April/May/June 2010 NEWSLETTER VOL.22 NO.2

In This Issue

Southeast Minnesota ONS Chapter

Words from President Janine Kokal……………………………………2

Programs and Events…………………………………………….……3-6

  • Spring NCCTG Conference………………………Register by 5/3/2010
  • CD20 Positive CLL………………………………………..….….5/5/2010
  • Renal Cell……………………………………………….………5/19/2010

Membership Notes…………………………….……………….…….…7-11

National ONS News and Events…………………………………….…..….….12

New FDA Drug Approvals………………………………………….……….12-13

Resource Highlights……………………………………………..……..……13-14

A Word from President Janine Kokal

Hello and Happy Spring to you all! What a glorious spring after such a long and cold winter! And what a great bunch of SE MN ONS Chapter members as well! I am continually amazed at the awesome work that each of you are doing in your respective oncology care specialty areas! I am so proud to be associated with this great team of oncology specialists!

Just a few things to share:

  • “Meet the Vendor" event on April 21: Double Tree Hotel in Rochester (5-8 p.m.). Please come! It is a chance to find out more about the latest in treatment and a way to say thank you to our vendors who support us all year long with great programs and clinical information.
  • ONS Congress in San Diego, May 13-16? Let me know if you are going as we are trying to coordinate events while there. The Board has purchased the "Virtual Congress Meeting" whereby chapter members can gain continuing education credit by participating in online or webcast programming of Congress sessions a few weeks after the conference at no charge to you (our members). We will be setting up different venues like pizza and dessert evenings while we watch some of the sessions to gain Onc-Pro CEUs. Watch for more details coming soon!
  • Dues Renewal: Contact Rebecca (Becky) Luckstein if you need to renew your dues
  • The Fifth Annual Stay Out of the Sun Run/Walk on May 21: Check out the website for details about the run/walk event that supports melanoma research here at Mayo Clinic.There will be a fundraiser with ZPizza on Melanoma Monday, May 3rd; where 20% of total sales, from 3PM to close (8:30), will go to the SOS Foundation. Sign-up to be a facebook friend.
  • The Rochester-area National Cancer Survivor Day Event on June 6: Consider volunteering for this event that will be held at the MayoCivicCenter from 11-2. It’s a great way to honor the people we work with every day. The theme this year is "Rockin to the 50's". Guest appearance by Elvis! Flyer is attached.



Southeast Minnesota ONS Chapter…

Programs and Events

“Meet the Vendor”, held April 21 at The Double Tree Hotel, was a success! Thank you to every pharmaceutical company and representative who came to educate and inform us, and support our local ONS community outreach and chapter activities through this important annual event. Attendants enjoyed great food and a good networking, social opportunity, as well. Numerous drawings and awards were part of the evening’s entertainment.

You might recognize these Winners:

1 year National ONS Membership: Val Kimball

1 year National ONS Membership: Crystal Hilger

$10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card: Lorelei Hanson

$10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card: Karin Goodman

$10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card: Becky Luckstein

$10 Tangerine Gift Card: JoAnn Williams

$10 Tangerine Gift Card: Teri Pepin

$10 Tangerine Gift Card: Jerri Spohn

Though not an ONS event, this information is provided as a courtesy to our interested members.


For Persons Not on the NCCTG Roster - The registration link for non-NCCTG members is:

If you are on the NCCTG roster, you MUST register using the NCCTG procedures (do NOT fax your registration). Faxed registrations from NCCTG personnel will not be processed. If you are uncertain whether or not you are on the NCCTG roster, access the following web site. If you find your name on the "Alphabetical Directory" list, you are on the roster.

REGISTRATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BYMAY 3. Please make sure to register for any meals you wish to attend, also. Personnel who have not registered prior to the deadline may register at the meeting registration desk and attend any open session.

The Overall Agenda will be available at the Registration Desk which will include meeting room locations. Registration Desk personnel do not have access to attendees schedules.

Thank you,

Sandi Amundson, Supervisor

Kathy Harding,Administrative Assistant

Southeast Minnesota ONS Chapter…


Consider these wonderful activities of which your ONS chapter plays a role!

Community Support and Outreach Events: Our SE MN ONS Chapter financially contributes to local organizations such as (Hope Lodge, Gift of Life Transplant House, Ronald McDonald House, and American Cancer Society, and we will participate in supporting other events such as the Cancer Survivor Day Event (June 6), Relay for Life (July 16-17) and Join the Journey (September 19) to name a few.

Our local chapter also prepares and serves a meal for the guests at one of the hospitality houses each year. This year we will be supporting the Hope Lodge guests with a meal. You will be hearing more about this soon.


Valerie Kimball, RN

After graduating from University of Nebraska Medical Center, I accepted the RN position at Mayo on Station 93/73. I was a staff nurse on the Hem/Onc/BMT unit for 6.5 years before I took a job in out-patient Hematology. In December, I started on Gonda 10E out-patient chemotherapy.

I teach the Cancer Survivorship presentation in Level 3 classes and have presented at the PaLS sessions on survivorship as well. I am currently a member of the Allied Health Education Committee and was asked to speak at the Cancer Survivors Day this year.

A cancer survivor myself, I went into nursing to help others through this difficult time in their lives. At the age of 16, I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. Treated in Denver, CO with chemotherapy and limb salvage surgery, I am currently in remission and proud to say I have been for 14 years. I hope that my experience with the disease makes me a better nurse and that I can reach out to my patients and help them as my nurses helped me. During my treatments, it was the nurses that could ease the pain or comfort my tears. They were always positive and encouraging. That support is what I hope to show my patients.

I am married to Ryan Kimball. We have been married a year and a half. We have 2 dogs, a lab named Hunter and a teddy bear named Cooper. Cooper keeps us busy as he has eaten many electronics! In my time away from work, I enjoy weekends at the cabin, snowmobiling, concerts and spending time with my husband and the dogs at home.

Congratulations to Three Excellent Nurses who can say, “I received my ONS certification!”

Lorelei Hanson

TJ Scheffler Hanson

Theresa M. Gannon


How does it feel to be an “OCN?” Remember, there are reimbursement benefits for OCN maintenance fees through our ONS chapter. (Marcia Salayi, Chapter Treasurer can supply details.)

Also, for those who are Mayo employees, some reimbursement for certification fees exists.

Dues Renewal Time

Please remember to fill out your member application (link below) and return your dues payment to Rebecca (Becky) Luckstein ASAP.

You are part of a great organization! Invite your friends to join!

Legislative Action Update

Currently many health plans require higher payments by patients for the oral formulation of a drug that is cheaper when administered to them intravenously. The appeal of an oral formulation involves several benefits including less time and travel by the patient. Senator Senjem currently opposes this bill. Individual chapter members are encouraged to submit their own letters of support for the bill. Information on how to do this can be obtained by contacting our Legislative Liaison, Breanna Linquist at .

Breanna has more to share with us regarding this situation:

Hello all, your legislative liaison here...Toni Mangskau forwarded me some information about a bill currently in the Minnesota senate regarding out-of-pocket costs to patients receiving oral chemotherapy. The American Cancer Society has released a statement supporting this bill and the Twin Cities ONS chapter sent a letter to Senator Senjem asking for his support--he is currently against this bill. She asked if we would send one as well. I have enclosed my draft of the letter along with the statement from the ACS and a link to the bill. I think this is an important matter for us to submit an opinion. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns and also whether or not you approve my letter. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.


Breanna Linquist RN, OCN

RN Study Coordinator

Medical Oncology

200 First Street SW

Rochester, MN55905

Phone (507) 538-9320

Fax (507) 538-8300

National ONS News and Events

Oncology Nursing Month · May 2010

As an oncology nurse, you're there for your patients through one of the most challenging times of their lives. You help patients and their loved ones by caring, teaching, listening, and simply being present. Take some time this spring to recognize the hard work you do each and every day. Celebrate you and your colleagues during Oncology Nursing Month. You deserve it!

This year, the ONS Foundation is offering more than ever before to recognize cancer nurses while raising funds to support oncology nursing awards, grants, and scholarships. Watch for your Oncology Nursing Month poster in the May ONS Connect.

New FDA Drug Approvals

On January 29, 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted accelerated approval to Tykerb® (lapatinib) tablets for use in combination with letrozole tablets for the treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive metastatic breast cancer that overexpresses the HER2 receptor for whom hormonal therapy is indicated.Visit the ONS website for more information.

On February 16, 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) to ensure the safe use of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs). The medications included in the program are marketed by Amgen under the names Aranesp® (darbepoetin alfa) and Epogen® (epoetin alfa) and by Centocor Ortho Biotech Products under the name Procrit® (epoetin alfa).Visit the ONS website for more information.

On February 18, 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved rituximab for use in combination with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) for the treatment of previously untreated and previously treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).Visit the ONS website for more information.

On April 16, 2010 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval to Tarceva® (erlotinib) for maintenance treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose disease has not progressed after four cycles of platinum-based first-line chemotherapy.Visit the ONS website for more information.

Resource Highlights

You may recall Chapter President Janine Kokal’s great idearegarding CNE Opportunities:

The Board is discussing ways in which we can offer accredited Onc-pro CEUs for our members as an added perk for membership. We are inquiring about purchasing the "Virtual Congress Meeting" whereby chapter members can gain continuing education credit by participating in online or webcast programming of Congress sessions few weeks after the conference at no charge to you (our members). Watch for more information on this coming out soon!

You may notice a format change in this newsletter as compared to previous editions. Changes have been made to reduce the amount of computer memory that may be used in storing the newsletter.


Ann Weydert