Sp 2. Review Unit – The AXE
Unit Summary: The AXE is a 4 week unit in which students will create an announcement for the school’s morning news program. The guiding questions of this unit are:
- How can I use the vocabulary I learned in Spanish 1 to communicate in Spanish?
- What grammatical structures can I use to introduce myself, express my activities, likes/dislikes, and future events while communicating with others?
To answer these guiding questions, students will review Spanish 1 curriculum focusing on vocabulary and main grammatical concepts. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and communication skills by creating and presenting aconversation with another class member, composing a Yo Poem, and, finally, presenting (live or in video form) a feature for the AXE morning news program where they will serve as the TV host greeting students at the beginning of the day and interviewing a new student for the student body.
Long Term TargetsSupporting TargetsSummative Assessments
I can use Spanish vocabulary toI can introduce myself and* Formal/Informal
communicateon an elementary level.ask / answer simple conversation template
questions.* AXE Feature template
* Grammar packet
* Final Quiz
*AXE Feature
I can describe my personality* Yo poem
and activities.*Grammar packet
* Final Quiz
*AXE Feature
I can begin to use *Word reference sheet
wordreference.com to*AXE Feature
discover and support correct
vocabulary selection.
I can use Spanish grammar to I can conjugate regular Spanish* Yo poem
correctly communicate with others.ar, er, and ir verbs and selected*.Grammar packet
irregular verbs with all subject*Final Quiz
pronouns.*AXE Feature
I can use IR + A + Infinitive to*Grammar packet
describe actions that will take* Final Quiz
place in the near future.*AXE Feature
I can use interrogatives and *Grammar packet
correct word order to create * Final Quiz
questions.*AXE Feature
Sp 2. Review Unit – The AXE
Key Projects: The AXE announcement
- Grammar packet
- Yo poem
- Announcement template
- The AXE announcement
Sp 2. Review Unit – The AXE – Calendar format
Student Activities
Aug. 19/20 – Review of introductory conversation vocabulary, time, and datesCreate conversation
Aug. 21/22 – Review of ar/er/ir regular verbs, likes/dislikes/interrogatives,AXE Feature
and question formationtemplate
partner practice
grammar packet
Aug 25/26 – Ar/er/ir verbs continued, questions, ser vs. estarAXE Feature
partner practice
grammar packet
Aug. 27/28 – Review of power irregular verbs (ir, ser, estar, hacer, tener)partner practice
quia/ board races
grammar packet
Sept. 2/3 – Review of school vocabulary (objects and classes), sports activities,AXE Feature
Stem changers, wordreference.comtemplate
partner practice
grammar packet
Sept. 4/5 –Verbapalooza (regular ar, er, ir, stem changers, power verbs)Verb games/puzzles
Tech assignment
Sept. 8/9 – Near Future (IR + A + Infinitive)AXE Feature
partner practice
grammar packet
Sept. 10/11 – Work day for announcement with partnersScript/Computer
Sept. 12/15 – Final Quiz / Final work timeFinal Quiz
Sept 16/17 - Interviews due / Groups share with other groups
AXE Feature:
Create a new feature broadcast to appear on the AXE. Students will work with a partner to begin the morning news program and interview a student. Be sure to include the following three segments in your broadcast:
- Self introduction of anchor (include information like the date, time, weather, etc.).
- Introduce student to be interviewed. Choose at least 8 of the following questions to ask:
¿Quéhaces en la escuela?
¿Quéhacesdespues de la escuela?
¿En quéactividadesparticipas?
¿Tienes la clase de ______?
¿Cúalclase no tegustamás?
¿Juegas al ______?
¿Quiénestumejor amigo/a? ¿Y cómoes?