Sponsored Projects Administration Meeting (SPAM)
Date/Place: November 17, 2011
10:30 am-11:30 am, Stout B/182
Attendees:Jenny Frayer, Yvonne Rumbaugh, Petra Bartella, Vicki Hansen Marks, Ed Novak, Karen Stewart-Carrico, Steve Salaber, Elaine Gustafson, Richard Swanson Lycia Ronchetti, Amy Russell via video conference and Charles Whitaker via telephone.
- Approval of Minutes from October
Deferred approval of minutes until the December, 2011 meeting
- Contracting with attorney firms
Had a discussion as to when it is not appropriate to contract as an expert witness for a court case. Need to be careful if the contract is with DRI. DRI should not be on record as advocating one side or the other. Individual PI’s that want to be an expert witness should contract as individual, outside of DRI using their own consulting business.
- Feedback on ARGIS Round 2 testing
Please provide feedback to Jenny on the ARGIS round 2 testing by November 28. This section of testing is limited to the Agreements module and the Internal Funding requests.
- Vendor Lab Analysis in COEUS and eventually ARGIS
Currently only the OAL and EAF labs are entering lab analysis work into COEUS. These labs also have a standard quote they use that when signed by the customer, becomes a PO. Michelle Lopez has a very good process to handle all this. Lycia will have Michelle put on a training session so that all the other labs that operate under a recharge center can operate under the same system.
FSO should not be processing vendor invoices without an indirect cost waiver when the billed amounts do not include ICR. And once everyone is using the OAL/EAF model, FSO should not process a vendor invoice for lab analysis work that runs through a recharge center without a COEUS routing sheet.
- Missing the Org Manager on New Accounts
Petra noted that many of the new accounts set up for EPSCOR projects (cost share) did not include the Org Manager on the balance and activity report that are run from the SCS data warehouse. Richard said that this was because the Org Manager had not been entered into the SIGA Advantage table. Richard will make sure that these are all corrected and future accounts are set up to include the Org Manager name on that table.
- Other
Petra asked what the protocol is for FSO to contact a division faculty/staff member with a question as opposed to asking the business manager. She had a division staff member contacted regarding why she had charged her salary to a project. Petra felt that this question should have been posed to her rather than the staff member. It was concluded that routine questions on travel and such are appropriate to ask of the faculty or staff member. Other questions that are not routine should be posed to the business manager first. If the faculty or staff member needs to be involved, that will be coordinated by the business manager.