Top products generally selected by full service automotive centers in no particular order:
- AMSOIL XL-Synthetic Engine oils
- Popular with Quick Lubes
- Designed to increase your daily and yearly profits
- 6-month or change at oil service indicator
- Known to improve mileage and reduce consumption in high mileage vehicles
- AMSOIL 5W40 505.01 VW/MS-10725 Euro Engine oil
- AMSOIL PI – Gasoline performance Improver – inj cleaner
- AMSOIL AME Heavy Duty Diesel – (Amsoil’s best selling product)
- AMSOIL HDD Diesel – Best product for your top customers
- AMSOIL Ea Air Filters – Absolute Efficiency Nanofiber (Used in Abrams Tank)
- Incredible value – cleanable with air
- Only 100% efficient @ 2-micron air filter on the market for non-class 6,7 and 8 vehicles.
- Guaranteed for 4-years or 100,000 miles
- AMSOIL Ea Oil filters – Nanofiber 100% at 15 microns
- Nothing compares
- Easy step up sale if you keep the most popular sizes in stock
- Amsoil ASL 5w30 100% Synthetic. My best selling product but not generally stocked in service centers early on.
- AMSOIL ATF - #2 in demand for my retail account orders. Really makes a difference in performance and piece of mind. Was the first synthetic ATF on the market. Universal applications (European shops) consolidate inventory and increase average ticket.
- AMSOIL Severe Gear – Top synthetic differential line
- Cost less than many OEM’s
- Reduces Iron, wear metals and temperature significantly
- Increases mileage and performance
Secondary items which are popular depending on region
- AMSOIL MTG and MTG 5W30 Syn. Synchromesh Trans Fluid and GL-4 75W90 Transmission & Transaxle gear lube
- These are now required in many NV, Land Rover and other modern manual transmissions.
- The MTF added 2MPG in my own car. Lot’s of positive feedback.
- AMSOIL Diesel Fuel Concentrate – Necessary for ULSD
- Easiest sale of all AMSOIL products. Increases mileage an average of 5% when used per instructions.
- Lubricates pump and injectors
- Reduces soot and combustion contamination improving TBN and oil life
- Also improves home oil heating systems
- Cold Flow Improver & Cetane Boost Additives
- Prevents need for low power #1 diesel
- Can be used in biodiesel, kerosene and heating oil
- Powersports products
- Gasoline boost additive
- Power Foam top end cleaner
- Synthetic Commercial Engine SAE-30 10W30 small engine oil
- AMSOIL 10W40 AMO – Original product from 1972
- 10W30/SAE30 Diesel/gasoline – universal engine oil for all engines used to control inventory and costs