First Grade
Spelling, Sight Word, and Sight Word Phrases List
2nd Nine Weeks
Week / Spelling Words / Sight WordVocabulary / Sight Word
Week 1 Who Works Here?
10/10/16 - 10/14/16
List 9 / scram, scrap, scrub, split, splat, sprig, splint, strip, strap, strut, squid, squint / some, over, once, put, my / We made it.
I want it.
Go to sleep.
Run fast.
Week 2 The Big Circle
10/17/16 - 10/21/16
List 10 / cake, late, name, take, tale, ate, stale, state, brake, flame, drape, flake / take, then, thank, think, two / Can you see?
I can help.
This is my home.
I am big.
Week 3 Life in the Forest
10/24/16 - 10/28/16
List 11 / home, hope, globe, rope, poke, woke, hole, broke, stole, bone, dome, slope / them, when, an,
has, first / I can ride.
He has it.
No way!
He ran away!
Week 4 Honey Bees
10/31/16 – 11/4/16
List 12 / hide, ride, tribe, pride, bike, hike, mile, spike, bride, smile, time, ripe / ask, giving, had, could, were / This is not it.
I cannot come.
How many?
What did you do?
Week 5 An Egg is an Egg
11/7/16 - 11/11/16
List 13 / he, me, she, we, go, no, so, hello, bee, tree, be, see / best, off, fast,
sit, who / There she is!
Did you eat it all?
I made it!
I saw Dad.
Week 6 Ruby in Her Own Time
11/14/16 - 11/18/16
List 14 / black, rack, stack, deck, neck, pick, kick, lock, stick, duck, rock, luck / its, sat, girl,
boy, where / I like him.
Sit down.
Can you come?
I can’t go.
Week 7
11/21/16 – 11/25/16 / No Spelling Test
Thanksgiving Holiday Break / No Sight Word Test
Thanksgiving Holiday Break / No Phrase Test
Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Week 8 Jan’s New Home
11/28/16 - 12/2/16
List 15 / chat, chick, chip, bench, lunch, rich, ship, shack, shed, blush, fish, smash / well, book, will, while, down / We have a dog.
Go get her.
I’ll go with mom.
I see the cat.
Week 9 Frog and Toad Together: The Garden
12/5/16 - 12/9/16
List 16 / when, whale, whip, while, white, whisk, bath, math, than, then, that, path / last, tree, dear, left, come / Did you see her?
Could you go?
We like to go.
We like to write.
Week 10
12/12/16 – 12/16/16 / No Spelling Test
District Buffer Week / No Sight Word Test
District Buffer Week / No Phrase Test
District Buffer Week