generated cases, video examples, and a case study on the ethical leadership of ML King, Jr.
EdLd 644: Program Evaluation (3 cr – hybrid) (Mankato Campus): This course incorporates various lenses and tools for use in assessing effectiveness, value, and sustainability of programs in K-12, higher education, and other educational settings.
EdLd 676: Higher Education Administration (3 cr – hybrid) (Telepresence simultaneously at both Mankato and Edina sites): This course examines the funding, organization, governance, processes, and structures of higher education, administration, and leadership.
EdLd 647: Organizational & Systems Change (3 cr – hybrid - meets 5 Saturdays) (Edina site): This course explores the dynamics and principles of organizational and systems change in theory and practice. This course approaches all types of educational organizations and the processes of change within them.
EdLd 662: Research in Educational Leadership (3 cr – hybrid - meets 5 Saturdays) (Edina site): This course focuses on conducting secondary research in the form of a review of existent research on a relevant topic within educational leadership. APA format and style will also be utilized.
EdLd 684: Multicultural Leadership (3 cr – hybrid - meets 5 Saturdays) (Edina site): This course examines the role of school leaders in a multicultural inclusive learning environment. It explores the need for developing a person’s cultural competency, the issues of integrating cultural competency into the organization, and the ramifications on leadership.
Capstone Project Demonstration, Portfolio, and Independent Learning Courses are also available in both Experiential Education and Educational Leadership. Please contact your advisor for more information.
Scroll down for Courses focused on Experiential Education
Courses focused on Experiential Education
ExEd 644: Philosophy and Theory of Experiential Education (3 cr - meets weekly) (Mankato campus): This course examines the writings of historical and current thinkers who have made contributions to the field of experiential education. The philosophical underpinnings of Plato and Dewey, as well as more current experiential education literature will be discussed and examined.
ExEd 650: Teaching Methods in Experiential Learning (3 cr - meets weekly) (Mankato campus): This course will explore teaching methods for implementing experiential learning such as project based learning, problem based learning, place based education, service learning, and active learning. In addition educators will learn how to apply action research concepts in their learning environments and develop performance based assessment tools.
ExEd 645: Brain-based Learning & Multiple Intelligences (3 cr - meets weekly) (Mankato campus): This course explores brain-based learning and multiple intelligences as instructional strategies and theories compatible with experiential education. Class members will engage in creating and practicing lessons, lesson plans, and pre/post assessments using these strategies.
ExEd 645: Project-Based Learning (3 cr - hybrid) (Mankato campus): This course provides educators with a solid foundation of the theories and practices of project based learning in K-12 and higher education learning environments. Different experiential teaching methods that incorporate projects will be examined and discussed. Educators will learn how to implement the process of project-based learning and will spend time creating and developing a significant project that they will present to the class.
Capstone Project Demonstration, Portfolio, and Independent Learning Courses are also available in both Experiential Education and Educational Leadership. Please contact your advisor for more information.