WelcometoSparksHockeyClub! It’sthattime ofyearagain,sowelcometoallmember’spast,presentand new. Sparksisafriendly,familyorientatedclubandwecannotwaittocatchupwitheveryoneandwatchsome exciting games,share thefriendship,fun andcompetition in ourgreatgame.

All information relating to the 2018 season will feature on Facebook so please ensure you Follow & Like our site.

Preseason and 2018 Competition

There will NOPreseason this year. Sparks are required to provide to the Gladstone &DistrictHockeyAssociation the numberofteamsSparkswillfieldin eachdivision by the 28th February 2018. Therefore,itisimperativeyouregisteronline soon as possible.

2018 Player Registration

Everymembermustregisteronlineat Sparks Hockey Club. All players participating in hockey across Queensland are required to pay the Hockey Queensland Registration & Insurance Fee upfront when registering online – SEE BELOW FOR FEE STRUCTURE.

Any NEW MEMBERor member TRANSFERRING FROM ANOTHER CLUBfor 2018 will receive a free pair of training socks as well as all members will receive a gift and information from Hockey Queensland posted to your home address.


NEW PLAYERS...SelectRegistration

TRANSFER PLAYERS…Please see or email Ruth Burns to action, email

Payment must be made using Visa or MasterCard (Debit and Credit). The payment of this fee goes directly to Hockey Queensland and will complete the minimum requirements* set by Hockey Queensland for all players registering to a Club for 2018.

2018 Hockey QueenslandFee Structure

*Total amount payable online at time of registration (inclusive of GST and fees)

Registration Type / HQ / HA / Insurance / TOTAL
Under 10 (4-9yrs as of 31 Dec, 2017) / $16.50 / $8.00 / N/A / $25.00*
Junior (10-17 yrs. as at 31 Dec 2017) / $38.00 / $17.00 / $10.00 / $65.00*
Senior (18 yrs. to 20 yrs. as at 31 Dec 2017) / $59.00 / $17.00 / $10.00 / $86.00*
Senior (20yrs & Over as of 31 Dec 2017) / $82.00 / $28.50 / $25.00 / $135.50*
Dual Registration / $0.00 / $0.00*

Dual Registration: Please note that ALL dual registrations need to complete a Form 5 – Dual Registration Form which needs to be completed by their primary club and association before taking the field. This form must be signed off by the Secretary of Sparks Hockey Club before submission to the Gladstone & District Hockey Association for approval. No member can take the field unless approval has been granted by the Gladstone & District Hockey Association.

SparksHockeyClubInc.Membership Fees

Sparks Hockey Club fees have now been set and advised to all members. DISCOUNTS for any member will only be given if paid prior to the first fixture game, this includes members who sign on after the first fixture game, no exceptions. Please Note: The Sparks Hockey Club Fees are additional to the Hockey Queensland fee paid online whereby you registered to Sparks Hockey Club.



  1. Iffullpaymentwillcausehardship,youcantakeadvantageoftheclub’spaymentplan. Tousethe approvedpaymentplan,paymentsMUSTbe madeonaregularbasiseitherthroughbanktransferstothe Sparksaccountorpayments madetoyourteammanageroramemberoftheManagementCommittee. Please discussanydifficultieswith one ofthe ManagementCommitteememberswho are morethan happyto assist.
  2. Shift workers to have $50.00 reduction in fees if a roster is sighted by one of the Sparks Committee.
  3. Life members who play hockey will be exempt from Sparks Membership Fee.
  4. Any junior player that plays senior to pay senior game fees, affiliation fee and umpire fee.
  5. $50.00 reduction in fees if paid by the first fixture game for 2018 for a senior player (not applicable to dual registration players and goalkeepers). If you register later then no discount will be applicable.
  1. $25.00 reduction in fees if paid by the first fixture game for 2018 for a junior player (not applicable to Rookey 7’s & 9’s, dual registration players and goalkeepers).If you register later then no discount will be applicable.
  2. All dual registrations player’s forms need to be signed by the Secretary or Treasurer.
  3. All adjustments to these fees need to be taken to a Sparks Committee Meeting via written correspondence.

Get Started Vouchers

Get Started Vouchers are available to families. The program provides eligible children aged 5 up to 17 (inclusive) who can least afford to join a sport or recreation club, with a voucher valued at up to $150 for membership and/or registration fees. It should be noted that vouchers are issued on a first come, first served basis, therefore there is no guarantee that a child or young/person will obtain a voucher.

Fact sheets for parents/guardians/careers and referral agents can be viewed at The factsheets provide an overview of the eligibility criteria and application process.

Sparks Bank Account Details

Sparks Hockey Club Bank Account details are as follows. Important: In the reference field please enter your Family Name and advise Sparks Hockey Club. Sparks Hockey Club bank is The Rock Building Society.

Account Name:Sparks Hockey Club Inc.

BSB:655 000

Account Number:100459838

Fundraising for 2018

Several activities are being planned for the 2018 season to assist both members and the Sparks Hockey Club which are as follows: -

  1. A request has been sent into Bunnings for Sparks Hockey Club to hold a sausage sizzle during the season. When the date is known, it is requested that you spare some time to assist with this day.
  2. A fundraising event that will assist both member selling the product and Sparks Hockey Club for fees for 2018.
  3. A Bogan Bingo night which is in the early stages of planning.
  4. A junior event for all junior members.


Sparks Clothing Items: / Uniform Prices:
Skirts (old supplier) Limited stock / $35.00
Skirts (new supplier) / $45.00
Shorts (old supplier) Limited stock / $35.00
Shorts (new supplier) / $45.00
Socks / $13.00
Club Dress Shirts – Juniors / $25.00
Club Dress Shirts – Seniors / $35.00
Old Club Dress Shirt (Limited stock) / $20.00
Spray Jackets / $40.00
Bucket Hats / $15.00
Beanies / $12.00
Training Shorts only / $20.00
Training Shirts only / $20.00
Stubby Coolers / $10.00
Playing Shirt – Men or Boys / $45.00
Playing Shirt – Women or Girls / $40.00

Ifyourequireanymerchandise,pleasecontacteither Ruth Gillard or Carly Black. Orderscan also be placedvia email to herea drop offdate will be organised. Please Note: prices indicated for uniforms are for 2018 stock only and these costs may rise if a new order is done for 2018.

This season we will be organizing playing shirts for members who are to indicate a number from 20 or put a zero in front of the number and a size. Orders will be placed on the 6th March 2018 so if you are interested you need to let us know via email . Money will need to be received prior otherwise no shirt will be ordered for you.

PlayingUniforms for teams are:

Old PlayingShirtsareprovidedbyoursponsorshowever,itisrequired formemberstobein theSparksshorts,skirtsand sockswhichevergender.

Senior Men / Senior Women / Junior Boys / JuniorGirls
SparksShort,Green and Yellow Socks (A1 team only) / SparksSkirt,YellowSocks / SparksShort,Green Socks / SparksSkirt,Green Socks

DependingonthenumberofSparksteams withinthesameage/division,thesockcolour may varyandthiswillbe advised when teamnumbersare registered however all junior teams and senior men’s team wear green socks and the senior ladies team wear yellow unless advised by the Coach or Team Manager.

ShoesClosed in shoesandneed to be suitableforgrass and turffields.

ShinPadsCompulsoryandareavailablefromanysportsstoresand JustHockey.

Mouth guardsStronglyrecommendedfortrainingandmatches. Theyareavailablefromchemistsandsports stores. Dentistmouldedmouth guardsmayattractreimbursementfromsome privatehealthfunds.

Hockey SticksAvailablefromsportsstoresand JustHockey,please askforadviceon sticksfromyourcoach.


Turf field and ground rules can be located on the Sparks website under the Resources tab. Can all members please ensure they abide by these rules.


Umpires forthe2018seasonwillbepaidatarateof$20.00perseniorgameand$15.00perjuniorgamewhichwill bepaidmonthly. IfyouareinterestedinumpiringforSparksduringthe2018season,pleasecontacttheclubvia hich will be passedonto ourUmpireCoordinator.


SparksHockeyClubtrainingdayisTuesday,forfurtherdetailsontrainingyourcoachwillbeincontactwithyou. All ourExecutiveCommitteemembers,coachesandteammanagerswillholdcurrent“BlueCards”whowill mentorour juniorplayerswithinthe Club.


SparksHockeyClubisavolunteerclubandwithallorganisedsportthereisalotofworkinvolvedingettingour playersonto thefield. Anyassistance fromplayers,parentsand supportersisverymuch appreciated.

Sparksisrosteredfor“DutyClub”every4weeksand membershelp arealwaysrequiredparticularly theFriday afternoon/nightgamesandfirstgamesetuponSaturdaymornings. AllmembersareaskedtohelponDutyClub daysasmanyhandsmakelightwork. ReminderemailswillbesentthatweekforassistancefromtheExecutive Committee.


President / Vacant
Vice President / Harley Jeynes / 0455 292 162
Secretary / Ruth Gillard / 0437 191 352
Grants Officer / Carly Black / 0409 092 875
Junior Vice President / Sam Tolan / 0408 439 695
Social Officer / Jason Burns / 0427 032 354
Grants Officer / Stacy Black / 0438 761 720
Equipment Officer / Vacant

For the time being until someone is sourced equipment and merchandise can be sourced through Ruth Gillard and Carly Black.

Sparks2018 Coaches

A1 Men’s team / Jason Burns / 0427 032 354
A1 Women’s team / Gary Porteous / 0457 858 769
A2 Men’s team
A2 Women’s team / Gary Porteous / 0457 858 769
A3 Men’s team
A3 Women’s team / Neville Jarram / 0407 581 970
U16 Mixed / Neville Jarram / 0407 581 970
U12 Mixed / Joe McGuire / 0428 790 885
Rookey 9 / Molly Tolan & Tori Fodriga / 0408 439 695
Rookey 7

Each team is required to have a Team Manager.

Also, please note that all Code of Conducts are available on the Sparks website under the resources tab and we urge all to abide.

Pleaserememberifyou knowofanyoneinterestedin playing,pleasebringthem alongto trainingorcontact anExecutiveCommitteemember. Allages, alllevelsarewelcome. The Clubis lookingforwardtoagreathockeyseasonin2018!



