How to Promote Sport and Physical Activity in Islington
For Free

There are 28 forms of media to promote sport and physical activity in Islington, which are divided into the following categories:

  • Get Active London
  • Sport England segmentation tool
  • Islington Council
  • Schools and children’s centres
  • Leaflets and posters
  • Other: GPs and pharmacies, press release / photo opportunity, promotion by partners
  • Useful tips: case studies, make a video of your activity, useful websites

Media / How To Access
Get Active London
Get Active Londonis the largest sport and physical activity finder for Islington and London. / Go to the website to add an activity, event or club
Sport England Segmentation Tool
Sport England is responsible for promoting community sport. It has produced a device called a segmentation tool that states the best ways to promote sport and activity for the people who live in your area and the sport you offer. / For the segmentation tool go to

Results of the segmentation tool for Islington
Islington Council
The Active Islington section on the council website lists sport and physical activity in the borough and has news items, and promotes new activities on the news page: / To add an activity contact
The Events Diary on the council website has events in the borough. / Go to the website to register and to add an event

IslingtonLifeis the council magazinedelivered quarterly to every household in the borough; 97,000 copies are distributed. / Contact the council’s Communications teamfor possible inclusion of an item:
Islington Council on Twitter:
4000 followers / Become a follower of @IslingtonBC, send a tweet and ask for it to be re-tweeted by contacting
Islington Council e-Bulletinis sent on the first Friday of the month to 20,000 subscribers / To request an item to be included contact
is Islington’sonline directory of advice, information and services for young people / To have a service included contact
The Family Directoryprovides information for parents and carers, children and young people / To add a service on the family directory fill in the form at the Add a new service tab
Heatwave lists activities for children and young people in the summer and at Easter. In July/August the council has posters at bus stops promoting Heatwave, and has produced brochures that signpost to key activities and events (these are direct mailed via schools, etc) / Publicity signposts to the Events Diary – register and add events at
For advice on special promotions for your event or service contact
The council’s Links for Livingdirectory has information for social care users and carers / Go to the directory to add information

Your Home is a quarterly council magazine sent to all council tenants and leaseholders; 38,000 copies distributed at the same time as IslingtonLife. / To request an activity is included contact or contact the council’s Communications team directly:
The Partners for Islington Gazette is for tenants and leaseholders in Partners for Islington-managed properties: five issues a year; 6,400 copies are distributed / To request an activity is included contact or
Electronic noticeboards in housing blocks can display messages on a powerpoint slide / To request to display a message contact
The BSL Bulletin for Islington, called SignPost, is for the local deaf community. It lists details of events of interest to deaf people or those with sign language access. / Submissions of up to 250 words should be sent to
ProActive Islington is a partnership of sports and physical activity providers and commissioners in the borough / To request for a new activity to be promoted to ProActive Islington members contact
To promote activities primarily for Islington Council staff there is an intranet, an all staff email bulletin and monthly newsletters specific to directorates: Children’s Services (CSnews), Environment and Regeneration (E&R News), Finance (Finance News), Housing and Social Services (HASS Core Brief) / For more information contact or
Schools and Children’s Centres
To ensure that the offer to schools and children’s centres is effectively coordinated and gets to the best person please contact Cheryl Obiakpani (School Competitions and Sport Development Officer) to discuss how best to promote your support: ; 020 7527 7669
A schools’ circular is sent twice a week to schools in term time. / To request for an activity to be included complete the schools’ circular template available from
A children’s centre circular is sent weekly, usually Tuesday pm / To request for an activity to be included complete the children’s centre template (available from ) and send by Friday for inclusion to .
The School Sports Team sends a frequentemail to schools about sport and physical activity / To request for an activity to be included or
Leaflets and Posters
Many parks have noticeboards to display posters for activities in individual parks / To request to display a poster contact
  • North Islington
  • Central Islington

  • South Islington

The borough’s 10 libraries and Islington museum display leaflets and posters. They are distributed from Central Library / To request to display a leaflet or poster contact
The 7 leisure centres run by GLL may display leaflets / To request to display a leaflet contact the relevant leisure centre:
  • Archway leisure centre
  • Cally
  • Finsbury Leisure
  • Highbury Pool and Fitness
  • Ironmonger Row Baths
  • Sobell leisure centre
  • Islington Tennis Centre

Noticeboards on housing estates can display posters / To request to display a poster contact
  • Old Street Area Housing Office:
  • Holland Walk Area Housing Office:
  • Upper Street Area Housing Team: ; ;

A weekly GP bulletin is sent to GP practices every Wednesday afternoon / Complete and submit the GP bulletin form by Friday3pm. The form is available from
The Pharmacy bulletin is sent to pharmacists when there is information to be sent; there are no set dates / To request for an item to be included contact
Press release / photo opportunity:
  • Islington Gazette (comes out on Thursday, not free)
  • Islington Tribune (comes out on Friday, free)
/ The press may be interested in human interest stories, though may not send a photographer. August is a good month when news is quiet.
Promotion by partners. Sport and physical activity providers in Islington are asked to promote generally what is available in the borough /
  • Providers are asked to include the wording below in their own promotional work
  • Providers are asked to promote Get Active London (see above) either as a link to or by adding a widget to their website (for how to do this ask )

Wording to be used or adapted for promotion by partners of sport and physical activity in Islington:
Did you know that there is so much to do in Islington? There are over 100 clubs, council leisure centres, parks, and other venues to do more than 60 sports and other types of physical activity.To find out more, go to Active Islington, To find out what is available in Islington and London, go to
Useful Tips
Add to your website or other publicity a case study of how a user came along to your club/organisation and is now an active member of it.
Why not make a video of your sport or activity and put it on your website or in emails? It will help promote you to potential users and parents of young potential users. For an example of a video watch the one created by Disability Sports Coachfor its activities at Sobell leisure centre.
Useful websites for how to promote sport and physical activity:

Produced by John Thorne, Islington Council Leisure Team, for ProActive Islington

; 020 7527 7096

June 2014