Marin Human Rights Commission ––Meeting Minutes Draft
Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 410B, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 –– 7:00 p.m. –9:00 p.m.
Order of Business
- Call to Order 7:00 pm
Present: Matt White, Christian Martinez, Tom Wilson, Nancy Johnson
Absent: Kathy Williams, Gina Fromer and Ken Casey
Approval of Agenda and Minutes
- Adoption of the drafted Agenda for October10, 2017 NJ/TW m/s/p
- Adoption of drafted Minutes dated September 19, 2017TW/NJ m/s/p 1 abstention MW
Public Comment On Items Not On The Agenda
- Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Human Rights Commission’s agenda.
- Alan Barnett: suggested that the HRC create an adult criminal justice subcommittee; request Marin County Jail statistics get to Alan by middle of the month.
- Izquierdo Rodrigo: since the State of California is now a sanctuary State, he is interested to see if there is an increase in reporting of crimes by individuals of color in Marin County.
- QZ – asked for a copy of the oath and commented that more people should know about the HRC.
Comment by Supervisor Tom Wilson: Agendize on the next meeting’s agenda a discussion on the intersection of immigration status and law enforcement.
Regular Business
Welcome of Commissioner Matthew White to the HRC.
- Commission discussion on structure and focus, committees and number of Commissioners. Discussion of prior retreat and potential new retreat. Committee assignments.
- Committees discussed:
- Rental Unit Habitability rights
- Issues
- Media & Education
- Humanitarian Awards
Motion made that the Structure and By-Laws committee to make recommendations as to modifications in the by-laws including committees. MW/NJ m/s/p
The Structure and By-laws Committee is: MW, CM and KW
- Request for an increase in the number of commissioners: CM explained the past request for more commissioners. Discussion on more diversity needed to represent the County of Marin and the need to address the issues of Marin.MW made the suggestion made: a letter to be reviewed at the next meeting asking the CAO and the Board on their concerns for adding commissioners to the commission.
Motion made to prepare a letter to the CAO and BOS requesting they itemize their concerns regarding the HRC’s letter in 2/2017 asking for more commissioners. Include the reasoning that the larger number gives a more accurate representation of the diversity of the County and also give the Commission the ability to address the multitude of issues of the appointment. CM/MW m/s/p
CS to send out a Doodle Poll for a HRC retreat date and add the survey results to the November Agenda. This will determine before orafter MLK Jr event.
- By-laws Update will be handled by the committee; MW, CM and KW.
- MLK Committee will report back in November on their suggested format for the event; program and logistics. Discussion held on the event being a community event and could be held in February for Black History Month.
- Youth Court statistics and referral process. Attendance of JJDPC meeting at 430 p.m. on Oct. 24 in the Community Room o at the Central Marin Police Authority to discuss Youth Court referral rates and agencies. Discussion on a proposal to discuss the parole process.
Motion made for the HRC chair to request that this issue be placed on the JJDPC agenda regarding racial disparity in Youth Court and see what they think about it. Results of the HRC’s findings can be expressed to see the JJDPC’s response and next steps decided. MW/TW m/s/p
- Annual report discussed. CM,KW and KC will meet to work on the 2016-2017 report.
- Commissioner Casey’s Business Climate Event tabled until his return..
- Commissioner open time: Add to next month’s agenda, a discussion on setting up traveling meetings to other locations.
- Adjournment 8:55pm TW / NJ m/s/p
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance (i.e. auxiliary aids or services) in order to participate in this public meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by calling (415) 499-6172 (TTY)
Or theHuman Rights Commission staff at (415) 473-6189 (voice) at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting.
Late agenda material can be inspected in the Human Resources Office, Room 415, Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.