Case Study #2: Meeting New Challenges at the Aldine Independent School District

1. Introduction/Understanding of the Problem(s)
Candidates describe the situation of the case, including the context of the problem(s), problem statement(s), and exploratory question(s) that the author is investigating in the case. / 5.3, 6.1 / Candidate provides a comprehensive description of the problem(s) in the case including all areas of significance: the context of the problem(s), problem statement(s), and exploratory question(s) that the author is investigating in the case. / Candidate describes the problem(s) including most areas of significance: the context of the problem(s), problem statement(s), and exploratory question(s) that the author is investigating in the case. / Candidate attempts a description but fails to identify significant areas of the problem(s).
Candidates point out connections between the district setting and the larger educational context and explore policy and political implications within the school district and community. / 6.1 / Candidate thoroughly points out connections between the district setting and the larger educational context and explores policy and political implications within the school district and community. / Candidate points out connections between the district setting and the larger educational context and explores policy and political implications within the school district and community. / Candidate attempts but fails to make connections between the district setting and the larger educational context with either policy or political implications within the school district and community.
Candidate provides an analysis of the ethical issues embedded in the problem(s). / 5.3 / Candidate provides a comprehensive analysis of the ethical issues embedded in the problem(s). / Candidate provides an analysis of the ethical issues embedded in the problem(s). / Candidate provides little or no analysis of the ethical issues embedded in the problem(s).
2. Summary of the Case
Candidate provides a summary of the main points and critical issues of the case which also reflects their individual interpretation. / Candidate provides a comprehensive summary of the main points and critical issues of the case which reflects the candidate’s individual interpretation. / Candidate provides a summary of the main points and critical issues of the case which reflects the candidate’s individual interpretation. / Candidate provides a limited or no summary of the main points and critical issues of the case which reflects the candidate’s individual interpretation.
Candidates identify the key challenges within the Aldine Independent School District that contributed to the primary problem(s). / 6.1 / Candidate provides a comprehensive summary of the key challenges of the case. / Candidate provides a summary of the key challenges of the case. / Candidate provides a limited or no summary of the key challenges of the case.
Candidates provide supporting details/evidence from the case to support their individual interpretation. / 6.1 / Candidate provides thorough and specific details/evidence from the case to support the candidate’s individual interpretation. / Candidate provides details/evidence from the case to support the candidate’s individual interpretation. / Candidate provides limited or no details/evidence from the case to support the candidate’sindividual interpretation.
3. Frameworks for Analysis
Candidates identify possible approaches or frames from which to analyze the case within the larger educational context. / 6.1, 6.2 / Candidate identifies two or more frames and uses them to provide a comprehensive and integrated analysis. / Candidate identifies two or more frames and uses them to analyze the case. / Candidate identifies one or more frames but provides a limited or no analysis of the case.
Candidates apply theories, research, and other concepts (drawing from class readings and discussions) related to the case as well as their knowledge base as an experienced practitioner. / 5.1, 5.2 / Candidate applies theories, research, and other concepts in an appropriate and thorough manner. / Candidate applies theories, research, and other concepts in an appropriate manner. / Candidate fails to apply theories, research, and other concepts in an appropriate manner.
4. Goals, Challenges, Potential Outcomes, and Consequences: Candidates reflect on the importance of a district vision and identify challenges, project potential outcomes, and anticipate consequences that move toward advocacy or actionof a district vision. / Candidate provides a thorough and comprehensive reflection on the importance of a district vision and identifies challenges, projects potential outcomes, and anticipates consequences that move toward advocacy or action of a district vision. / Candidate reflects on the importance of a district vision and identifies challenges, projects potential outcomes, and anticipates consequences that move toward advocacy or action of a district vision. / Candidate provides a limited reflection on the importance of a district vision that fails to identify the challenges, potential outcomes, and consequences that move toward advocacy or action of a district vision.
Candidates analyze and evaluate how Superintendent Kujawa developed the district vision. / 1.1 / Candidate provides a thorough and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was developed. / Candidate provides an analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was developed. / Candidate provides a limited analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was developed.
Candidates analyze and evaluate how Superintendent Kujawa implemented the district vision. / 1.3 / Candidate provides a thorough analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was implemented. / Candidate provides an analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was implemented. / Candidate provides an inadequate analysis and evaluation of how the district vision was implemented.
Candidates critically examine how Superintendent Kujawa reorganized staff and resources and provide recommendations for consideration. / 3.3 / Candidate provides a critically and insightful examination of how the staff and resources were reorganized and provides multiple, perceptive recommendations. / Candidate critically examines how the staff and resources were reorganized and provides recommendations. / Candidate provides an inadequate examination of how the staff and resources were reorganized and fails to provide adequate recommendations.
Candidates analyze and evaluate how Superintendent Kujawa implemented curriculum reforms in regards to the instructional programs. / 2.2 / Candidate provides an insightful analysis and evaluation of how the curriculum reforms contributed to changes in the instructional programs that were beneficial to the district. / Candidate analyzes and evaluates how the curriculum reforms influenced changes in the instructional programs. / Candidate provides an inadequate analysis and evaluation of the changes to the instructional programs.
Candidates analyze and evaluate how Superintendent Kujawa implemented curriculum reforms with a focus on applying best practices in classrooms and student learning. / 2.3 / Candidate provides an insightful analysis and evaluation of how the curriculum reforms contributed to (and/or failed to contribute to) the application of best practices in classrooms and students learning. / Candidate analyzes and evaluates how the curriculum reforms contributed to (and/or failed to contribute to) the application of best practices in classrooms and student learning. / Candidate provides an inadequate analysis and evaluation of changes in the application of best practices in classrooms and student learning.
Candidates analyze and evaluate the success of Superintendent Kujawa’s Professional Development Plan in adequately meeting the needs of the district. / 2.4 / Candidate provides an insightful analysis and evaluation of the Professional Development Plan in meeting the needs of the district. / Candidate provides an analysis and evaluation of the Professional Development Plan in meeting the needs of the district. / Candidate provides an inadequate analysis and evaluation of the Professional Development Plan in meeting the needs of the district.
Candidates provide recommendations on how they might improve on the process that was used by Superintendent Kujawa to respond to the district’s problem(s). / 6.2 / Candidate offers insightful recommendations for improving on the process that was used to address the district’s problem(s). / Candidate offers recommendations for improving on the process that was used to address the district’s problem(s). / Candidate offers no or limited recommendations for improvement.
5. Leadership Lessons/Take Aways: Candidates present a review of leadership lessons. / Candidate presents an in-depth review of the leadership lessons that can be gleaned from the case study. / Candidate presents a review of the leadership lessons that can be gleaned from the case study. / Candidate presents a limited or no review of the leadership lessons that can be gleaned from the case study.
Candidates identify lessons learned from this case that might be applied in creating a vision of learning for their own district. / 1.1 / Candidate thoroughly identifies lessons learned from this case that might be applied in creating a vision of learning for her district. / Candidate identifies lessons learned from this case that might be applied in creating a vision of learning for her district. / Candidate fails to adequately identify lessons learned from this case that might be applied in creating a vision of learning for her district.
Candidates identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in implementing a vision of learning for their own district. / 1.3 / Candidate thoroughly identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in implementing a vision of learning for his district. / Candidate identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in implementing a vision of learning for his district. / Candidate fails to adequately identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in implementing a vision of learning for his district.
Candidates identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in the stewardship of a vision of learning in their own district. / 1.4 / Candidate thoroughly identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in the stewardship of a vision of learning in her district. / Candidate identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in the stewardship of a vision of learning in her district. / Candidate fails to adequately identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in the stewardship of a vision of learning in her district.
Candidates identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in developing effective curriculum and professional development for their own district. / 2.2, 2.4 / Candidate thoroughly identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in developing effective curriculum and professional development for her district. / Candidate identifies lessons learned from this case that might be used in developing effective curriculum and professional development for her district. / Candidate fails to adequately identify lessons learned from this case that might be used in developing curriculum and professional development for her district.
Candidates identify how this case might be used to inform their use of effective resources both human and financial in their own district. / 3.3 / Candidate thoroughly identifies how this case might be used to inform his use of effective resources both human and financial in his district. / Candidate identifies how this case might be used to inform his use of effective resources both human and financial in his district. / Candidate fails to adequately identify how this case might be used to inform his use of effective resources both human and financial in his district.
Candidates identify unanswered questions related to the case. / Candidate identifies how the case raises unanswered and unaddressed issues and questions requiring further research and exploration; makes recommendations for future research. / Candidate identifies how the case raises unanswered issues and questions requiring further research and exploration. / Candidate fails to identify how the case raises unanswered issues and questions.
using APA style / Technical writing and grammar both accurate and compelling; strong evidence of editing and proofreading; citations within text consistent and accurate; references complete, comprehensive, and consistent with APA / Technical writing and grammar accurate; evidence of proofreading and editing; citations within text accurate; references complete and consistent with APA / Inconsistent writing and grammar, no evidence of proofreading, no references or references cited improperly