Visit Oceanside Conference & Visitors Bureau (“Visit Oceanside” or”VO”) sponsors select travel groups, specialty events and community activities (“Event”) within Oceanside city limits for the purposes of increasing:tour and travel to Oceanside, visitor spending ,and the promotion of the destination.

In doing so, Visit Oceanside will, at its sole and absolute discretion, determine which events will be selected and at which sponsorship levels it will participate. To ensure that your activity/event meets VO sponsorship objectives, the following guidelines have been established regarding sponsorship requestsand will be used in the selection process; they may be amended at the sole discretion of Visit Oceanside. The ability to sponsor an event and/or the amount of paid sponsorship may be limited at times due to certain budgetary constraints or limitations.


Factors considered in evaluating a sponsorship request include, but are not limited to:

Location and Nature of Event -

The event must take place in Oceanside or will serve to promote travel and tourism to Oceanside; it must also be deemed, at the sole discretion of VO, to be consistent with the community standards of Oceanside and the branding of Visit Oceanside.

Date of the Event and of the Request -

The sponsorship request application must be submitted to Visit Oceanside at least One Hundred and Twenty (120) days prior to the proposed event.

Economic Impact of Event -

Visit Oceanside will evaluate the projected economic impact of the Event in Oceanside, including room nights and visitor spending.

Marketing & Public Relations –

Visit Oceanside will evaluate the event marketing plan to determine if the event promoters / sponsorship applicant has the ability to effectively market the event and generate media exposure for Oceanside.

Community Impact –

Visit Oceanside will consider the impact on the local community and ensure the event is implementing procedures which mitigate the impact on the areas which include routes and street closures as well as communication strategies to inform the public of said procedures.

Post Event Summary Report –

Should your sponsorship request be approved, a follow-up Event Summary Report, evaluating the outcome and success of the event, must be submitted within Sixty (60) days following the event. Future consideration of funding requests will depend largely on the timely submission and evaluation of the follow-up survey.


In order to ensure that your activity/event meets VO sponsorship objectives, the following objectives and criteria are required to ensure an event / program which will create exposure for Visit Oceanside while increasing tourism and visitor spending in Oceanside:


- Educate and build awareness among the event participants of the benefits of the City of Oceanside as a destination

- Provide an avenue to encourage participants and families to stay in Oceanside and generate room nights

- Authentically integrate Oceanside into the event philosophy and messaging


- Oceanside accommodations will be exclusively promoted on all event marketing channels; this includes applicable hotels and vacation rentals which VO and Event collectively agree are a match for the lodging requirements.

Note: it is the responsibility of the event to track the visitors and room nights generated at Oceanside lodging properties; the reported room nights will be subject to an audit by CVB staff.

- “Accommodations” section on event website with link to Oceanside lodging information; If you do not have a website, VO will create a Landing Page for your event on the Visit Oceanside website.

- Visit Oceanside’s logo and/or name must be listed as a sponsor / partner on any promotion of the event including website and social media. Printed materials and public notices displaying contributors, sponsors, or donations must acknowledge the support of Visit Oceanside, and VO will be publically recognized as a sponsor at the event when applicable and feasible.

- Visit Oceanside will have the option to host a Welcome / Information Booth at Event Registration or any festival / marketplace associated with the event.

- Ticketed events must provide at least 5 tickets to the CVB for every day of the event for CVB evaluation of the event and at least 8 tickets for City Council and City Officials.

- If the event includes a program, ad space and / or “Welcome Letter” must be made available to Visit Oceanside CVB.

Visit Oceanside CVB values our partnerships and will be fully supportive of the event marketing plan; we are happy to promote the event through our marketing efforts to ensure a successful experience for all involved. However, no one knows your event like you do. Please provide the following, once sponsorship has been granted, to assist us with promoting your event:

- A designated point person to facilitate the communication of joint marketing / promotional efforts

- High resolution photos (logo, event images) and social media links

- Description of event and copy points for promotional purposes. The more you can sell the event in the copy, the better. If we have to cut the words to fit in specific publications, we can.


Visit Oceanside Conference and Visitors Bureau (VO) is pleased to provide sponsorship funds for select travel groups, specialty events and community activities (“Events”) which increase t tour and travel to Oceanside, visitor spending in the communities, and the promotion of the destination.

All Sponsorship Request Applications must be submitted at least One Hundred and Twenty (120) days before the proposed event or activity for which the sponsorship is sought and must be completed as described. Incomplete applications may result in funding being denied. Any blank line containing no answer should be filled in as “N/A” or “None”.Please submit the additional requested documentation along with this application.

If your Sponsorship Request is approved, you will be required to complete an Event Summary Report within Sixty (60) days after your event has taken place. The follow-up survey will assist Visit Oceanside in determining the success/effectiveness of the event and whether or not future sponsorship funds should be granted if requested.

Date of Application ______


Organization Name______

Organization Type

( ) Non-Profit Organization

( ) For Profit Organization (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership)

( ) Civic/Governmental Organization

( ) School/Educational Organization

( ) Other If Other Explain ______

Contact Person ______Title______

Telephone ______Fax ______

Cell Phone ______Email ______

Website ______

Organization Mailing Address______



Date(s) of the Event ______

Event Name______

Event Director______

Place of Event ______

Summary of the Event______


Admission Fee to Event (if any) $ ______

Anticipated Number of Oceanside Residents at the Event ______

Anticipated Number of Visitors coming to the Event ______(100 mile radius outside of Oceanside)

Describe how the event benefits the Oceanside community______



Identify the event’s target participants/attendees and the potential for economic return ______


Briefly describe how this event will support tourism and visitor spending in Oceanside and how it is expected

to contribute to overnight lodging ______




Summarize the marketing plan for the event______


What type of promotional material will be utilized? (Check all that apply)

( ) Posters( ) Flyers/Brochures( ) Invitations( ) T-Shirt( ) Emails/E-Blasts

( ) Event Website address: ______

( ) Facebook: ______( ) Instagram: ______

( ) Twitter: ______( ) Other: ______

What is the plan for tracking attendance / participation and measuring the success of this event?



VO Sponsorship amount requested for event $______

Event funds to be provided by Applicant $______

Total Budget for the Event $______

Have you or do you plan to request sponsorships from any other organizations for this event?

( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please fill in the following information:

Sponsor Name Amount Requested Sponsorship Confirmed?





Have you been granted sponsorship funds from Visit Oceanside before? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please fill in the following information for each previous VO Sponsorship:

Date ______Amount Granted $ ______Event ______

Date ______Amount Granted $ ______Event ______

Date ______Amount Granted $ ______Event ______



Have you held this event (or a reasonably similar event) in the past: ( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please fill in the following information for three most recent events:

Date Event Location # of Attendees




If Visit Oceanside Sponsorship is denied, will the event still take place? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If No please explain why ______

I hereby confirm that all information contained in and additional documents supplied for this application are true and complete as of the date of this application. I acknowledge that I am authorized on behalf of the applicant organization to complete and submit this application and the additional documentation requested herein. I have read and understand Visit Oceanside’s Sponsorship Request Policy and acknowledge that VO may, at its sole discretion, amend the criteria and policy it utilizes to evaluate Sponsorship Requests.


Event Director’s Signature Date

Please return completed Application and Additional Documentation to:

Visit Oceanside Conference and Visitors Bureau

Attn: Sponsorship Requests – Leslee Gaul, President

928 North Coast Highway, Suite A

Oceanside, CA 92054

To be completed by Visit Oceanside Staff

Date Application Received ____/____/20____ Reviewed by ______

Application Complete? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Required Additional Documents Provided? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If no, which documents missing? ______

Sponsorship Request ( ) Approved ( ) Denied

If approve, Amount? ______

Date Applicant advised of approval or denial? ____/____/20____

Additional Comments ______