Curriculum Vitae: Albert Chakona

Curriculum Vitae

Albert Chakona (PhD)

Tel: +27 46 603 5800; Cell: +27 84 52 33793; e-mail: or

Personal details:

Present occupation:Scientist (SAIAB)


Languages:English and Shona

Date of birth:20September 1979

Marital status:Married


  • Ph.D. Ichthyology(2008-2011) at Rhodes University, South Africa.
  • M.Sc. Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries (2003-2005) and B.Sc. Hons. Biological Science (2000-2003) at the University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe.


  1. Chakona A. 2012. Comparative biogeography and ecology of freshwater fishes in the Breede and associated river systems, South Africa. PhD thesis, Rhodes University,Grahamstown.
  2. Chakona A.2005. The macroinvertebrate communities of two upland streams in eastern Zimbabwe with reference to the impacts of forestry, M.Sc. thesis, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe.
  3. Chakona A. 2003. A comparative study of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Gwebi and Marimba Rivers, Harare, Zimbabwe. Hons thesis, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe.

Peer reviewed publications and manuscripts in press:

  1. Chakona A, Swartz E & Gouws G (2013). Evolutionary drivers of diversification and distribution of a southern temperate stream fish assemblage: testing the role of historical isolation and spatial range expansion. PlosOne.
  2. Chakona A & Swartz E (2013). A new redfin species, Pseudobarbus skeltoni (Cyprinidae, Teleostei) from the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Zootaxa3686, 565-577.
  3. Chakona A, Swartz E, Gouws G & Bloomer P (2013). A freshwater fish defies ancient mountain ranges and drainage divides: extrinsic and intrinsic influences on the evolutionary history of a recently identified galaxiid. Journal of Biogeography40, 1399-1412.
  4. Kadye, W.T., Chakona, A., Marufu, L.T. & Samukange, T. (online early). The impact of non-native rainbow trout withinAfro-montane streams in eastern Zimbabwe. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1624-4.
  5. Chakona, A., Swartz, E.R. (2012). Contrasting habitat associations of imperiled endemic stream fishes from a global biodiversity hotspot. BMC Ecology2012 12:19
  6. Kadye, W.T. & Chakona, A. (2012). Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblage in two intermittent streams in north-western Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology50, 428-438.
  7. Chakona, A., Swartz, E.R. & Magellan, K. (2011). Aerial exposure tolerance of a newly discovered galaxiid. Journal of Fish Biology78, 912–922.
  8. Phiri, C., Chakona, A. & Day, J.A. (2011). The effect of plant density on epiphytic macroinvertebrates associated with a submerged macrophyte, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius Obermeyer, in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Science36, 289–297.
  9. Phiri, C., Chakona, A & Day, J.A. (2011). Aquatic insects associated with two morphologically different submerged macrophytes, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius and Vallisneria aethiopica, in small fishless ponds. Aquatic Ecology45, 405–416.
  10. Chakona, A., Phiri, C. & Day, J.A. (2009). Potential for Trichoptera communities as biological indicators of morphological degradation in riverine systems. Hydrobiologia621, 155–167.
  11. Chakona, A., Phiri, C., Chinamaringa, T. & Muller, N. (2009). Changes in biota along a dry-land river in northwestern Zimbabwe: declines and improvements in river health related to land use. Aquatic Ecology43, 1095–1106.
  12. Chakona, A., Phiri, C., Magadza, C.H.D. & Brendonck, L. (2008). The influence of habitat structure and flow permanence on macroinvertebrate assemblages in temporary rivers in northwestern Zimbabwe. Hydrobiologia607, 199–209.
  13. Chakona, A & Marshall, B. (2008). A preliminary assessment of the impact of forest conversion from natural to pine plantation on macroinvertebrate communities in two mountain streams in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Science33, 115–124.
  14. Chakona, A., Marshall, B. & Brendonck, L. (2007). The effect of fish predation on benthic macroinvertebrates in a seasonal stream in north-western Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Science 32, 251–257.

Manuscripts under review or in preparation:

  1. Swartz, E.R., Chakona, A., Skelton, P. & Bloomer, P. (under review) Historical differentiation and evolutionary processes in the Breede River redfin (Pseudobarbus burchelli, Cyprinidae) in two palaeoriver systems on the south coast of South Africa. Hydrobiologia.

Scientific and popular articles (not peer reviewed):

  1. Chakona, A. (2012). Uncovering hidden diversity, population declines and localised extinctions in a global biodiversity hot spot. Contribution to the SAIAB Annual Highlights Report.
  2. Jordaan, M., Swartz, E. and Chakona, A. 2011. Initiating a biodiversity management plan for species (BMP-S) for the Barrydale redfin. In Proceedings of the 15th Yellowfish Working Group Conference (Arderne, P., ed.), pp. 63-66. Badplaas: Federation of Southern African Flyfishers.
  3. Chakona, A. (2010). Genetic diversity and habitat requirements of native fish in the Cape Floristic Region. SAIAB research nugget for 2010/11).
  4. Chakona, A. (2010). Threatened unique fish fauna of the Breede River and CFR need your help. SABI Newsletter, 2, 1-2.
  5. Chakona, A. (2009). Comparative phylogeography, ecology and conservation of Pseudobarbus, Galaxias and Sandelia in the Breede and associated river systems. SAIAB Annual Highlights Report, 2008/09.


  1. Chakona, A. (2008) Patterns in diversity and assemblages of intermittent stream macroinvertebrates in relation to biotic and abiotic factors: an opportunity to initiate watershed ecological risk assessment. Final Report submitted to the International Foundation for Science.
  2. Phiri, C., Chakona, A. & Zengeya, T. (2007). Environmental audit report. To Lake Crocodile Park, Kariba, Zimbabwe.
  3. Chakona, A. (2010). Comparative phylogeography of Pseudobarbus, Barbus, Sandelia and Galaxias species in the Breede and associated river systems, South Africa: implications for conservation of a threatened fauna. Final Report to the Rufford Grants for Nature Conservation.
  4. Chakona, A. (2011). Genetic diversity, evolutionary processes, ecology and conservation of the Cape Galaxias (Galaxias zebratus, Galaxiidae) from the south-western Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Final Report submitted to the International Foundation for Science.
  5. Chakona, A. (2011). Comparative habitat use, distribution and conservation of endemic freshwater fishes in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Final Report submitted to WWF International for the Prince Bernhard Scholarship.

Stakeholder reports

  1. Chakona, A. & Swartz, E. (2010). Information about fishes of the Heuningnes River system, threats and possible conservation actions. Informal report to the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative.
  2. Chakona, A. & Swartz, E. (2010). Information about fishes of the Wolfkloof River, Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa. Informal report to farmers and stakeholders in the Swellendam area, Western Cape.

Conference presentations and seminars:

  1. Chakona, A., Gouws, G., Swartz, E. & Bloomer, P. (2011). Vicariance or dispersal: does the distribution pattern of Galaxias ‘nebula’ conform to previous biogeographic hypotheses? (Abstract and oral presentation). 9th SASSB Conference (19-21 January 2011, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.
  2. Chakona, A., Swartz, E., Gouws, G. & Bloomer, P. (2009). Genetic differentiation of a widespread Galaxias lineage across currently isolated river systems (Abstract and oral presentation). 10th Anniversary Conference, Southern Africa Society for Systematic Biology, 25-27 July 2009, Natalia, Illovo Beach, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
  3. Chakona, A., Phiri, C., Magadza, C.H.D. & Brendonc, L. (2008). The influence of habitat structure and flow permanence on macroinvertebrate assemblages in temporary rivers in northwestern Zimbabwe. 9th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium, October 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa. Awarded prize for best presentation.
  4. Chakona, A. and Swartz, E. R. (2010). Genetic differentiation of a widespread Galaxias lineage across currently isolated river systems. Presentation given to WWF in Stellenbosch as part of the obligations of the Prince Bernard Scholarship.
  5. Chakona, A. (2012). Biogeography and genetic diversity of endemic stream fishes from the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Presentation given to the SAIAB Winter School.
  6. Chakona, A. (2010). Habitat features associated with occurrence of an imperiled fish fauna in minimally disturbed upland streams in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Presentation given to the SAIAB Research Group.
  7. Chakona, A. (2010). Phylogeography of Galaxias ‘nebula’ across the Cape Floristic Region: testing patterns of connectivity across drainage divides. Ph.D. Seminar presentation, Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University.
  8. Chakona, A. (2009). Comparative phylogeography of Galaxias, Sandelia, Pseudobarbus and Barbus within the Breede and associated river systems: implications for conservation of a threatened fauna. Seminar presentation, Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University. Awarded prize for best Ph.D. seminar presentation.

Grants and funding applications:

  1. Claude Leon Foundation: Postdoctoral Research funding (2012 to date).
  2. WWF Prince Bernard Scholarship: Supplementary Ph.D. funding (2010 to 2011).
  3. International Foundation for Science: Supplementary Ph.D. funding (2009 to 2011).
  4. Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation: Supplementary Ph.D. funding (2009 to 2010).
  5. International Foundation for Science and UZ/VLIR: Project funding for my research at the University of Zimbabwe Lake Kariba Research Station (2006 to 2008).
  6. University of Zimbabwe and VLIR (Belgium): M.Sc. grant (2003-2005).

Field survey experience:

  • Mozambique (2 major field surveys, one in Balama (Montepuez & its tributaries) and another one in Tete (Revuboe & its tributaries); 2013).
  • South Africa (4 major fish and amphibian surveys in the Breede and associated river systems and a few minor surveys across the CFR; 2008 to 2010).
  • Zimbabwe (at least 10 major and several minor fish and macroinvertebrate surveys; 2002 to 2008).
  • Angola (one major fish survey of the Kwanza River system; 2008).
  • Zambia (macroinvertebrate sampling in the Zambezi and Kafue rivers; 2003).

Molecular biology, taxonomy computer and statistical skills:

  • Use of molecular techniques to understand the drivers of diversity and evolution of freshwater taxa (phylogeography)
  • Use of molecular techniques to identify biodiversity hot spots and inform appropriate strategies for biodiversity conservation
  • Use of molecular techniques to identify hidden (cryptic) diversity, map distribution of unique lineages and reconstruct historical distribution ranges of extant taxa
  • DNA extraction, amplification, purification and cycle sequencing
  • Alignment and analysis of genetic sequences (SeqMan, DNAsp, CLUSTAL X)
  • GENBANK sequence submission (SEQUIN)
  • Taxonomic revision and description of fish species
  • Phylogenetic and population genetic analysis (BEAST, PAUP*, MrBayes, TCS, MDIV, ARLEQUIN, MODELTEST, etc.)
  • Ecological data analysis (R-packages for Boosted Regression Trees, Hierarchical Partitioning; PRIMER, Statistica, SPSS, PAST, CANOCO etc.)
  • Several general computer programs (Microsoft Office, Corel Draw, etc.)
  • GIS computer programs (ArcView 3.2)

Museum and database contributions:

  • Fish and frog voucher specimens and DNA tissue samples (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity; 2008 to 2010)
  • Sorting and identification of freshwater fish samples at SAIAB (2008 to date)
  • British Museum of Natural History and Smithsonian Institution (2012)
  • Genetic sequences deposited in GENBANK (20012)

Employment experience:

  1. Claude Leon Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow attached at SAIAB (2012 to date):

Duties and responsibilities

Molecular systematics, phylogeography, ecology and taxonomic description of freshwater fishes from the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa.

  1. Research Fellow at the University of Zimbabwe Lake Kariba Research Station (2005 to 2008):

Duties and responsibilities

I was responsible for continuous assessment, monitoring and evaluation of the aquatic biodiversity in rivers and streams around Lake Kariba, determine the potential human threats to aquatic resources and biodiversity and come up with appropriate abatement measures to reduce such impacts. I also involved with carrying out consultancies for Environment Impact Assessments for aquaculture ventures on the lake.

  1. Part-time lecturing at Bindura University of Science Education in Zimbabwe (2005 and 2007):

Duties and responsibilities

Taught and examined undergraduate students (Vertebrate Biology) and M.Sc. students (Conservation Biology).

  1. Postgraduate student teaching assistant, University of Zimbabwe (2004 to 2005)

Duties and responsibilities

Assisting undergraduate students during practicals in the Department of Biological Science.

  1. Research Assistant, University of Zimbabwe (2003)

Duties and responsibilities

Collection of physicochemical and benthic macroinvertebrate data along the Zambezi and Kafue Rivers and to evaluate the utility of the South African Scoring System (SASS) for assessing human impact on large perennial rivers.

  1. Research Assistant, University of Zimbabwe (2002)

Duties and responsibilities

Collection of biophysical data during an Environment Impact Assessment exercise for gold mining activities in Mutoko (Zimbabwe).

Lecturing experience:

  • Biological Science Department, Bindura University of Science Education, part-time lecturing (2007). M.Sc. lectures on Conservation Biology
  • Biological Science Department, Bindura University of Science Education, part-time lecturing (2005). Undergraduate lectures in Vertebrate Biology.

Consultation and workshops:

  • Peer-reviewer for Journal of Biogeography, Hydrobiologia and African Journal of Aquatic Science.
  • Environmental consulting projects for Environment Africa (three projects from 2003 to 2005) and Environment Law Association of Zimbabwe (one project in 2004).
  • Specialist advice for CapeNature (ad hoc policy and project reviews and participation in the Freshwater Forum) and the National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas project (SANBI and CSIR workshop, Cape Town).
  • Participation in the Cypriniformes Tree of Life and Africa Fish Biodiversity Research Workshop (Grahamstown, South Africa, 2008).

Academic referees:

Dr Ernst R. Swartz

Specialist Environmental Consultant and SAIAB Research Associate

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity

Private Bag 1015

Grahamstown 6140

South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 46 603 5800

Cell: +27 (0) 84 722 4620

Fax: +27 (0) 46 622 2403


Dr Gavin Gouws

Scientist/Aquatic Biologist

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity

Private Bag 1015

Grahamstown 6140

South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 46 603 5800

Fax: +27 (0) 46 622 2403


Prof. Moses Chimbari

Deputy Director Research

Okavango Research Institute

University of Botswana,

P. Bag 285, Maun


Tel: +267 681 7239
